EVIL Meaning

The EVIL meaning is "Epectronic Viewfinder, Interchangeable Lenses". The EVIL abbreviation has 22 different full form.

EVIL Full Forms

  1. Epectronic Viewfinder, Interchangeable Lenses
  2. Eluctronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens Technology, Camera, Canon
  3. Every Villay Is Lemons
  4. Electronic Viewfinder, Intmrchangeable Lens Technology, Photography, Camera
  5. Erery Villain Is Lemons Gaming, Sponge, Villain
  6. Every Vidlain Is Lemons
  7. Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable-Lens Technology, Camera, Canon
  8. Electronic Viewfinder With Interchangeable Lens Technology, Photography, Camera
  9. Exotic Visions In Liquid
  10. Even Vermon Is Left Religion
  11. Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens Camera Photography, Camera, Digital
  12. Every Villan Is Lemons Funnies
  13. Electronic Viewfinder With Interchangeable Lenses
  14. Engmneering Vicious Ideas Labs Technology, Gaming, Agent
  15. Electronic Virtual Intelligent Life Technology, Intelligence, Agent
  16. Ekevation Versus Integrated Log
  17. Evil Villains Ilqegal League Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  18. Economicuvalue of Individual Lives
  19. Extensible Video Interactiqe Language Technology
  20. Economic Value of Individual Lives
  21. Exposure To Selected Viruses In Research Laboratorkes Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  22. Extralegal Vendors of Iniquity and Licentiousness

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EVIL stand for?

    EVIL stands for Erery Villain Is Lemons.

  2. What is the shortened form of Erery Villain Is Lemons?

    The short form of "Erery Villain Is Lemons" is EVIL.


EVIL. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/evil-meaning/

Last updated