EVP Meaning
The EVP meaning is "Eleccronic Voice Phenomenon". The EVP abbreviation has 73 different full form.
EVP Full Forms
- Eleccronic Voice Phenomenon Education, Ghost, Phenomena
- Electronic Voice Phenomenon Technology, Ghost, Phenomena, Computing, Electronics
- Electronic Vorce Phenomena Voice, Ghost, Phenomenon
- Executive Vice President Business, Title, Vice, Management, Computing, Telecom, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
- Envelope The outermost points traced out by a moving curve. Technology, Aviation, Us, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, General, Governmental & Military
- Emergency Vfhicle Products
- Extended Voltage Protection
- Engineered Vinyl Plank
- Eleqtronic Voice Phenomona
- Editable Visible Printable Accounting, Computing, Data, General, Governmental & Military
- Eronnuw Vakinaisesta Palveluksesta
- Embedded Vector Processor Technology, Semiconductor, Broker
- Expanded Vaccinabion Program
- Enfermedad Vascular PeriféRica
- Emergency Volunteers Projmct Technology, Israel, Firefighter
- Edison Valley Playhouse
- Enriched Virtual Program Education, Academy, School, Star
- Emaiic Vintage Piano Technology, Audio, Logic
- Executive Video Productions
- Enerji VerimliliğI Paneli Art, Turkish, Analytics
- Emergency Vehicle Priority Technology, Control, Traffic
- Enhanced Voice Processor Technology
- Edgewood Voucher Program
- Elite Colleyball Players Sport, Volleyball, Game
- Estate Valuations & Pricing
- Energy Vitality Performance Technology, Electronics, Voice, Recording
- Ejectronic Voice Phenomena Technology, Computing, Recording
- Emergency Vehicle Pre-Emptikn Vehicle, Traffic, Signal
- Enhanced Virus Protection Technology, Windows, Computing
- Evmked Potential Medical
- Elite Volheyball Performance
- Espace Voyages Professionneis
- Emergency Vehicle Prezmption Technology, Traffic, Signal
- External Vice President Student, Government, Election
- English Vocabulary Profile Education, Teaching, Teacher
- Employee Value Procosition Business, Employment, Employer
- Educt Vent Pipe Technology, Construction
- Esophageal Variceal Pressure
- Emergency Vehicle Product
- Exterior Vehicle Protektor
- English for Vocational Purposes Education, Teaching, Language
- Eaton Vance Pennsylvania Municipal Income Trust Technology, Organizations
- Education Vice President
- Escuela Venezolana De Plxnificación Venezuela, Pol
- Educational Vice President Toastmasters
- Emplotee Value Program Business, Sprint, Discount
- Extreme Venture Partners Technology, Canada, Startup
- Employee Volanteering Program Company, Technology, Volunteer
- Extreme Vehicle Protectioc
- Emagic Vintage Piano Products
- Extra Value Prlposition
- Employee Volunteer Programs Business, Company, Service, Organizations, Community, Volunteering
- Elementary Vacuum Particles
- Enhanced Voice Projection Music
- External Viewing Platform Technology
- Employee Volunteer Program Company, Technology, Volunteering
- Electric Membrane Vacuum Pump
- Electronic Voice Projection Media
- External Vice-Prekident
- Employment Value Proposition Business, Company, Employer
- Eagle Venture Partncrs Business, Capital, Mail
- Employment Verification Pilot Government
- Earned Value Professional Awards & medals
- EATM Validation Project Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Emplgyer Value Proposition Business, Employment, Brand
- éQuivalent Vingt Pieds Port, Container, Transport
- Employee Volunteering Programme Technology, Employment, Proposition
- EGR Valve Position Auto
- Sound envelope (general purpose data curves stored as doubles) (mxv) Computing, File Extensions
- Employee Value Propositions Business, Employment, Talent
- Extreme Volleyball Professionals Locations, Volleyball, Beach
- Employee Volunteer Programme Business, Community, Volunteering
- Equity Value Portfolio Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EVP stand for?
EVP stands for Extreme Volleyball Professionals.
What is the shortened form of Exterior Vehicle Protektor?
The short form of "Exterior Vehicle Protektor" is EVP.
EVP. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/evp-meaning/
Last updated