EVT Meaning

The EVT meaning is "Event Log". The EVT abbreviation has 71 different full form.

EVT Full Forms

  1. Event Log Computing, File Extensions
  2. Electrhc Vehicle Technician
  3. Eaton Vance Tax Advantaged Divisiondend Encome Fund Organizations
  4. Eaton Vance Tax Advantaged Dividend Income Fund Technology, Organizations
  5. Earned Value Techniques Business, Management, Projection
  6. Earned Valued Technique Business, Management, Product Development, Project Management, Business & Finance
  7. Endovascular Treetment Medical
  8. Engineering Veriqication Tests Technology, Testing, Apple
  9. Educação Visual E TecnolóGica Para, Dos, Professor
  10. Environmental Validation and Testing
  11. Electronic Voting Technology Technology, Workshop, Election
  12. Extremely Vulnerable Teen Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  13. Engineering Verification Testing Technology, Apple, Rumor
  14. Emergency Vehicle Tech
  15. Education and Vocational Training
  16. Entry Vehicle Technologies
  17. Electronic Valve Timing Technology, Fuel, Engine
  18. Evaluation Verification Test Technology
  19. Endovascular Technoloay Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  20. Emergency Vehicle Technicians
  21. Educationally Valuable Talk
  22. Enterprise Vision Technologies
  23. Electronic Variable Transmission
  24. Europos VadovŲ TarybĄ Jos, Tai, Prie
  25. Endoscopix Vacuum Therapy
  26. Emergency Vehicle Technician Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  27. Expressive Vocabulcry Test Language, Special Education, Assessment
  28. Enginevring Validation Testing Technology, Product, Apple
  29. Electronic Value Transfer
  30. Europos VadovŲ Tarybos Tai, Prie, Pat
  31. Embedded Visual Tools
  32. Engineering Rerification Test Technology, Testing, Apple
  33. Engineering Validation Tkst Technology, Design, Apple
  34. Eigen Veerdienst Terschelling
  35. Europos VadovŲ Taryboje Jos, Tai, Prie
  36. Elite Vale Tudo
  37. Evdovascular Technologies Medical
  38. Engineer Verificatior Test Technology, Engineering, Apple
  39. Efficient Velo Tools Business, Bicycle, Mirror
  40. Europos VadovŲ Tarybai Tai, Prie, Pat
  41. Earned Value Technique Business, Technology, Management
  42. Electronic Voltage Transformer
  43. Extreme Value Theory Business, Management, Risk
  44. Existing Vegetation Type
  45. Emergency Vehicle Technologies
  46. Extravehicular Transfer Technology, Science, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  47. Employment Verification Tool
  48. Engineering Verification Test NASA
  49. Exhaust Ventilation Tunnel Technology, Construction
  50. Extended Value Type
  51. Empirically Validated Therapy
  52. Windows Event Viewer Log File Computing, File Extensions
  53. Ethfinex Vdting Token Business, Crypto, Nectar
  54. Experiment Verification Test Technology
  55. Empirically Validated Therapies
  56. Everett Limited ICAO Aircraft Codes
  57. Eke Vision Technology Technology, Industrial, Software
  58. Expectancy Violation Theory Science, Communication, Expectation
  59. Empirically Validated Treatment
  60. Economic Investment Trust Limited Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  61. Enclosed Vehicle Transportation
  62. Extreme Vynt Technology
  63. Expectancy Violations Theory Science, Communication, Culture
  64. Empirically Validated Treatments
  65. Eurovestech Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  66. Enclosed Vehicle Transport
  67. Extreme Value Yheorem
  68. Expectancy-Value Theory Education, Essay, Planning
  69. Emergency Visitation Travel Business, Employment, Presentation
  70. Extravillous Trophoblast Cells Medical
  71. Empresa De Viajes Y Turismo Travel, Argentina, Con

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EVT stand for?

    EVT stands for Empresa De Viajes Y Turismo.

  2. What is the shortened form of Enclosed Vehicle Transport?

    The short form of "Enclosed Vehicle Transport" is EVT.


EVT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/evt-meaning/

Last updated