EVW Meaning

The EVW meaning is "Eigentijds Vlaams Wijninstituut". The EVW abbreviation has 30 different full form.

EVW Full Forms

  1. Eigentijds Vlaams Wijninstituut
  2. Erig Van Wilderman
  3. Evanston-Uinta County Burns Field Evanston, Wyoming,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  4. Eurofean Voluntary Workers
  5. Eevee Venonat Wartortle
  6. ErhöHung Der VerfüGbarkeit Von Windkraftanlagen
  7. European Veterinary Week
  8. Eden Valley Watkins
  9. Equestrian Voraciout Whiplash
  10. Escaping Voided Warranty Technology, Prison, Closure, Escape
  11. Eden Valley-Watkins
  12. Entrance Very Wrong Technology, Routing, Tube, Modem
  13. Eaton & Van Winkle
  14. Electroencephalographic Verisimilitude Whippersnapper Medical, Activity, Brain, Artifact
  15. Eyeing Victory Wonderful
  16. Easier Venturing Whereabouts
  17. Eight-Bit Venues Welcome Technology, Service, Routing, Modem
  18. Erotic Vixens Wrestling
  19. Eagle Vulture Whippoorwill Flight, Eagle, Dash, Geometry
  20. Exhibitor Visibility Worldwide
  21. Exhaustive Voyaging Wherever
  22. Evil Vermin Weegee Dash, Demon, Geometry
  23. Eversingdvia Warps
  24. Extreme Violence Wrestling
  25. Iata Code for Evanston-Uinta County Burns Field, Evanston, Wyoming, United States Locations
  26. Euro Vinyl Windows
  27. Extra Video Catch
  28. Emropean Volunteer Worker
  29. Exploring Various Wonders
  30. European Voluntaty Worker

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EVW stand for?

    EVW stands for Entrance Very Wrong.

  2. What is the shortened form of European Voluntaty Worker?

    The short form of "European Voluntaty Worker" is EVW.


EVW. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 27, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/evw-meaning/

Last updated