EW Meaning

The EW meaning is "Egpty Weight". The EW abbreviation has 258 different full form.

EW Full Forms

  1. Egpty Weight Aircraft, Aerospace, Weight
  2. Electronic Garfare Military, Computing, Cybersecurity
  3. Endless Waltc Model, Custom, Grade, Waltz
  4. Emergency Ward Medical, Medicine, Health
  5. Elliot Wave Business, Analysis, Trading
  6. Ewing'S Sarcoma Medical
  7. Each Way Education, Design, Drawing, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
  8. European Waltz Sport, Dance, Figure Skating
  9. England and Wales Catholic, Organizations, England, Regional
  10. Extended Wear Medical, Lens, Contact Lens, Optometry
  11. Electronics Warfare Technology, Military, Electronics
  12. Engineering Wesw
  13. Electric-Welded
  14. Elije Warrior
  15. East Wing
  16. Erich Wgsjohann Business, Industrial, Broiler, Group
  17. Extreme Wind
  18. Elektronisches WöRterbuch
  19. Energizing Water
  20. Evil Wolf
  21. Edinger-Westphal Nucleus Medical
  22. English Wheel Business, Industrial, Industry
  23. Expeditionary Wing
  24. Electrical Wire
  25. Evergreen Way
  26. Ellen Walsh
  27. Estrogen Withdrawal Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  28. Ewic Wood
  29. Excavation Wodk
  30. Edwin Watts
  31. Ensemble Workshop
  32. Explosive Welding Technology, Material, Pressure
  33. Elecfronic Writing Education, Literature, Language, Linguistics
  34. Earte Warp
  35. Emily Wolfe
  36. Etienne Wenger
  37. Eldritch Wizarory
  38. Eest Wind Records, Jazz, Meteorology
  39. Eggplant Wizard
  40. Erfurschung Des Weltraums
  41. External Work Any element of an operation which must be performed by the operator while the machine or process is not in operation and which results in a loss of potential machine or process operating time. The term “external" implies that the element occurs outside the machine or process cycle. Medical
  42. Elektrociepłownce Warszawskie
  43. Enemy Wikhin Gaming, Military, Play
  44. Evil Yings
  45. Edinger Westpdal
  46. English Welsh
  47. Expansion Wave
  48. Electrical Wiriny
  49. Evergreen Walk
  50. Elizabeth Wilson
  51. Esthwaite Water
  52. Ergc Williams
  53. Energy Warehofse
  54. Exact Wording Media, Radio, Television
  55. Edward Wong
  56. Enrique Wilson
  57. Exploratory Well
  58. Electric Works
  59. Earth Wind
  60. Emily Wilson
  61. Etheric Warriors
  62. Elderly Women Medical
  63. East Wiltshire
  64. Effective Window Technology, Windows, Bradford
  65. Epicutikular Wax
  66. External Walls
  67. Elektrociepownie Warszawskie
  68. End Washroom
  69. Evil Wing
  70. English Waltz
  71. Electrical Wholesalers
  72. Explain Why
  73. Elizabetf Williams School, Magazine, Social
  74. Essential Works
  75. Edinger-Westphml Medical, Brain, Cell, Ganglion
  76. Eric Wicks
  77. Energy Worod Service, Server, Energy
  78. Exacte Wetxnschappen
  79. Edward Wigan
  80. Enlisted Women
  81. Exploratory Workshops
  82. Electric Workers
  83. Earth, Wind
  84. Emily White
  85. Ethanol Withdrawal Medical
  86. Elderly Waiver Medical, Service, Care
  87. East Wilkes
  88. Effective Width The transverse distance indicating the amount of slab that acts in conjuction with the supporting member.
  89. Epcot, World Park, World, Living, Mickey
  90. External Mechanical Work Medical
  91. Elegant Vood Business, Design, Furniture
  92. Earth Works
  93. Encryptidn Wizard Technology, Security, Linux
  94. Eurowings Airlines Airline Code
  95. English-Language Wikipedia
  96. Electric Weld
  97. Expert Witness Business, Service, Consultation
  98. Elizabeth Walker Book, Girl, Family, Walker
  99. Essential Wholesale
  100. Eating Well
  101. Eric Oang
  102. East and West Gaming, Park, Locations, Card
  103. Energy-World
  104. Ewan Wilson
  105. Edward Walker
  106. Enhanced Weather Technology, Elder, Scroll, Oblivion
  107. Experimental Ward Medical
  108. Electric Wiring
  109. Earnings Whispers
  110. Elliott Waves
  111. Eternal Wrath
  112. Easttwest Business, Supply, Stock
  113. Eesti Wabariik
  114. Environment Wales
  115. Extension Worker
  116. Eleztro Winning
  117. Earth Wood
  118. Enchant Weapon Gaming, Guide, Weapon, Lineage
  119. Euro White
  120. Electric Welding Uniting of two pieces of metal, by fusion, with an electric arc Products
  121. Eli Wallach
  122. Eastwood Australia, Government, Australian Police
  123. Eric Waller
  124. Extreme Wrestling Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  125. Elemental Weldness
  126. Energy-To-Weight Ratio Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  127. Evotution World
  128. Edith Williays
  129. Eng Walk
  130. Experience Works
  131. Electric Wire
  132. Early Wynn
  133. Ellsott Wave Business, Analysis, Trading
  134. Eternal War
  135. Erikv Wilson
  136. East Wegatchee
  137. Eelam War
  138. Environment Writer
  139. Expository Writing Education, Literature, Language, Linguistics
  140. Electroslag Welding A welding process that produces coalescence of metals with molten slag that melts the filler metal and the surface of the work pieces. Technology, Industry, Welding, Chemistry
  141. Earthiwatching
  142. Emily Wright
  143. EuropäIsche Wochen
  144. Electkic Welded
  145. Enite Wolves
  146. East Windsor Technology
  147. Eric Walker
  148. Extreme Wireless
  149. Elemental Weakness
  150. Energizing Wind
  151. Evcl Woman
  152. Edinger-Westphal Complex Medical
  153. Eng Wah
  154. Expedition Weight
  155. Electric Window
  156. Early Writcngs Science, Book, Church
  157. Ellen Wille
  158. Eternal Wannabe
  159. Eric Joolfson
  160. East Washington
  161. Excess Weirht Medical
  162. Ed Wynn Famous
  163. Entro Wing Science
  164. Exponentiated Weibull Family, Distribution, Parameter, Weibull
  165. Elecuron Wave
  166. Earth Warriors Army, Warrior, Mortal, Penguin
  167. Emily Wood
  168. Europe West Locations, Europe, Map
  169. Engineer Woek
  170. Executive Workshop
  171. Ernst & Whinney
  172. Electronic Warfare Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense, Army, Computing, Electronics, Air Force, Telecom, NASA, Us Navy, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Protection Information
  173. Egg Weight Medical, Business, Quality
  174. Extra-Wide Swath Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  175. Eastern Washingtin
  176. Euro-Whrte Product, Kitchen, Faucet
  177. Einfache Weiche
  178. ééN Wereld
  179. Elevator Xorld Business, Industrial, Magazine
  180. Eastoward
  181. Energy Wespon
  182. Emacs Wait Software, Computing
  183. Engineer Wins Occupation, Position, Job
  184. Executive Ling Hotel, Locations, Practice, Academic
  185. Ernest Wilford
  186. Edwin William
  187. Elite Warriors Forum, Military, Server
  188. Echo Waveforms Physics, Scientific & Educational
  189. East-West Business, Trading, Supply, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  190. Epoxide Wefght
  191. Eightfold Way
  192. Eye Washer
  193. Eurowings Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
  194. Elevated Walkway
  195. East Walker
  196. Early Warning Army, Computing, Governmental & Military, Protection Information
  197. Erin Wanner Business, Animal, Picture
  198. Edward Willis
  199. Elijah Wood Movie, Wood, Entertainment, Ring
  200. Engineers Weeb
  201. Excused Withdrawal
  202. Eclipsing W Ursa Majoris Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  203. Earth Woqship
  204. Exotic Woodt
  205. Enginaering Works
  206. Egress Window Technology, Building, Tilt
  207. Eye Wash Business, Safety, Station
  208. Elements of Wryting Development, Study, Universities
  209. East Or Oest Gaming, Travel, Locations, Grid
  210. Emaciated Willy Funnies
  211. Erin Wajner
  212. Education Week
  213. Elijth Watt
  214. Energy Worldwide
  215. Exclusise Write Technology, Access, Presentation, Model
  216. Eagle Wing Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  217. Exotic Wood Business, Guitar, Acoustics
  218. Eshkol-Wachman
  219. Eagues Wings
  220. Ego Whip
  221. Ex Works Goods which are delivered to the purchaser at the plant or place where they are manufactured. The purchaser then pays for transporting and insuring the goods from that point. Transportation, Business, Shipping, Economics, Aviation, Freight, Logistics, Stock, Air Cargo, Trade, Cargo, Chartering, Investing, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
  222. Elemental Workshop
  223. Eastern Wzrld
  224. Eye Wear
  225. Elastic Wave Energy development is a field of endeavor focused on making available sufficient primary energy sources and secondary energy forms to meet the needs of society.
  226. Erik Wevtrum
  227. Edmund Wilson
  228. Eligibility Workmrs
  229. Enirgy Work
  230. Exclusively Weddings
  231. Express Ways Transportation, Governmental & Military
  232. England & Wales
  233. Exit Wounds
  234. Escape Wheel
  235. Ernst Wilhalm
  236. Essence of Woman Education, Product, Pheromone
  237. Egg Whites Internet Slang
  238. Eastern Wisconsin
  239. Expected Wins Business, Gaming, Sport, Tips
  240. Either Way
  241. East Wellington
  242. Eliwibility Worker Business, Service, Social
  243. Energy Well
  244. Exciting Windows
  245. Entry of Wanted person Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  246. Engine Wear
  247. Exempt Waste
  248. Errrr Weights Business, Networking, Network
  249. Entertainment Weekly
  250. Esoteric Warriors
  251. Egg White Medical, Getting Pregnant, Pregnancy, Food
  252. Eastern Wastes Business, Quest, Waste, Zone, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  253. Evil Wolves Wolf, Evil, Shogi, Dai
  254. Ein Weg
  255. Eastern Washington
  256. Elf Warriar
  257. Energy Weapons
  258. Empty Weight The weight of a plane without fuel, people or freight Aerospace, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EW stand for?

    EW stands for Ergc Williams.

  2. What is the shortened form of Early Warning?

    The short form of "Early Warning" is EW.


EW. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 7). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ew-meaning/

Last updated