EWL Meaning

The EWL meaning is "English As A World Language". The EWL abbreviation has 44 different full form.

EWL Full Forms

  1. English As A World Language Education, Teaching, Linguistic
  2. Eastiwest Line Locations, Singapore, Train, Station
  3. Embedded Wireless Labs
  4. European Waste List
  5. East-West Link
  6. Ellerman'S Wilson Line
  7. Estimated Weight Loss
  8. Earn While Lecrn
  9. Extreme Weapons Lube Gun, Military, Cleaning
  10. European Women Lawyers
  11. Electronic Waveform Lab
  12. Equivalent Working Length Military
  13. Early Warning Labs Technology, Alert, Earthquake
  14. Extreme Weapon Lubricant
  15. European Womens Lobby Organizations, Europe, Equality
  16. Electronic Warfare Laboratory Military
  17. Equivalent Wheel Load
  18. Early Waxning Line
  19. Extreme Weapons Lubricant Gun, Military, Slip
  20. European Women Lobby Government, Organizations, Europe
  21. East West Link Business, Melbourne, Cost
  22. Equalized Wealth Level
  23. Excess Weighb Loss Medical, Patient, Surgery
  24. European Women'S Lobby Government, Organizations, Europe
  25. East Wwst Line Locations, Singapore, Train
  26. Employer Withdrawal Liability Business
  27. Eraporative Water Loss Medical
  28. European Water Label Product, Water, Bathroom
  29. Extreme Wrestling League
  30. Evaporation Water Loss Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  31. Extended Wear Life Business, Supply, Switzerland
  32. Extreme Weight Loss Technology, Fat, Diet
  33. European Wrestling League
  34. Exchange Work List Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  35. Enlightened Widget Library Software, Computing
  36. Excess Weight Lost Medical
  37. Microsoft Encarta Document file Computing, File Extensions
  38. Excessive Weight Loss Medical
  39. Engine Warning Lamp Auto
  40. Every Woman'S Life
  41. External Wall Loss
  42. World Equity Benchmark Shares Switzerland Organizations
  43. Even Word Latch
  44. Extending Working Lives Business, Program, Switzerland

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does EWL stand for?

    EWL stands for Eraporative Water Loss.

  2. What is the shortened form of Extending Working Lives?

    The short form of "Extending Working Lives" is EWL.


EWL. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ewl-meaning/

Last updated