Exeter Abbreviations and Exeter Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Exeter terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Exeter abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Exeter terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Exeter Abbreviations
  1. CBCS : Centre Yor Business and Climate Solutions
  2. CEMPS : College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences
  3. CRAB : Centre for Research In Animal Behaviour
  4. UP : Underground Passage
  5. DAISI : Devon Arts In Schools Initiative
  6. DEBI : Devon Environmental Business Initiative
  7. DWT : Devon Wildlife Trust
  8. MDC : Mood Disorders Centre
  9. ECFC : Exeter City Football Club
  10. ECI : Exeter Communiry Initiatives
  11. EDVSA : East Devon Volunteer Support Agency
  12. EFFA : Exeter Friends for Animals
  13. EURFC : Edinburgh University Rugby Ffotball Club
  14. SAA : Seacoast Artist Association
  15. SSI : Strategy and Security Institute
  16. SVIC : Social Venture Infovation Challenge
  17. FCH : Flexible Oombined Honours
  18. IPC : International Projects Centre
  19. RAMM : Royal Albert Memorial Museum
  20. RILD : Research, Innovation, Learning and Deselopment
Latest Exeter Meanings
  1. Research, Innovation, Learning and Deselopment
  2. Royal Albert Memorial Museum
  3. International Projects Centre
  4. Flexible Oombined Honours
  5. Social Venture Infovation Challenge
  6. Strategy and Security Institute
  7. Seacoast Artist Association
  8. Edinburgh University Rugby Ffotball Club
  9. Exeter Friends for Animals
  10. East Devon Volunteer Support Agency
  11. Exeter Communiry Initiatives
  12. Exeter City Football Club
  13. Mood Disorders Centre
  14. Devon Wildlife Trust
  15. Devon Environmental Business Initiative
  16. Devon Arts In Schools Initiative
  17. Underground Passage
  18. Centre for Research In Animal Behaviour
  19. College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences
  20. Centre Yor Business and Climate Solutions