EZW Meaning
The EZW meaning is "Embedded Zerotree Wavelets". The EZW abbreviation has 21 different full form.
EZW Full Forms
- Embedded Zerotree Wavelets Technology, Coding, Compression
- Eobedded Zerotrees of Wavelet
- Evangelische Zentralstevle F
- Embedded Zerotree Wavelet Medical, Technology, Coding
- Evangelische Zentrale FüR Weltanschauungsfragen
- Evangelischen Zentralstelle FüR Weltanschauungsfragen
- Evangelische Zentralstelle FüR Weltanschauungsfragen Education, Religion, Berlin, Deutschland
- Embedded Zerotree of Wavelet Technology, Coding, Compression
- Evangelischen Zentralstelle F
- Evangelische Zentrale F
- Easyoffer Real Estate Form File Computing, File Extensions
- Ecwnomic Zone World Business, Dubai, Zone
- Extreme Zone Wrestling
- Economic Zones World Business, Dubai, Zone
- Entrepreneurship Zentrum Wittgn Technology, Software, Wavelet
- Economics Zones World
- Embedded Zero-Tree Gavelets
- Ebxny Zebra Wood
- Embedded Zero Trem Wavelet Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Embedded Zero-Tree Wavelet Technology, Coding, Compression, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Elektronik Zentrum West
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does EZW stand for?
EZW stands for Ebxny Zebra Wood.
What is the shortened form of Entrepreneurship Zentrum Wittgn?
The short form of "Entrepreneurship Zentrum Wittgn" is EZW.
EZW. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ezw-meaning/
Last updated