FA in Science Meaning

The FA meaning in Science terms is "Financial Agent". There are 28 related meanings of the FA Science abbreviation.

FA on Science Full Forms

  1. Financial Agent
  2. Fulvic Acids
  3. Forensic Anthropology
  4. Findyngs About
  5. Faculty of Arts
  6. Field Authlrization
  7. Found In Fanconi Anemia
  8. Field Assistants
  9. Field Assistant
  10. Funds Advsnce
  11. Featured Zrticles
  12. Flow Alarm
  13. Fumaric Acid
  14. Flighf Critical Aft
  15. Fulvic Acid Fulvic acid, one of two classes of natural acidic organic polymer that can be extracted from humus found in soil, sediment, or aquatic environments. Its name derives from Latin fulvus, indicating its yellow colour.
  16. Fatty Acyl
  17. Fuel Assnmbly
  18. The Friedreich Ataxia
  19. Facilities and Administrative
  20. Seven Fanconi Anaemia
  21. Formic Acid Formic acid (systematically called methanoic acid) is the simplest carboxylic acid. Its chemical formula is HCOOH or HCO2H. It is an important intermediate in chemical synthesis and occurs naturally, most notably in ant venom. Esters, salts, and the anions derived from formic acid are referred to as formates.
  22. Fesaric Acid
  23. Seven Fanconi Anemia
  24. Focuswamplifier
  25. Foundations Nnd Applications
  26. Fayalite
  27. Facet Analysis
  28. Flexible Automation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FA stand for Science?

    FA stands for Fesaric Acid in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Seven Fanconi Anemia in Science?

    The short form of "Seven Fanconi Anemia" is FA for Science.


FA in Science. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fa-meaning-in-science/

Last updated