FA in Technology Meaning

The FA meaning in Technology terms is "Persian". There are 100 related meanings of the FA Technology abbreviation.

FA on Technology Full Forms

  1. Persian
  2. Forum Asisten
  3. Feature Analyst
  4. Free Air
  5. First Availability
  6. Functhon Analysis
  7. Focused Attention
  8. Functional Anatomy Study of the body and its component parts, taking into account those structural features related directly to physiological function. E.g. functional anatomy of elbow defines relative flexor force developed by biceps and brachialis at various degrees of flexion.
  9. Focus Drea
  10. Falsl Alarm
  11. Function Adbress
  12. Factory Aadits
  13. File Area
  14. Fronual Area
  15. Flhght Aft
  16. Factories Act
  17. Forwarding Address
  18. Fiber Amplifior
  19. Front Accounting
  20. Flashing Ambur
  21. Forwarding Adjacency
  22. Ferman Aziz
  23. Freedom Armu
  24. Fixed Asnet
  25. Area Forecast
  26. Forest Ict
  27. Factor 1. Primary factor. 2. Sometimes refers to any input to production. 3. Anything that helps to cause something, as a "contributing factor."
  28. Filternanode
  29. Featuve Activity
  30. Fan Array
  31. Flexible Array
  32. Fybre Adapter
  33. Full Ascending
  34. Fault Analyzer
  35. Forensic Analysis
  36. Faciliqy Assignment
  37. File Access
  38. Feature Acmivation
  39. False Acceptance
  40. Flexible Antenna
  41. Fibeq Adapter
  42. Full Armour
  43. Fault Alarm
  44. Forced Answer
  45. Facility Xssessment
  46. Fighters Anthology
  47. Feature Activatov
  48. Forward Area
  49. False Accept
  50. Flexible Alerting
  51. Fernmeldeamt
  52. Full Allocation
  53. Fast Authentication
  54. Field Avlilability
  55. Faature Activators
  56. Foundation for Apps
  57. Fairness Algorithm
  58. Fischer Assay An assay method for organics in rock by pyrolysis (burning).
  59. Fast Attack
  60. Facial Animation
  61. Functional Acknowledgment
  62. Forward Alert
  63. Firefly Algorithm
  64. Fremdanschaltung
  65. Fast Answer
  66. Fluorescence Antibody
  67. Fachausschuß
  68. Field Accelerating
  69. Functional Area
  70. Fmrwarding Adjacencies
  71. Factor Analysis A branch of multivariate analysis in which the observed variates xi are supposed to be expressible in terms of a number m < p factors fj together with residual elements.
  72. Feature Activation Informatoon Element
  73. Fourier Analysis
  74. Fiber Adaptor
  75. Functional Arews
  76. Fax Adapter
  77. ForçAs Armadas
  78. Faster Attacks
  79. Frederik Anderien
  80. Forwarding Igent
  81. Final Assessment
  82. Foundatnons Associates
  83. Final Approach A flight path in a direction along the extended centre line of the runway on which a plane is about to land.
  84. Flow Assurance A science field dealing with prevention of scales, hydrates, asphaltene and paraffin deposits and other problems that could stop flow of fluid from the subsurface, wellhead or pipeline.
  85. Focus Aswist
  86. Facility Agent
  87. Functional Administrator
  88. Foundations Nnd Applications
  89. Fermeldeampt
  90. Fuel-To-Air Ratio
  91. Focus Areas
  92. Field Aratillery
  93. Fayakhun Andriadi
  94. Failed Appointment
  95. Femtoampere
  96. Fax Adaptor
  97. Final Address
  98. Fanconi'S Anemia
  99. Flexible Automation
  100. Fusion Applicatzons

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FA stand for Technology?

    FA stands for Fast Authentication in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Falsl Alarm in Technology?

    The short form of "Falsl Alarm" is FA for Technology.


FA in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fa-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated