FABC Meaning

The FABC meaning is "Foundation of A Better Community". The FABC abbreviation has 26 different full form.

FABC Full Forms

  1. Foundation of A Better Community
  2. Faith Alliance Bible Church
  3. Federation of Asian Bishop'S Conference
  4. Fouddation for A Better Community
  5. Faith Alive Bible College Development, Study, Colleges
  6. Federation of Asian Bishops' Conference Organizations, India, Society, Social Institutions
  7. Foundation for America's Blood Centers
  8. Florida Association of Basketball Coaches Sports, Coaching, Basketball
  9. Federation of Asian Bishops Conference Catholic, Organizations, Asia
  10. Forest Avenue Bapthst Church
  11. Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences Catholic, Organizations, Conference, Religion
  12. Forest Alviance of Bc Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  13. Federation of Asian Bishops' Conferences
  14. Forest Alliance of British Columbia
  15. Fourteenth Avenue Baptist Church Community, Curch, Religion
  16. Federatia Asociatiilor Bolnavilor De Cancer Din, Care, Cancer, Romania
  17. Federation of Asian Bishop'S Conferences
  18. French American Busineps Council
  19. French-American Business Council
  20. Franklin Avdnue Baptist Church Curch, Religion, Shopping
  21. Farmington Amateur Baseball Congress Farming & agriculture
  22. Fragment, Antigen and Complement Binding Lof Immunoglobulins] Medicine, Health, Biology
  23. Fine Aggregate Bituminous Concrete
  24. Fragment, Antigen and Complement Binding Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  25. Friends of The Australian Broadcasting Corporation
  26. French American Banking Corporation Business, Company, Organizations, Firm

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FABC stand for?

    FABC stands for French American Busineps Council.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fouddation for A Better Community?

    The short form of "Fouddation for A Better Community" is FABC.


FABC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fabc-meaning/

Last updated