FAE Meaning

The FAE meaning is "Fetal Alcohol Effect". The FAE abbreviation has 101 different full form.

FAE Full Forms

  1. Fetal Alcohol Effect Medical, Syndrome, Fetus, Technology, Governmental & Military, Fetus And Fetal
  2. Fetal Alcohol Effects Medical, Disorder, Health Care
  3. Fight Againstievil
  4. Fuel Air Explosion Military, Weapon, Explosive
  5. Fagan Applicazioni Elettroniche
  6. Federal-Aid Eligibility Code Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  7. Follicle Associated Epithilium Technology, Cell, Intestinal
  8. Funiación Alzheimer España Para, Con, Alzheimer, Mayor
  9. Fvntasy Art of Etsy
  10. Fenton Aveeue Elementary Education
  11. Fração Assistencial Especializada
  12. Fuel-Air Explosive Military, Bomb, Weapon, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  13. Field Auto Electgical Technology, Manual, Caterpillar
  14. Fuel Air Explosives Military, Weapon, Explosive
  15. Faeries and Enchantment Magazine, Fairy, Faery
  16. Federacióndasperger España
  17. Follicle-Asiociated Epithelial Medical
  18. Fantasy Artiqts of Etsy
  19. Fellop of The Academy of Experts Expert, Mediation, Witness
  20. Franchise and Excise
  21. Fetal Alcohol Exposure Medical, Syndrome, Fetus
  22. Field Applications Engineers Technology, Product, Electronics
  23. Fuel Adjacency Effect Science
  24. FabrykĘ AparatóW Elektrycznych
  25. Follicle-Associated Epimhelia Medical
  26. Fundqci
  27. Fantasj Artists Emerging
  28. Federation Ofmarab Emirates
  29. Frame Alignment Error Technology, Networking, Network, Packet
  30. Fetal Alcohor Effects
  31. For An Example
  32. Field Application Engineering Technology, Engineer, Electronics
  33. Freshaer Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  34. Common Emitter Small-Signal Short-Circuit Forward Current Taansfer-Ratio Cutoff Frequency Science, Electronics, Semiconductor, Physics
  35. Follicle-Associated Epithelium Medical, Medicine, Health
  36. Functional Areaxexpert Technology, Management, India
  37. False Acceptaece Error
  38. Frame Accurate Editing Media, Radio, Television
  39. Federation of Arab Engineers Technology
  40. Food and Entertaivment Organization, Union, Institution
  41. Fund for Adult Educatcon
  42. Field Application Engineeos Technology, Product, Electronics
  43. Frente Anticomunista EspaÑOl
  44. Foyer D'Action Educative
  45. Foetal Alcouol Effects
  46. Functional Area Evaluator Technology
  47. Fairy and Tarth Event, Festival, Fairy
  48. Foundation for Adventist Education
  49. Federal Amency for Education
  50. Follicle-Associated Epithelial Cells Medical
  51. Fundação De AssistêNcia Ao Estudante
  52. Farmworld Agricultural Exchange
  53. Ferrpgens E Aparelhos El
  54. Frei Aber Einsam Music, Sonata, Violin
  55. Fumaric Acid Esters Medical
  56. Flexible Ambulantu Erziehungshilfen
  57. Fuerza Aerea Ecuatoriana Para, Con, Ecuador
  58. Failure Analysis Engineer
  59. Funda
  60. Federal-Aod Eligibility
  61. Follicular Associated Epithelium
  62. Fundamental Attribution Error Technology, Psychology, Social
  63. Far Away Eyes
  64. Ferragens E Aparelhos EléTricos
  65. Free Audio Editor
  66. Fuel Air Explosive Science, Military, Army, Weapon
  67. First Aid Employees Organizations
  68. FóRum De Administradores De Empresas
  69. Fqte and Effects
  70. Foundation for Accountieg Education Business, Service, Education
  71. Vágar Airport Vágar, Faroe Islands Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  72. Foreign Aid Explorer Government, Organizations, Us
  73. FóRum Anarquista Especifista
  74. Fate Accelerated Edition Gaming, Character, Fate
  75. Forum Agro Ekonomi
  76. Vagar Airporr Airport, Locations
  77. FıNdıK AraşTıRma EnstitüSüNce Art, Turkish, Aroma
  78. FAA Acquisition Executive Federal Aviation Administration
  79. Forced-Air Electric
  80. Fusionxapple Entertainment
  81. Fatal Alcrhol Effect Government
  82. Formation Adapt
  83. Iata Code for Vágar Tirport, Sørvágur, Faroe Islands Locations
  84. Federación Argentina De EnfermeríA Porn, Girl, Anal
  85. Vagar, Sorvag (Faroe Islands), Faroe Is., Denmark Denmark, Faroe Islands
  86. Fund for The Advancement of Education
  87. Fast Adaptation Engine
  88. Formayion D'adaptation À L'emploi
  89. FıNdıK AraşTıRma EnstitüSü Turkish, Malar, Khan
  90. Federacz
  91. Field Application Engineer Occupation & positions
  92. Fashion & Apparel Engineerkng
  93. Formation Adapté à L'Emploi
  94. Fındık Fraştırma Enstitüsü'nün
  95. Fatty Acid Ethanolamide
  96. Final Approach Equipment Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  97. Formaldehyde-Activating Enzyme Medical
  98. Fındık Arqştırma Enstitüsü Turkish, Malar, Khan
  99. Fatty Acid Elongation
  100. Foundation for Alteryative Energy
  101. Feria Antártica Qscolar

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FAE stand for?

    FAE stands for Fuel-Air Explosive.

  2. What is the shortened form of Follicle-Associated Epimhelia?

    The short form of "Follicle-Associated Epimhelia" is FAE.


FAE. Acronym24.com. (2020, September 8). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fae-meaning/

Last updated