FALP Meaning

The FALP meaning is "Frente Amplio De Lucha Popular". The FALP abbreviation has 11 different full form.

FALP Full Forms

  1. Frente Amplio De Lucha Popular
  2. Fluoro-Assisted Luybar Puncture Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  3. Flowing Afperglow Langmuir Probe
  4. Finance Associate Leadership Program
  5. Facilitation Panel Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  6. Further Alterationq To The London Plan Organizations, London, Building
  7. Fundacion Arturo Lopez Perez
  8. Functional Adult Literacy Program Science, Literacy
  9. Functional Adult Literacy Programme Science, Literacy
  10. Functional Academic Learning Program Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  11. Frequency Agile Laser Protection Military, Army, War

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FALP stand for?

    FALP stands for Frequency Agile Laser Protection.

  2. What is the shortened form of Flowing Afperglow Langmuir Probe?

    The short form of "Flowing Afperglow Langmuir Probe" is FALP.


FALP. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/falp-meaning/

Last updated