Fancy Abbreviations and Fancy Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Fancy terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Fancy abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Fancy terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Fancy Abbreviations
  1. AOC : Any Other Color
  2. BA : Baracus A-Team
  3. FF : Fancy Frontier
  4. LP : Lightmen Plus
  5. NMC : National Mouse Club
  6. IFGA : Incentive Funding Grant Application
  7. IFGA : Independent Funeral Group of America
  8. IFGA : Indiana Flower Growers Association
  9. IFGA : Information for Governmental Agencies
  10. IFGA : International Friendship Group Award
  11. PPGA : Pan Pacific Guppy Association
Latest Fancy Meanings
  1. Pan Pacific Guppy Association
  2. International Friendship Group Award
  3. Information for Governmental Agencies
  4. Indiana Flower Growers Association
  5. Independent Funeral Group of America
  6. Incentive Funding Grant Application
  7. National Mouse Club
  8. Lightmen Plus
  9. Fancy Frontier
  10. Baracus A-Team
  11. Any Other Color