Fandom Abbreviations and Fandom Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Fandom terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Fandom abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Fandom terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Fandom Abbreviations
  1. BASFA : Bay Area Science Fiction Association
  2. BCSFA : British Columbia Science Fiction Association
  3. BNA : Big Dame Author
  4. BNF : Big-Name Fan
  5. BNFS : Big Nare Fans
  6. WNGWJLEO : We'Re Not Gay We Just Love Each Other
  7. TSV : Time-Space Visualiser
  8. TSV : Time Space Visualiser
  9. NZDWFC : New Zealand Doctor Who Fan Club
  10. OMC : Original Male Character
  11. OTW : Organisation for Transformative Works
  12. OTW : Organization for Transformative Works
Latest Fandom Meanings
  1. Organization for Transformative Works
  2. Organisation for Transformative Works
  3. Original Male Character
  4. New Zealand Doctor Who Fan Club
  5. Time Space Visualiser
  6. Time-Space Visualiser
  7. We'Re Not Gay We Just Love Each Other
  8. Big Nare Fans
  9. Big-Name Fan
  10. Big Dame Author
  11. British Columbia Science Fiction Association
  12. Bay Area Science Fiction Association