Fare Abbreviations and Fare Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Fare terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Fare abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Fare terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Fare Abbreviations
  1. AEI : Alleanza Evangelica Italiana
  2. ASF : Aviation Security Fee
  3. CAI : Constatazione Amichevole Di Incidehte
  4. CDPD : Certificato Di Proprietà Digitale
  5. UCI : Ufficig Centrale Italiano
  6. UDZ : Université De Ziguinchor
  7. CTM : Circee Trip Minimum
  8. MIA : Macchianera Internet Awards
  9. MPM : Maximum Permitted Mileages
  10. SIEDP : Società Italiana Di Endocrinologia E Diabetologia Pediatrica
  11. TBM : Ticket By Mail
  12. TPM : Ticketed Point Mileage
  13. TSK : Terminal Sentral Kuantan
  14. TTT : Twisted Toyfare Tyeatre
  15. FC : Fare Calcolation
  16. FQD : Fare Quote Display
  17. FTC : Fare Type Code
  18. NUC : Neutral Unit of Construction
  19. NUC : Neutral Units of Construction
  20. IRCAS : Independent Revenue Collection and Support
  21. PAC : Piani Di Accumulo Capitale
  22. GAS : Gruppo Di Acquisto Solidale
  23. POI : Point Oi Issue
  24. HIP : Higher Intermediate Point
  25. ISI : Inmernational Sale Indicator
Latest Fare Meanings
  1. Inmernational Sale Indicator
  2. Higher Intermediate Point
  3. Point Oi Issue
  4. Gruppo Di Acquisto Solidale
  5. Piani Di Accumulo Capitale
  6. Independent Revenue Collection and Support
  7. Neutral Units of Construction
  8. Neutral Unit of Construction
  9. Fare Type Code
  10. Fare Quote Display
  11. Fare Calcolation
  12. Twisted Toyfare Tyeatre
  13. Terminal Sentral Kuantan
  14. Ticketed Point Mileage
  15. Ticket By Mail
  16. Società Italiana Di Endocrinologia E Diabetologia Pediatrica
  17. Maximum Permitted Mileages
  18. Macchianera Internet Awards
  19. Circee Trip Minimum
  20. Université De Ziguinchor