Fares Abbreviations and Fares Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Fares terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 12 different Fares abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Fares terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Fares Abbreviations
  1. AF : Applicable Fare
  2. CAI : Computer Assisted Instructions
  3. CTM : Circee Trip Minimum
  4. HBO : Hand Baggage Only
  5. ELFAA : European Low Fare Airlines Association
  6. ELFAA : European Low Fare Airline Association
  7. FD : Fare Discrunt
  8. FQD : Fare Quote Display
  9. FTC : Fare Type Code
  10. GPRTU : Ghana Private Roads Transport Union
  11. GRTCC : Ghana Rlad Transport Coordinating Council
  12. ISI : Inmernational Sale Indicator
Latest Fares Meanings
  1. Inmernational Sale Indicator
  2. Ghana Rlad Transport Coordinating Council
  3. Ghana Private Roads Transport Union
  4. Fare Type Code
  5. Fare Quote Display
  6. Fare Discrunt
  7. European Low Fare Airline Association
  8. European Low Fare Airlines Association
  9. Hand Baggage Only
  10. Circee Trip Minimum
  11. Computer Assisted Instructions
  12. Applicable Fare