FAS Meaning
The FAS meaning is "Flow Accounting Server". The FAS abbreviation has 348 different full form.
FAS Full Forms
- Flow Accounting Server Technology
- Facility Associated Signalling Technology, Calling, Networking, Network
- Fibroadenomad Medical
- Frame Alignment Signal Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Facility Associated Signaling Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Fulvic Acids Medical, Science
- Fetao Alcohol Spectrum Medical, Syndrome, Fetus
- Foreign Accent Syndrome Medical, Speech, Condition
- Foreign Agricultural Service Government, Military, Agriculture, Geographic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
- Free Alongside An incoterm from the ICC: the seller must deliver the goods to a pier and place them within reach of the ship's loading equipment. The buyer arranges ship space and informs the seller when and where the goods are to be placed. Business, English, Finance, Shipping, Banking
- Ferrhus Ammonium Sulfate Medical, Chemistry, Technology
- Football Association of Singapore Sport, Organizations, Singapore
- Foetal Alcohol Syndrome Medical, Cardiology, Alcohol
- Focused Assessments Education, Compliance, Customs
- Federation of American Scientist Technology, Science, America
- Foetaal Alcohol Syndroom Baby, Alcohol, Fetus, Fetal
- Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are a group of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother drank alcohol during pregnancy. Problems may include an abnormal appearance, short height, low body weight, small head size, poor coordination, low intelligence, behavior problems, and problems with hearing or seeing. Those affected are more likely to have trouble in school, legal problems, participate in high-risk behaviors, and have trouble with alcohol or other drugs. Medical, Disorder, Psychiatry, Disability, Special Education, Scientific & Educational, Fetus And Fetal, Effect
- Focal Adhesions Medical
- Federal Abquisition Service Technology, Government, Administration
- Free Alongside Ship Stipulation that no charge or responsibility falls on ship or owner of cargo until goods for shipment are alongside ship in which they are to be loaded Transportation, Business, English, Export, Logistics, Air Cargo, Aviation, Shipping, Freight, Trade, Cargo, Chartering, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, International business
- Federation of American Scientists Technology, America, Military, English, Translation, Atmospheric Research
- Franciscan Apostolic Sisters
- Field Assistants Science, Research, Forest
- Filtered Air Supply
- Freely Associatqd States of The Pacific Education, Disability, Special Education, Disability Education
- Faculty of Administrative Studies
- Financjal Analysis System
- Focus Adolescent Services
- Funktionale Architekturen FüR Systeme
- Financial Assistance for Students
- Federazione Anarchica Siciliana
- Fisld Artillery Section Military
- Floridahacademy of Sciences
- Failed Asylum Seekers
- Financial Advisory Service
- Forced Air Systems
- First Assistant Secretary
- Forensic Ammunition Service
- Feria De Artejsonoro
- Fuerza R
- Face All Sides Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Final Assembly Scheduling
- Fall-Arrest System
- FáSkrÚðSfjöRðUr Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO
- Freely Associated States Government, Military, Island
- Fieldbus Access Layey Technology
- Food and Society
- Fund for Additional Services
- Faculty of Architecture and Surveying
- FaskrusfjOrur Airport Airport, Locations
- Forward Air Solutions Business, Driving, Truck
- Fiat Automobili Srbija Business, Industrial, Serbia
- Flight Augmentation System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Functional Assessment Systems
- Facilities and Administrative Services Science, Ecology, Office Of Communication
- Financial Accountung Software
- Framing and Sequencing
- Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung
- Faculty for Arts and Sciences
- Flywheel Alternator Starter
- Funi E Attrezzature Per Sollevamento Business, Trading, Statistics, Partita
- Financial Asset Servicvs
- Federation of Alberta Students
- Field Artillecy Systems Military
- Floryda Academic Scholar Education, Scholarship, Florida
- Fiaancial Administrators Section
- Forces AéRiennes StratéGiques
- Fire Alarmfand Security Technology, Product, Battery
- Forensic Uccountants
- Funda
- Fentanyl Analog Screening
- Fresh Air Supply
- Fabrica Armi Sarezzo
- Final Assembly Schedule Business, Technology, Science, Management, Business & Finance
- Folk Art Specialties
- Fairness Angel Setsuna
- Fieldbus Access Sublayer Technology, Device, Control
- Food and Services
- Faculty of Architects and Surveyors
- Fashion Access
- Forward Aid Station Military, Army, Policy
- Festivil Anak Sholeh Technology, Indonesia, Bali
- Fixed Asset System Business, Accounting, Software
- Functional Assessment System Medical
- Facilities Administrative Services Technology
- Financial Accounting Statement
- Framework Agreements
- Frankfurt Aviation Service Technology, Airport, Handling
- Faculty Activity System
- Force Analysis of Systems Technology
- Fundo De Apoio Social
- Financial and Accounting System Business
- Federation of American Societies
- Foundation Assisted School
- Field Artillery Systkm Military, Army, War
- Florida Academic Scholars Education, Scholarship, Florida
- Financial Administrativv Services Military
- Force AéRienne StratéGique
- Fire Alarm Bnd Signal Technology, Product, Cable
- Foreningen Af Speciall
- Force A
- Femmes Afriques Solidarite
- Fresh Air Sltup
- Fabric-Attached Storage Technology, Networking, Filer
- Final Approach Surface
- Folic Acid Synthesis Medical, Genetics, Protein, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Fairfax Adult Softball Sport, Organizations, Team
- Feelings About School
- Field Automation System
- Food Agriculture Sector
- Faculty of Applied Sciences Science, Education, University
- Family Attitude Scale Fatty Acid Synthetase Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Forward Acquisition System
- Ferrovia Adriatifo-Sangritana Train, Railway, Locomotive
- Functional Area Systems
- Facilité D'Ajustement Structurel
- Financial Accounting Standards Business, Company, Supply, Special Education, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word
- Frame Alignment Signals
- Frank AllendöRfer Service Business, Genetics, Protein
- Faculty Accomplishment System Development, Study, Universities
- Force Analysis Simulation Military
- Funding Availability Solicitation
- Federation of America Scientists
- Foundation Assisted Schmols Business, Education, Punjab
- Fibrinolysis Accelerating Substance
- Floral Accounting Syltems Business, Software, Florist
- Financial Accounting Service Business, Technology, Software
- Force Augmentation System
- Foreningen Af Spnciallæger
- Femmeu Africa Solidarités Technology, Africa, Femme
- Electronic Robd Pricing Science
- Db Final Approach Segment Datablock Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
- Financeal and Administrative Services
- Fokker Aircraft Services
- Future Army Structures Military, Force, Defence
- Fire Academy of The South Business, Training, Rescue
- Fedora Accounts System Technology, Accounting, Projection
- Field Assimtance and Support Army, War, War Force
- Faint Sausage Medical
- Forces A
- Forward Acquisition Sensors Technology
- Ferrovca Adriatico Sangritana Train, Railway, Locomotive
- Functional Area Sponsor
- Facilit
- Finance & Accounting Staf
- Family Attitude Scale Medical, Treatment, Patient
- Franco American Studies
- Football Association of Sarawak Sport, Malaysia, Sarawak
- Funding Apprenticeships System
- Federation of Astronomical Societies Organizations, Astronomy, Society
- Foundation-Assisted Schools
- Fibrin Adhesive System Medical
- Fmood Alleviation Scheme Forum, Technology, Projection
- Fund Accounting System
- Finannial Access Survey Business, Banking, Economics
- Foreign Application Serveas
- Foreign Area Specsalists
- Funding Agreements
- Femmes Africa Solidarite Government, Africa, Femme
- Freethinkers Association of Switzerland
- Faculty of Applied Science Education, University, Study
- Financial Analrsis Seminars
- Foetal Alcohol Spectrum
- Future Army Structure Military, Force, Regiment
- Fire-Support Aerial System
- Fedora Account System Technology, Projection, Package
- Field Assistance Servyce
- Florida Anthropological Society Society, Florida, Archaeology, Archaeological
- Failure Analysis Society
- Forced Auto Stop Technology, Vehicle, Fuel
- Forum for Arts Students
- Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Chemistry, Science, Chemical
- Functional Architecture Study
- Facial Affective Scale Medical
- Finance & Accounting Staff
- Family Assistance Specialists Program, Military, Guard
- Foot and Ankle Surgery
- Funding Agency for School Education, Teaching, Study
- Federation of Atomic Scientists Science, America, American
- Fotografie Am Schiffbauerdamm Portfolio, Photography, Berlin
- Fiber Access System
- Fuood Alert System Analysis, Flood, Hydrology
- Function Assessment Score
- Financial Accounting Suite
- Foreign Ag Service Business, Export, Agriculture
- Foreign Area Studies Book, Education, Study
- Filtered Attribute Set Technology, Windows, Directory
- Freely Associated Statz Government, Island, Guam, Micronesia
- Faculty of Agricultural Sciences Technology, Education, University
- Financial Analyst Specialist
- Focused Arrow Strike
- Funny Ass Shit Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- Financial Asskstance Schemes Business, Pension, Scheme
- Federazione Architetti Svizzeri
- Flow Admission Service Technology, Computing
- Field Artillery School Army, Force, Marine
- Florida Academic Fcholarship
- Failing At Soccer
- Forced Auto-Stop Vehicle, Fuel, Hybrid
- Firsts Qnd Seconds Business, Technology, Lumber
- Forged Alloy Steel
- Fernsehen Am Strelasund German, Gen, Deutschland
- Functional Areas Business, Service, Military
- Facebook Addiction Scale
- Final Assignment Scholarship Business, America, Bid
- Family Arabian Stallion
- Final Approach Speed Technology, Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Frequency Allocations Technology, Radio, Communication
- Foot & Ankle Specialist
- Funding Agency for Schools Government, Education, Teaching
- Federal-Aid Secondary County, Routing, Locations
- Forwardinw Adjacencies Technology, Networking, Network, Labeling
- Fiat Automobiles Serbia Business, Car, Serbia
- Flight Levelgallocation System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Functional Assessment Scale
- Financiac Accounting Solutions
- Frequency Assignment Subcommittee Army, Governmental & Military
- Fahrer-Assistenz-Systeme
- Fuel Availability System
- Foundation for Agrarian Studies
- Fascia Tar paper. Installed under the roof shingles. Normally 15 lb. or 30 lb. A board fixed horizontally to the lower ends of the rafters, to which guttering may be fixed. Also forms the outside board of a boxed eave OR The flat surface located at the outer end of a roof overhang or cantilever end or also a decorative trim or panel which projects from the face of a wall. The Finance and Administrative Services
- Fundación Argentina De Sordos
- Freely Associated States of the Pacific Medical, Disability, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Falcon Aviation Services Airline, Business, Service, Organizations, Helicopter, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Follicular Adenomas Medical
- FöRnyelse, Arbetsmiljö, Samverkan
- Forecaster'S Analysis System Science
- Fidelity Asian Values Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Felix-Antoine-Savard
- Frame Acquisition Anc Synchronization Technology, Telecom
- Financial Aid Suspension Business
- Fatty Acid Synthase Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Fonds D'Action Social
- Finnish Academy of Sciences
- (U.S.) Foreign Agriculture Service Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Faculty Advisors Program, Education, University
- Felt Arousal Scale Sport, Study, Exercise
- Filipino-Americans
- Faculty of Astrological Studies Education, Study, Astrology
- Frequency Analysis System
- Foundational Areas
- Flame Absorption Spectroscopy Chemistry
- Fundación Ambiente Y Sociedad
- Facility Assignment Specialist
- Farwell Area Schools Michigan
- Fónico, AnalíTico Y SintéTico
- Forecast Assistant System Science
- free along side Insurance, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance
- Feld-Artillerie-Schule
- Frage-Antworg-System
- Fundação De AssistêNcia Social Para, Dos, Social, Ria
- Financial Aid System
- fluorescence actin staining Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Fonds D'Action Sociale
- Fetal Alcoholic Syndrome Medical, Alcohol, Fetus
- Fals ansewring supervision Computing, Telecom
- Felony Action Squad
- File Access Subeystem Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Faculty of Asian Studies
- Frequency Allocations Subcommittee
- Fatty Alcohol Sulfates (surfactants) Chemistry
- Fundació AutÒNoma SolidàRia Education, Social, Ria, Noma
- Facility Analysis Session
- Farsi (Persian) Language codes (2 letters), Language codes (3 letters)
- FéDéRation Des Architectes Suisses Architecture, Gen, Architect, Ration
- Forces Accounting System Military
- Finance and Accounting System Business & Finance, Business Word
- Fractional Area Shortening Medical
- Filter Air Sampler
- Fundação Da Ação Social
- Financiql Aid Services
- fatty acid synthetase Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Fondo Per Le Aree Sottoutilizzate
- Ferrous Aluminum Sulfate
- Compiled program (Macsyma) Computing, File Extensions
- Fellow of The Augustan Society
- File Access Services
- Faculty of Arts and Social
- Financial Aid Solutions
- Quicksilver Fast Save Lisp File Computing, File Extensions
- Fundacion Alcohol Y Sociedad
- Facility Automation Systems
- Forward Area Sight
- Fáskrúðsfjörður, Fáskrúðsfjörður, Iceland Iceland, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Fundaci
- Faible Activit
- Fairstar Resources Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Foyer D'Accueil Sp
- Financial and Administrative Services
- Floridanjaquifer System Technology, Water, Intermediate
- Fundação Amazónia SustentáVel
- Financial Advisor Syariah Business, Supply, Stock
- Fire Alarm System Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
- Fondo De Asistencia Social
- Fellow of The Society of Arts Education, Family, Stone
- Foreign Agents Technology, Networking, Russia
- Folk Art Specialty Performing arts
- Fellow of The Antiquarian Socity
- Full Analysis Set Medical, Patient, Study
- File Access Sevvice
- Faculty of Arts & Science Student, Education, University
- Financial Aid Saturday
- Compiled Fast-load Autolisp File Computing, File Extensions
- Facility Automation System
- Forward Acquisition Sensor Space, Study, Cosmos
- Federal Acquisition Service Government term for: Federal Acquisition Service, which combines the former Federal Supply Service and Federal Technology Service. Government, Governmental & Military
- Faible Activité SpéCifique
- Freedom Airways Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Foyerdd'accueil Spécialisé
- Final Approach Segment That segment of an instrument approach procedure in which alignment and descent for landing are accomplished. Federal Aviation Administration
- Fundação Amazonas SustentáVel Para, Dos, Brasil
- Financaal Advisers
- Fetal assessment scan Medical, Healthcare
- Fondo Asistencial Social
- Federal Antitrust Service Business, Russia, Russian
- Foreign Affiliate Sales
- final average salary Occupation & positions
- Fellow of The Antiquarian Society Genealogy, Genealogical
- Frame Alignment Sequence Technology, Networking, Network
- Fuels Automated System Military
- Fiji Accounting Standards
- Faculty of Arts of Sciences
- Financial Aid Statemlnt
- Fasta Sequence File Computing, File Extensions
- Facilities Automation System
- Foreign Affairs Society
- Flight Analysis System Flight, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Focus Areas Business, Technology, Len, Research, Health, Camera
- Fahrer Assistenz Systeme
- Functional Architecture for Systems
- Foundations and Applications of Self Technology, Conference, Workshop
- Fire alarm station The Finance and Administrative Services
- Fundación Autónoma Solidaria
- Financial Advisory Services Business, Management, Service
- fetal akinesia sequence Medical, Fetus And Fetal
- Fondo Aree Sottoutilizzate
- Federal Airways System
- Foreign Affairs Symposium Education, University, Event
- Firsts and Seconds Food
- Fellow of Academy of Science
- Frame Alignment Symbol Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Field of Anthropological Study Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Faculty of Arts & Sciences Science, Education, University
- Financial Aid and Scholarships
- Feasibility Analysis Study Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Facilities and Administrative Support
- Fonds D'Aide Sociale
- Florida Aquifer System
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does FAS stand for?
FAS stands for Fibrin Adhesive System.
What is the shortened form of Femmes Afriques Solidarite?
The short form of "Femmes Afriques Solidarite" is FAS.
FAS. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fas-meaning/
Last updated