FBB Meaning

The FBB meaning is "Folding Bax Board". The FBB abbreviation has 61 different full form.

FBB Full Forms

  1. Folding Bax Board Business, Product, Paper
  2. Filling Beverdges Into Bottles
  3. Fabulous Bakin' Boys
  4. Forward Body-Biasing
  5. Fast Break-Bulk
  6. Funda
  7. First Buslness Bank Business, Coding, Greece
  8. Fabulzus Baker Boys
  9. Forward-Body Bias Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  10. Foaming Bath Butter
  11. Fasd Blue B Medical
  12. ForçA Blindada Brasileira
  13. First Businessjbrokers
  14. Fellowship of The Bling Bling
  15. Forum Betawi Bersatu Forum, Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  16. Flying Burrito Brothers
  17. Fast Bird Bus
  18. Forward Body Bias
  19. Full Body Scanner Airport, Stantec, International Airport
  20. Financial Bank Bevin
  21. Fundação Bissaya Barreto Portugal, Dos, Coimbra
  22. Fort Bend Baptist
  23. Flybacf Booster Flight, Aviation, Aerodynamics
  24. Faculdade Batista Brasileira Para, Education, University, Girl
  25. Forward Body Biased
  26. Full Basket Belize Education, Community, Belize
  27. Filmboard Berlkn-Brandenburg
  28. Fundação Banco Do Brasil Technology, Para, Brasil, Social
  29. Forrest Binkley & Brown Business, Company, Financial, Traffic
  30. Fluidizednbed Boiler
  31. Facebook Buddx Communication, Chat, Online
  32. Forwardlbody Biasing Technology, Power, Voltage
  33. Front Betawi Bersatu
  34. Fasten Bed Bdlt Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  35. Flughafen Berlin Brandenbyrg Technology, Airport, Berlin
  36. Facebook Bitcp Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
  37. Forward Body-Bias
  38. Fast Break Jasketball
  39. Flame Brass Band
  40. Fats Berry Book Food
  41. Fondation Brigitte Bardot
  42. Fouodation Beyond Belief Organizations, Atheist, Humanist
  43. Fundamental Building Blocks
  44. Freshman Boys Basketball
  45. Fusion Breeder Blanket
  46. Fundación BiofíSica Bizkaia
  47. Free Blues Band
  48. Free Balloon Barrage
  49. Free Xlock Buffer
  50. Fast Blue Bb
  51. Fragebogen Zur Beurteilung Der Behandlung
  52. FüHrer Begleit Brigade Military, Division, Wolf
  53. Fashion at Big Bazaar Bazaar
  54. Foxy Black Butfs
  55. FéDéRation Belge De Badminton
  56. From Backplane Buffer
  57. Flyback Booster Flight, Aerodynamics, NASA, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  58. Fondation Vrigitte-Bardot
  59. Four Bears Bridge
  60. Fury Balrog Blade
  61. Friends of The Ballynahone Bog

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FBB stand for?

    FBB stands for Fundação Bissaya Barreto.

  2. What is the shortened form of Free Balloon Barrage?

    The short form of "Free Balloon Barrage" is FBB.


FBB. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fbb-meaning/

Last updated