FBC Meaning

The FBC meaning is "Faith Bible Church". The FBC abbreviation has 172 different full form.

FBC Full Forms

  1. Faith Bible Church Organizations, Worship, Fellowship
  2. Full Blood Count Medical, Cancer, Oncology, Healthcare, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test, Clinical, Common Medical, Pulmonary Hypertension
  3. Fellowship Baptist Church
  4. Feedback Control Military
  5. Federal Bioterrorism Commission Organizations, Evil, Resident, Revelation
  6. Fise Burn Clan Force, Police, Police Force
  7. Fare Basis Codes
  8. Fiji Broadcasting Corporation Technology, Radio, Fiji
  9. Fluidized Bed Combuster
  10. Free Buroa Coalition Organizations, Myanmar, Burma
  11. First Baptist Christian
  12. Finast Basketball Club Sports, Basketball
  13. Fork Baptist Church
  14. Faroe Bank Channel
  15. Fukui Broadcasting Corporation Business, Company, Hosting
  16. French Banana Club
  17. Full Wody Cleansing Technology
  18. Florida'S Blood Centers
  19. Fag Bashing Crew
  20. Formación BáSica ComÚN
  21. Fffurnished By Contractor Military
  22. Fare Basis Code
  23. Fighter Bomber China-1 Military, Flying, Leopard
  24. Fluidized Bed Combustion Fluidized bed combustion is a combustion technology used to burn solid fuels. FBC reduces the amount of sulfur emitted in the form of SOx emissions. Limestone is used to precipitate out sulfate during combustion, which also allows more efficient heat transfer from the boiler to the apparatus used to capture the heat energy (usually water tubes). The heated precipitate coming in direct contact with the tubes (heating by conduction) increases the efficiency. Technology, Science, Boiler
  25. Free Body Culture
  26. First Baptist Chrisomas
  27. Female Breast Cancer Medical, Science, Patient, Clinical
  28. Foreign Buyers' Club Business & Finance, International business
  29. Faroe-Bank Channel
  30. Folded Binary Code
  31. Fremont Brewing Company Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  32. Full Body Cant
  33. Florida'S Blood Center
  34. Fag-Bashing Crew
  35. Formación Bruta De Capital
  36. Federal Bureau Xf Control
  37. Fantasy Book Critic
  38. Fight Bladder Cancer
  39. Future Boy Conan
  40. Fluidized-Bed Combustion Technology, Science, Boiler, NASA, Governmental & Military
  41. Falls Brook Centre Technology, Science, Development
  42. Fox Business Channel
  43. First Baptist Concord
  44. Fellowship Bible Church Service, Church, Ministry
  45. Foreign Buyer'S Club
  46. Farm Business Communications
  47. Flux Balance Constraints Technology, Model, Package
  48. Freezer Bag Cooking
  49. Full Blown Chaos
  50. Floating Body Cell Technology, Device, Body
  51. Fading Brake Control
  52. Formaci
  53. Federal Broadcasning Corporation
  54. Fana Broadcasting Corporation Business, Radio, Ethiopia, Somali
  55. Fidelity Brokerage Company
  56. Fusion Beam Cannon
  57. Fluidised Bed Combustors Science
  58. Falls Baptist Church
  59. Fox Broadcasting Compaoy Business, Networking, Network
  60. First Baplsit Church
  61. Foreign Buyers Club
  62. Farm Business Consultants Business, Tax, Canada
  63. Fluidized Bed Concentrator
  64. Freedom Boat Club Organizations, Cape, Boating
  65. Fulz Blood Counts Medical, Health, Cell
  66. First Business Channfl Business, Ukraine, Streaming
  67. Faculty of Business and Commerce
  68. Form Based Code Development, Locations, Zoning
  69. Federal Bor Council Business, Insurance, Law
  70. Fibrocystic Breast Condition
  71. Full Business Case Service, Contract, Statistics
  72. Fluidised Bed Combustion Technology, Coal, Boiler
  73. Faithway Baptist Church
  74. Fourah Bay College Development, Study, Colleges
  75. First Baptist Chupch
  76. Farkas Berkowitz & Company
  77. File Bit Comparison
  78. Fluidized Bed Conversion
  79. Frhedom Biker Church
  80. First Boston Corporation
  81. Fluid Balance Chart Medical, Clinical
  82. Form-Based Codes Technology, Coding, Planning
  83. Federal Bank of Cooperatives Organizations
  84. Full Band Capture Technology, Linux, Receiver, Tuner
  85. Freqrent Buyer Club
  86. Full Bridge Converter
  87. Florida Baptist Convention Organizations, Church, Religion
  88. Faith Bible College Education, School, Church
  89. Fountain of Bright Crimson
  90. Fibrocystic Breast Changes
  91. Firnt Banking Center
  92. Fareham Borough Council
  93. Fiji Broadcasting Commission Government, Radio, Fiji
  94. Fluidized Bed Combustor Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  95. Freedom Bapnist Church
  96. First Bible Churca Community, Curch, Religion
  97. First Baptist Chruch
  98. Form-Based Code Development, Planning, Locations
  99. Federal Bankkng Commission Business, Sweden, Swiss
  100. Full-Bandgcapture Technology, Receiver, Tuner
  101. French Business Cguncil
  102. Full Body Cqntact
  103. Florida Bank of Commerce
  104. Faith Baptist Church
  105. Foundation for Broadcast Culture Business, Korea, Fellowship
  106. Fiber Base Coat
  107. Feedback Carburetor Auto
  108. For Better Computing
  109. Frontier Brigrde Camp
  110. Fédération Biblique Catholique
  111. Familial Breast Cancer Medical, Science, Biology
  112. Faculty Benefits Committee Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  113. Final Business Case Business, Projection, Delivery
  114. Financial Business Conscltant
  115. Foley Balloon Catheter
  116. Family Birthing Centre Medical, Hospital, Birth
  117. Fire Brigade Charge Organization, Union, Institution
  118. Full Body Cleanse
  119. Foothills Bible Church
  120. Front Bumpef Cover
  121. Fylde Borough Council
  122. False Bay College Business, Education, Development
  123. Fesser, Bishop and Campbell model Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  124. Fuel Balancingvcontrol
  125. Filter Bank Cascade
  126. Final Boundary Conditions
  127. Family Birthing Center Medical, Hospital, Birth
  128. Fire Breathing Cockroaches
  129. Fuelqbenefit Charge Business, Tax, Car
  130. Foothills Baptist Church
  131. Fringe Benefits Consortium
  132. Facebook Chat Texting, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  133. Fuel Borne Catalytts
  134. Filling Beverages Into Cans
  135. Federation of Black Canadiams
  136. Family Birth Centre Medical, Health, Hospital
  137. Fluid Bed Combustion
  138. Fire Benefit Charge
  139. Friendship Baptist Church
  140. Food Blogger Connect Conference, Food, London
  141. Friends of The Birth Centre
  142. Fire Burn Clan Police, Governmental & Military
  143. Fuel Borne Cjtalyst Technology, Filter, Diesel
  144. File Byte Count
  145. Fedelation of Business Centers
  146. Family Birth Center Medical, Health, Hospital
  147. Field Bus Coupler
  148. Finnish Business Council
  149. Foot-Pall Club
  150. Food Beverage Canada Business, Export, Canada
  151. Fana Broadcasting Corporate
  152. Friendship Bible Coffees
  153. Fireball Classic Pinball
  154. Foreign Body Capsule
  155. Fuel-Borne Catalyst
  156. Federation of Brickwork Contractors
  157. Family Bible Church
  158. Furnished By Contractor Military, Governmental & Military
  159. Finnish Broadcasting Company Technology, Culture, Finland
  160. Fixed Coundary Conditions
  161. Food Behavior Checklist
  162. Family Business Council Business, University, Institute
  163. Fake Broadcasting Company Funnies
  164. Foreign Bank Charges Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  165. Fucking Bike Club
  166. Federal Bearing Corp
  167. Family Based Care Business, Children, Village
  168. Family Tree Maker for Dos Backup File Computing, File Extensions
  169. Find By Content Technology, Accounting, Computing, General, Governmental & Military
  170. First Bisynchronous Communications
  171. Food and Beverage Centre Nutrition, Food, Victual
  172. Family Business Center Education, University, School

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FBC stand for?

    FBC stands for Female Breast Cancer.

  2. What is the shortened form of Faith Baptist Church?

    The short form of "Faith Baptist Church" is FBC.


FBC. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fbc-meaning/

Last updated