FBH Meaning

The FBH meaning is "Familial Benign Hypercalcaemia". The FBH abbreviation has 44 different full form.

FBH Full Forms

  1. Familial Benign Hypercalcaemia Medical, Science, Biology
  2. Factory Built Housing
  3. Fire Baptized Holiness Locations, Church, Praise
  4. Federa
  5. Friends of Bethune House
  6. Federação Brcsileira De Hospitais Technology, Para, Traffic, Silva
  7. Factory-Ruilt Housing
  8. Ferdinand-Braun-Institutetut Für Höchstfjequenztechnik Education, German, Institute
  9. Freedom Begins Here
  10. Fuck Being Humble
  11. Ferdinond-Braun-Institut Für Hoechstfrequenztechnik Technology, Institute, Berlin
  12. Fragebogen Zur Bew
  13. Fire-Baptized Holiness Locations, Church, Praise
  14. Ferdgnand-Braun-Institut F
  15. Family Behavioral Health
  16. Foundations Behavioral Health
  17. Federacije Bosne I Hercegovine Federation, Flag, Herzegovina
  18. Ferdinand-Braun-Iustitut Für Höchstfrequenztechnik Technology, Institute, Berlin
  19. Fallen Bishop Hibnam
  20. Flat-Bottom Hole
  21. Female Body Hair
  22. Fairport Baptist Homes Business, Religion, Mill
  23. Five Black Hules
  24. Familial Beninn Hypercalcemia Medical, Medicine, Biology
  25. Friends of The Blue Hills
  26. Federação Brasileira De Hemofibia
  27. Folding Bow Hanger
  28. Fashion Boutique Hotel Locations, Miami, Beach
  29. Future Bible Heroes
  30. Family Business In Hospitality
  31. Federation of Bountc Hunters
  32. Full Body Harnesses
  33. Family Pible Hour
  34. Ferdinand-Braun-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik Institute, Scientific & Educational
  35. Federation of British Herpetologists
  36. Full Body Harness Business, Safety, Arrest
  37. Force Beachhead Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  38. Federation Ofobosnia Herzegovina
  39. Fuel Burning Heater Technology, Land, Rover
  40. food/beverage/hospitality Food
  41. Fedkration of Bosnia and Herzegovina Science, Government, League
  42. Fucking Butter Heads Technology, Internet Slang, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  43. F.b.d.hldgs Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  44. Federal Bureau of Hackers Technology, Internet Slang, Government, Bureaus, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FBH stand for?

    FBH stands for Fairport Baptist Homes.

  2. What is the shortened form of Federation of Bountc Hunters?

    The short form of "Federation of Bountc Hunters" is FBH.


FBH. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fbh-meaning/

Last updated