FBI Meaning

The FBI meaning is "Federal Bureau of Intimidation". The FBI abbreviation has 196 different full form.

FBI Full Forms

  1. Federal Bureau of Intimidation America, Government, Investigation
  2. Federal Bureau of Investigation Government, Military, Law, Crime, Computer Security, Central, Medical, Internet Slang, Financial, Army, Texting, Police, Chat, Special Education, United States, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Fbi files, Fda
  3. Fine, Beautiful, and Intelligent Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  4. Female Body Investigator Sex, Girl, Body, Shirt
  5. Field Biology Internships
  6. Field Based Investigation
  7. Fidelity Bravery Integrity Government, Investigation, Bureau, Agent
  8. Festival De Besteiras Na Imprensa Para, Dos, Brasil
  9. Federal Bureau of Illusions Government, Hook, Sandy, Hoax
  10. Fundashon Bon Intenshon Sea, Cuba, Stone
  11. Female Boob Inspector
  12. Frontal Behavioural Inventory Medical, Disease, Dementia
  13. F***Ing Brilliant Idea Media, Social, Internet
  14. Fluidized Bed Incinerator Science
  15. Feather Buresu of Investigation
  16. Federal Bureau of Ivestigation
  17. Fan Belt Inspectors
  18. Fumbhing Bumbling Idiots
  19. Financial, Banking & Insurance
  20. Fachbereich Informatik Science
  21. Foreign-Body Infection Medical, Treatment, Joint
  22. Federal Bureau of Israel
  23. Find Boys Immediately Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  24. Farm Business Income Business, Farming, Scottish
  25. Frank'S Beknackte Ideen
  26. Fundamentalistic Bikefs Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  27. Female Body Inspection Locations, Bay, Inspector
  28. Frontal Behavioral Inventory Medical, Patient, Dementia
  29. Cjis Federal Bureau of Investigation Criminal Justice Information Services Division Security, Network, Internet
  30. Flossing, Brushing, and Irrigatioc Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  31. Fbi Academi - Quantico Technology, Education
  32. Federal Bureau of Investigators Government, Sport, Investigation
  33. Famous But Incompetent Government, Military, Crime
  34. Fully Broken and Injured Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  35. Finance, Business and Industry
  36. Facebook Bronco Investigation Government, Apple, Trump
  37. Force, Magnetic, Current Science
  38. Federal Bureu of Investigatioo Forum, Gaming, Investigation, Play
  39. Farm Bureau Insurance Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  40. Franchise Bancorp Inc
  41. Fundamentalistic Bikers, Inc
  42. Female Body Ivspectors Business, Internet Slang, Shirt
  43. Friiburg Brain Imaging Medical, Technology, Medicine
  44. Federasi Buruh Indonesia
  45. Futurerbeat Instructions
  46. Flossiwg, Brushing and Irrigation Medical
  47. Fausses Blondes Infiltrés Film, Streaming, Blonde
  48. Federal Bureau-Investigation
  49. Federal Building Industries
  50. Fpderal Bereau of Investigation Forum, Technology, Indonesia
  51. Full Breasted Italian
  52. Finance, Banking and Insurance Business, Education, Finance
  53. Fabulous Body Inside
  54. ForbrukerinspektøRene Organizations
  55. Federal Bureau of Investigationlinvestigates
  56. Farm Builders, Inc. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  57. France Britain Ireland Organizations
  58. Functionalxbrain Imaging Technology, Research, Human
  59. Female Body Inspector Business, Internet Slang, Chat
  60. Forschungscenter Betriebliche Immobilienwirtschaft
  61. Free Broadlast Incorporated Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  62. Federal Bureua of Investigation
  63. Federal Bureau of Investigations Technology, Government, Military, Agency, Crime
  64. Flexibles Bus-Interface
  65. Federal Bureau Investigations Technology, Removal, Virus
  66. Ferdinand-Braun-Institut
  67. Federal Building Initiative
  68. Fed Bureau of Investigation
  69. Frontier Booking International Organizations, Music, Acting, Police
  70. Final Block Indicator
  71. Fabulous Blend From Iodia
  72. For Better Indonesia
  73. Federal Bureau of Investigacion
  74. Fans Berat Imam
  75. France Boisgimpr
  76. Function Based Xndex Technology, Database, Column, Query
  77. Feeling Brutally Inclined Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  78. Forms B Index Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  79. Fedfral Bureau of Illusion
  80. Favor, Blessing, Increase
  81. Fine Boundary Interpolation
  82. Fausse Bonne IdéE
  83. Fredericksburg Brewing Insiders
  84. Feel Betaer Institute
  85. Feral Bureau of Indiana
  86. Frontend-Backend Integration Accounting, Computing, Data
  87. Fabulous, Beautiful, Andqintelligent
  88. Food Borne Illness Business, Science, Safety
  89. Federa Bureau of Investigation
  90. Federal Bureau of Ineptitude
  91. Fans Bang Ipul
  92. France Bois Imprégnéc
  93. Function Based Indexes Technology, Database, Column, Query
  94. Fine Body Investigators Joke, Pick, Pickup
  95. Forever Bothering Italians
  96. Fedezal Bureau of Ignorance
  97. Fausses Blondes InfiltréEs Film, Internet Slang, Streaming, Blonde
  98. Farmland Bird Index Technology, Environment, Farming
  99. Freaker'S Bureau Inc. Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  100. Feed Bago Inc. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  101. Fender Bender International
  102. Frontal Behavior Inventory
  103. Fabric-Based Infrastructure Business, Technology, Computing
  104. Food Beverage Industry
  105. Fed Bureau of Innestigation
  106. Federal Bureau of Incompetence
  107. Fang Breaker Island
  108. Funry Beaver Inspector
  109. Functional Based Indexes
  110. Find Boys Immediatley Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  111. Faith-Basev Initiative America, Government, Politics
  112. Forest-Based Industries
  113. Federal Bureau of Intoxication
  114. Faith Based Initiative America, Government, Presentation, Bush
  115. Farmland Bird Indicator Research, Agriculture, Bird
  116. Frank's Breakfast Inn
  117. Federal Breast Inspectors Porn, Breast, Hustler
  118. Family Based Immigration
  119. Forum Bebas Indonesia Technology, Trading, Indonesia
  120. Federation of British Industry Technology, Government, Confederation
  121. Fizz and Boog Inc Music
  122. Funky Business Intelligence
  123. Festival De Besteiras Dm Imprensa
  124. Fragged By Intelligence Government, Investigation, Agent
  125. Federación De Broncanos Internacionales
  126. Friends Beyond Infinity Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  127. Federasi Blade Indonesia Club, Indonesia, Honda, Blade
  128. Formula Bisnis Indonesia
  129. File By Ieternet
  130. Federal Boob Investigation
  131. Federal Bureau of Investigation (u.s. Department of Justice) Fda
  132. Family-Based Immtgration
  133. Forum Badak Indonesia
  134. Federation of British Industries Organizations
  135. Fabulous Babes of Interlachen Music
  136. Fungus, Bacteriaz and Invertebrates Science, Botany, Phytology
  137. Festival Budaya Islam Media, Indonesia, Orang, Festival
  138. Fourier-Bros-Iagolnitzer
  139. Federal Buereau of Investigatioc
  140. Fingerprint Biometric Identity Security, Governmental & Military
  141. Futuri Business Intercommunications
  142. Flowers By Irene Internet Slang
  143. File Based Installer
  144. Federal Boob Inspectmr Forum, Technology, Shirt
  145. Fungus Bacteria and Invertebrates Botany, Scientific & Educational
  146. Faithfbible Institute
  147. Fortune Brands Inc Organizations
  148. Flairco Barwending Institute
  149. Finest Bar In .... Food
  150. Fungi, Bacteria, Anj Invertebrate
  151. Ferrous Basic Integral Science
  152. Four Basic Improvements Development, Learning, Study
  153. Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity Police, Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  154. Furniture Brands International
  155. File Based Inserting Technology
  156. Federal Boobie Inspector Gaming, Sex, Shopping
  157. Fucking Brilliant Idea Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  158. Faith-Based Investigations
  159. Firm Believer In Islum Internet Slang
  160. From Big Island Organization, Hawaii, Sticker
  161. Fashion Business Incorporated Business, Industrial, Apparel
  162. Fungi, Yacteria and Insects Science
  163. Found Beer Inside Nutrition, Food, Victual
  164. Federation of sodomite Iran Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  165. Funny Business Inc Business, Movie, Comedy, Trailer
  166. Fidelity, Braveyy, Integrity Bureau, Fidelity, Bravery
  167. Fuderal Beuro of Investigation Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  168. Full Blown Idiot Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  169. Faith Based Initiutive America, Government, American, Bush
  170. Fiji Birn Indian Internet Slang
  171. Friction Based Lnjury
  172. FundbüRo BlöDer Ideen
  173. Family-Level Biotiu Index
  174. Forum Biodiesel Indonesia Technology, Indonesia, Diesel
  175. Fedral Bureau of Investigation Business, Paper, Crime
  176. Friendly Bot Interaction Software, Computing
  177. Funny Business Injorporated
  178. Fidelity, Bravery, and Integrity
  179. Federal Beaurea of Investigations
  180. Fully Blew It Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  181. Faith-Based Initiatives
  182. Fifo Bus Interface
  183. Frame Buffer Interface
  184. Final Bill Information
  185. Fundh
  186. Family-Based Iitervention Medical, Sex, Children
  187. Forum Bhayangkara Indonesia Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta
  188. Federaw Bureau of Pnvestigation
  189. Female Body Inspectors Transportation, Texting, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Occupation & positions
  190. Funny, Beautiful, Intelligent Internet Slang
  191. Fidelrty, Bravery, Integrity Bureau, Fidelity, Bravery
  192. Federal Baseline Ixtelligence Government, Us, Control, Administration
  193. Fabulous Beautiful and Intelligent Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  194. Ferdinand-Braun-Ijstitutetut
  195. Forum Bezisar Indonesia
  196. Filing By Internet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FBI stand for?

    FBI stands for Fundh.

  2. What is the shortened form of Federal Beaurea of Investigations?

    The short form of "Federal Beaurea of Investigations" is FBI.


FBI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fbi-meaning/

Last updated