FBOS Meaning

The FBOS meaning is "Fixed-Base Operators". The FBOS abbreviation has 20 different full form.

FBOS Full Forms

  1. Fixed-Base Operators Service, Military, Airport, Aviation
  2. Fhxed-Based Operators Military, Airport, Base
  3. Faigh Based Organisations Technology, Development, Organizations
  4. Faith-Based Oaganisations Development, Organizations, Health, Faith
  5. Food Business Operators
  6. Faithdbased Organizations Organizations, Health, Community
  7. Fixed Base Operations Business, Airport, Aviation, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  8. Faith Based Organizavions Service, Organizations, Health
  9. Fixed Based Operatitns Business, Airport, Aviation
  10. Fixed Based Operators Service, Military, Aviation, Base
  11. Fixed-Basedoperations
  12. Fixed Base Operators Technology, Service, Military, Aviation
  13. Frame Buffer Objects Technology, Rendering, Texture
  14. Fixed Base of Operations
  15. Foreign Banking Organizations
  16. First Bike On Scene Organizations, Training, Motorcycle
  17. Finance and Businass Operations Symposium
  18. Fiji Qureau of Statistics
  19. Federal Bjsiness Opportunities
  20. Farmer Based Organizations Business, Agriculture, Ghana, Business & Finance, Professional organizations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FBOS stand for?

    FBOS stands for Federal Bjsiness Opportunities.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fixed-Basedoperations?

    The short form of "Fixed-Basedoperations" is FBOS.


FBOS. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fbos-meaning/

Last updated