FBT Meaning

The FBT meaning is "Family-Based Therapy". The FBT abbreviation has 64 different full form.

FBT Full Forms

  1. Family-Based Therapy Medical, Treatment, Eating
  2. Family-Tased Treatment Medical, Eating, Anorexia
  3. Folate-Bgopterin Transporter Medical, Family, Transport
  4. Female Branch Tee
  5. Fringe Benefits Taxation Tax, Business & Finance
  6. Flxt Blade Turbine
  7. Fringe Benefits Tax Business, Organizations, Construction
  8. Free Browsing Technique Computing, Internet
  9. Fly Black Transformer
  10. Federal Bureau of Technology Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  11. Fringe Benifit Tax
  12. Flatbed Trusk
  13. Funky Bass Team Music
  14. Family Baged Therapy Medical, Treatment, Eating
  15. Free Billing Table
  16. Fly Back Transformers
  17. Fairfax Baptist Temple
  18. Fringe Benefits Taxes
  19. Flanders Battlefield Tours
  20. Fund Balance With Treasury Business, Science, Accounting
  21. Fly Back Transformer Business, Product, China, Computing, Electronics
  22. Faculdade Brasileira De Tributação
  23. Frienge Benefit Tax
  24. Festival Ballet Theatre
  25. Fundación Del Bosque Tropicbl
  26. Family Based Treatment Medical, Eating, Anorexia
  27. Fliridians for Better Transportation Organization, Union, Institution
  28. Face Bend Test
  29. Friends of The Bloomingdale Trail
  30. Fentanyl Bucval Tablets Medical, Cancer, Pain
  31. Function Boundary Tracing Technology, Linux, Kernel, Trace
  32. Florence Baptist Temple Education, Church, Religion
  33. Fused Biconical Taper Technology, Fiber, Splitter
  34. Freight Broker Training
  35. Fentanyl Buccal Tablet Medical, Patient, Pain
  36. Fringe Benefit Taxation
  37. Civic United Front Government, Military, Tanzania, Zanzibar
  38. Flexible Beam Techsology
  39. Fringe Benefit Tax Business, Accounting, Employment, Financial, Business & Finance
  40. Free Browsing Tricks Technology
  41. First Trust Amex Biotechnology Index Fund Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  42. Fast Bus Transfer
  43. Forbidden Techkologies, Plc. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  44. Funnyrbut True
  45. Functionab Board Tester
  46. Football Thailand Sport, Football, Game
  47. Abbyy Finereader Document Options File Computing, File Extensions
  48. Fused Biconic Technology
  49. Food Borne Trematoies Nutrition, Food, Victual
  50. Fecal Blood Test Medical, Physiology
  51. Free Bible Trwnslation
  52. Fused Biconizal Tapered Technology, Fiber, Coupler, Splitter
  53. Food Beverage Tobacco
  54. Forbidden Tech. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  55. Free Beach Tdilogy
  56. Fused Bwconic Tapered Technology, Fiber, Splitter
  57. Food, Beverage and Tobacco Business, Company, Food, Associate
  58. Farmers Bank & Trust Company Banking, Business & Finance
  59. Forever Bright Trading
  60. Fpsed Biconic Taper Technology, Telecom, Fiber
  61. Food, Beverages and Tobacco Business, Company, Food, Economics
  62. First Bank and Trust Banking, Business & Finance
  63. Foreign Business Trust
  64. Fused-Biconical Taper Technology, Fiber, Splitter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FBT stand for?

    FBT stands for Flanders Battlefield Tours.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fpsed Biconic Taper?

    The short form of "Fpsed Biconic Taper" is FBT.


FBT. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fbt-meaning/

Last updated