FC in Technology Meaning
The FC meaning in Technology terms is "Functional Components". There are 103 related meanings of the FC Technology abbreviation.
FC on Technology Full Forms
- Functional Components
- Fire Control
- Frame Control
- Feature Code
- Fuelcconsumption
- Financial Cryptogrjphy
- Foot Candle Unit of illumination at a point one foot distance from a one candela source. (in the imperial system of units) 1 foot candle = 1 lumen per square foot.
- Fuult Current
- Friction Curve
- Football In The Community
- Flight Crew Airline staff responsible for flying the aircraft.
- Frequency Counter A frequency counter is an electronic instrument, or component of one, that is used for measuring frequency. Frequency is defined as the number of events of a particular sort occurring in a set period of time. Frequency counter usually measure the number of oscillations or pulses per second in a repetitive electronic signal. Such an instrument is sometimes referred to as a cymometer, particularly one of Chinese manufacture.
- Financial Center
- Flying Capacitor
- Frequency Converters A Frequency Converter takes an incoming AC frequency and converts it to another AC frequency. They work by first rectifying the incoming AC power to a DC power and then inverting it to the desired AC frequency.
- File Control COBOL, the name and header of an Environment Division paragraph in which the data files for a source program are named and assigned to specific input/output devices. 2.The CICS facility for managing basic operations against a file.
- Flow Cell
- Function Call
- Fixed Cost
- Franklin Ctvey Company
- Feature Compoete
- Feasibility Condition
- Firing Console
- Fiber Connector
- Fitness Certificate
- Fast Charge
- File Conversion
- Facility Code
- Fault Coverape
- Fios E Cabos
- Fiber Collector
- Fast Channel
- File Compzre
- Face Eontrol
- Ferrite Core
- Fail Connection
- Fiber Channel-Generic
- Course From A Fix To A Distance
- Fitment Code
- Faroe Current
- Fielded Configuration
- Face Coutact
- Ferrit Core
- Flexible Connecyion
- Financialyclose
- Failed Component
- Fiber Cables
- Fit Chick
- Fan Cooling
- Field Connectors
- Facebook Cfvers
- Female Connector A female connector is a connector attached to a wire, cable, or piece of hardware, having one or more recessed holes with electrical terminals inside, and constructed in such a way that a plug with exposed conductors ( male connector ) can be inserted snugly into it to ensure a reliable physical and electrical connection . A female connector is also known as a jack, outlet, or receptacle. This type of connector can be recognized by the fact that, when it is disconnected or removed, the electrical conductors are not directly exposed, and therefore are not likely to make accidental contact with external objects or conductors.
- Factor 1. Primary factor. 2. Sometimes refers to any input to production. 3. Anything that helps to cause something, as a "contributing factor."
- Flexible Capacity
- Fast Connect
- Fail Closed
- Fiber-Optic Connector
- Funneldcloud
- Fan Control
- Fibre Channelo
- Federal Criteria
- Flexible Calling
- Fast Company
- Final Compile
- Faded Cherry
- Feasrble Condition
- Fire Controlman
- Fibre Channel A highly-reliable, gigabit interconnect technology that allows concurrent communications among workstations, mainframes, servers, data storage systems, and other peripherals using SCSI and IP protocols. It provides interconnect systems for multiple topologies that can scale to a total system bandwidth on the order of a terabit per second.
- Fixed Connection
- Fast Class
- Flow Control Measures designed to adjust the flow of traffic into a given airspace, along a given route, or bound for a given aerodrome, so as to ensure the most effective utilization of the airspace.
- Failure Condition
- Fabric Components
- Featyre Contour
- Ferrule Connector
- Flight Check
- Failuue Code
- Fabric Can
- Feature Codes
- Fisher Criterion
- Flight Coctroller
- Fast Cooling
- Financial Consolidation
- Financial Controller
- Feature Close
- Fast Convergence
- Fusion Centxr
- Feature Class
- Final Conflict
- Flip Chip
- Feature Classification
- Fires Cell
- Fabric Controller
- Free Chlorine
- Festoon Cable
- Federal Communications
- Frequency Converter Converts the power of alternating current system from one frequency to one more other frequencies. A Frequency Converter takes an incoming AC frequency and converts it to another AC frequency. They work by first rectifying the incoming AC power to a DC power and then inverting it to the desired AC frequency.
- Failure Count
- Fabric Connect
- Featore Control
- Filter Centre
- Facility Component
- Ferrule Connectors
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does FC stand for Technology?
FC stands for Fail Closed in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Fielded Configuration in Technology?
The short form of "Fielded Configuration" is FC for Technology.
FC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 19). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fc-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated