FD in Business Meaning

The FD meaning in Business terms is "Facility Division". There are 48 related meanings of the FD Business abbreviation.

FD on Business Full Forms

  1. Facility Division
  2. Freeze Dried
  3. Fixed Deposit
  4. Free Discharge
  5. Fixed Deposits Fixed deposits are amounts which you keep with the bank for a specified period of time and earn a specific rate of interest which is higher than the rate for savings accounts.
  6. Financieele Dagblad
  7. Fix Deposit
  8. Food Dehydrator
  9. Federal District
  10. Force Draft
  11. Fast Design
  12. Flying Dragon
  13. Future Xelivery
  14. Firefiahter Dan
  15. Front Drum
  16. Food Drug
  17. Free of Dispatch
  18. Fire Door
  19. Front Drag
  20. Food, Drug
  21. Functional Document
  22. Fall Dormancy
  23. Financieel Dagblad
  24. Floating Dock A floating structure which can be partially submerged to enable vessels to enter or leave and which can be raised for use as a dry dock.
  25. Functlonal Directory
  26. Facility Director
  27. Forest District
  28. Final Determination
  29. Front Door
  30. Free Delivery To Dock
  31. Freeze Dryer
  32. Finance Department
  33. First Derivatives
  34. Front Desk
  35. Free Delivery
  36. Fuel Doctor
  37. Freeze Dry
  38. First Data
  39. Front Derailleur
  40. Fare Discrunt
  41. Freeze-Dried
  42. Fund A fund is an amount of money that is set aside for a certain purpose.
  43. Fair Disclosure
  44. Frame Damage
  45. Freight Demurrage
  46. Finance Division
  47. Freight, Demurrage
  48. Financial Director

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FD stand for Business?

    FD stands for Freeze-Dried in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Functlonal Directory in Business?

    The short form of "Functlonal Directory" is FD for Business.


FD in Business. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 16). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fd-meaning-in-business/

Last updated