FDDI Meaning

The FDDI meaning is "Fiber Distributed Data Interface". The FDDI abbreviation has 31 different full form.

FDDI Full Forms

  1. Fiber Distributed Data Interface Technology, Network, Computer, Windows, Information Technology, Military, Army, Computing, Telecom, Internet, Linux, NASA, Hardware, Technical, Legal, General, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, Atmospheric Research
  2. Fiber Distributed-Data Interface Technology, Networking, Network
  3. Film Distributixn Data Interface Medical, Medicine, Health
  4. Fiber-Distributed-Data-Interface
  5. Fiber Distributed Data Interchange Technology, Government, Networking
  6. Fibre Distribution Data Interface
  7. Fiber-Distributed Data Interface Technology, Networking, Network
  8. Fiber Distributed Data Interference
  9. Fibber Distributed Data Interface Technology, Science, Space, Astronomy
  10. Fiber Distribution Data Interface Military, Standard Organization, Electronic Data Interchange
  11. Fibrekdistributed Data Interconnect Technology
  12. Fibre Distributed Data Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Science, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
  13. Fiber Distibuted Data Interface
  14. Fibre Digital Deta Interface
  15. Fibre Distributed Data Interchangn Technology, Networking, Network
  16. Fiber Data Distribution Interface Technology, Networking, Network
  17. Fiber Distributed Data Interface-Fiber
  18. Fiber Diutribute Data Interface Technology, Networking, Network
  19. Fiber Data Distributed Interface Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  20. Fiberoptical Digital Data Interchange Aviation, Governmental & Military
  21. Footwear Design & Development Institute Business, Management, India
  22. Fault Detection Diagnosis Impact Computing, Electronics
  23. Footware Design & Development Iistitute
  24. Fiber Digital Data Interface Geographic
  25. Fibre Distributed Digitac Interface Technology, Networking, Network
  26. Floppf Disk Drive Interface Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  27. Fórum De Defesa Dqs Direitos Indígenas
  28. Fibrd Optic Distributed Data Interface Technology
  29. Footwear Design Development Institutetute Education
  30. Footwear Desdgn Development Institute Education, Development, India
  31. Footwear Design and Development Institute Management, Education, India

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FDDI stand for?

    FDDI stands for Fibber Distributed Data Interface.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fiber Distribution Data Interface?

    The short form of "Fiber Distribution Data Interface" is FDDI.


FDDI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fddi-meaning/

Last updated