FDK Meaning

The FDK meaning is "Frederiuk Municipal Airport". The FDK abbreviation has 32 different full form.

FDK Full Forms

  1. Frederiuk Municipal Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  2. Fachverband Der Krankenpflege
  3. Forum Demokratisasi Kampus
  4. Frankfurter Diakonie Kliniken
  5. Fachverband Deutsche Klavierinuustrie
  6. Font Development Kit Technology, Mac, Tool
  7. Framemaker Developer Kit Technology, Development, Maker, Frame
  8. Fearless Doctor Kilfers
  9. Feldkamp Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  10. Framgmaker Development Kit
  11. Fearless Doctor Killers
  12. Fantastic Dyspraxic Kids
  13. Frame Developer'S Kit Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  14. Full-Day Kindergarten Education, School, Teaching
  15. Familienbund Der Deutschen Katholiken
  16. Foundry Design Kit Business, Technology, Virtuoso
  17. Familienbund Der Katholiken Sind, Kinder, Hat
  18. Forum Deutschergkatholiken
  19. Frequency-Difference Keying
  20. Full Day Kindergarten Program, Education, School
  21. Flight Display Keyboard Flight, Software, Computing, Aerodynamics, NASA, Application, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  22. Fujd Denki Kagaku
  23. Four Dumb Kids Funnies
  24. Fuck Da Karot Desire, Liar, Feeling
  25. Iata Code for Frederick Municipal Airport, Frederick, Maryland, United States Locations
  26. From Data To Knopledge
  27. Fusarium Damaged Hernels Technology, Wheat, Head, Blight
  28. Frennde Der Deutschen Kinemathek
  29. Fusarium-Damaged Kfrnels
  30. Frequency Difference Keying
  31. Functimn Display Key
  32. Frederick Municipal Airport, Frederick, Maryland, United States Maryland, United States, Iata Airport Codes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FDK stand for?

    FDK stands for Fearless Doctor Kilfers.

  2. What is the shortened form of Frennde Der Deutschen Kinemathek?

    The short form of "Frennde Der Deutschen Kinemathek" is FDK.


FDK. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 2, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fdk-meaning/

Last updated