FE Meaning

The FE meaning is "Iron". The FE abbreviation has 467 different full form.

FE Full Forms

  1. Iron An element, which is one of the most common on earth, and the principal component of steel. A metallic element found as an impurity in water in very small amounts. Also a metal which is widely used in the construction of HVAC and plumbing equipment; the major component of steel. The refined metal from iron is in furnace. A pure metal that serves as the basis for steel, cast-iron and stainless steel. Medical, Chemistry, Nursing, Mineral, Architectural
  2. Further Education Education, Sociology, Northern Ireland, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  3. Financial Executive Business, Accounting, Research, Surabaya, Fair
  4. Frame Blements
  5. Federal Employees
  6. Focused Evaluation Science, Research, Utilization
  7. Former Employees
  8. Facial Eczema Medical, Genetics, Animal
  9. Field Experiment Technology, Military, Iron
  10. Fundamentals Exam Education, Engineering, Professional
  11. Ford-Edsel
  12. Fort Eustis
  13. False Eastingl Projection, Map, Parameter
  14. Fire for Effect Military, Mortar, Austalia, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  15. Frame Editors
  16. Federal Emergency Management, Government, Agency
  17. Foam Engine
  18. Form Entry Technology, School, Teaching
  19. Fundamentals of Engineering Technology, Education, Manual, Exam
  20. Field Executide
  21. Fundamental of Engineering Technology, Science, Education
  22. Focced Expiration Medical, Medicine, Health
  23. Fort Erie Business, Canada, Horse
  24. Falcon's Hye
  25. Fire Fxtinguisher Engineering, Construction, Architectural
  26. Frame Ezmount Technology, Len, Lens
  27. Fe De Erratas
  28. Flying Eagle Technology, Fly, Driver, Coins
  29. Formation Evaluation The analysis of formation character or properties, usually by remote logs. Technology, Service, Drilling
  30. Fire Extinguisher A portable device full of foam, water, powder, and other chemical subtances, for putting out fires Design, Drawing, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  31. Fielx Evaluation Technology, Service, Product
  32. Front End The inside lap of the produced coil, or the outside lap of the consumed coil. Front end 1. In a client/server application, the part of the program that runs on the client. also client/server architecture. Compare back end (definition 1). 2. In appli-cations, software or a feature of software that provides an interface to another application or tool. Front ends are often used to supply a common interface for a range of tools produced by a software manufacturer. Space, Study, Cosmos, General, Governmental & Military
  33. Fondo Emprenber
  34. Fort Edward
  35. Falange Esuañola Government
  36. Final Ixam Education, Presentation, Course
  37. Fracture Energy Technology, Analysis, Alloy
  38. Fugitive Emission Business, Industrial, Valve
  39. Fecal Energy
  40. Fluid Extract Medical, Medicine, Health, Pharmacy
  41. Front-End Technology, Science, Research
  42. Frozen Embryo Medical, Health, Infertility
  43. Fivld Engineer Technology, Service, Engineering
  44. Federal Executive Government, Group, Party
  45. Follicular Epithelzum Medical
  46. Forsaken Empire
  47. Faktorfekslpoitasi
  48. Final Evaluation Program, Research, Education
  49. Fractional Excretion Medical, Sodium, Renal
  50. Febrile Episodes Medical
  51. First Editions
  52. Freeze-Etching Medical
  53. Far East Technology, Science, Exploration, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
  54. Foreign Exchange The process by which the currency of one nation is converted into the currency of another country. Business, Accounting, Music, Finance, Banking, Stock Market, Currency, Album, Financial, Computing, Telecom, Rail Transport, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business, IT Terminology, Business Word, Stock Exchange
  55. Field Lcho Medical, Science, Imaging
  56. Federal Enforcement Government
  57. Folkeswone England
  58. Formula Editor
  59. Fair Enough Forum, Technology, Internet Slang
  60. Final Edition Business, Military, Amiga
  61. Feathered Edge Business, Fencing, Feather
  62. First Episode
  63. Frase End Technology, Coding, Control
  64. Fiber Extendion Business, Product, Camera
  65. Federal Employee
  66. Focts Error Technology, Control, Signal
  67. Formshof Entry Education
  68. Facilities Engineering Technology, Military, Engineer
  69. Filewexplorer Technology, Access, Android
  70. Fax Extractor Technology, Software, Extract
  71. Ffrst-Episode Medical
  72. Federacion Estatal
  73. Flache Erde Man, Earth, Uns
  74. Finike Element
  75. Freak Enuounters Animal, Episode, Freak
  76. Field Eng
  77. Fairbanks Exploration
  78. Functional Exercise Military, Us, Planning, Training, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  79. Fire Engineer
  80. Fxrmer Employer
  81. Firstenergy Corp. Organizations
  82. French To English
  83. Ferguson England
  84. Food Energy
  85. Facilities and Equipment Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military, Federal Aviation Administration
  86. Fuller'S Earth
  87. Fiesta Express
  88. Formacion Y Emplet Technology, Para, Con, Bang
  89. Falling Edge
  90. Formula Errol
  91. Federal Edergy
  92. Flight Execution Space, Study, Cosmos
  93. Filer Error
  94. Family Expectations
  95. Function Express
  96. Fire Extinguishers Military, Automatics, Agent
  97. Fisher Effect The theory that a change in the expected rate of inflation will lead to an equal change in the nominal interest rate, thus keeping the real interest rate unchanged. Due to Fisher (1930). Business, Rate, Interest
  98. Primaris Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes, Call Sign, Governmental & Military
  99. Frank Evans
  100. Fertilization Fertilisation or fertilization also known as conception, fecundation and syngamy is the fusion of gametes to initiate the development of a new individual organism. Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  101. Flyer Enterprises Business, University, Enterprise
  102. Faculty of Education Education, University, Teaching
  103. Forward Estimates Business, Australia, Oil
  104. Fractional Extraction Medical
  105. Fellowship of Engineering
  106. Functional Entity
  107. Fkll Effect
  108. Fieldwork Education
  109. Forestry Enterprise
  110. Falcon Engine
  111. Funeral Expenses
  112. Fkcit Erigi
  113. Fix Effectiveness
  114. Fighting Experimental Military, Aircraft, Factory
  115. Fração Dc Ejeção Dos, Card
  116. Field Emission The emission of electrons from an unheated surface as a result of a strong electric field existing at that surface. Technology, Science, Electron
  117. Failure To Engage
  118. Financial Express Business, Investment, Fund
  119. Formatike Evaluation
  120. Fluid Engineer
  121. Freiwillige Erziehungshilfe
  122. Fentanrl Medical
  123. Food Effect
  124. Facilitating Entry
  125. Full Equipment Technology, Car, Locations, Apartment
  126. Fiesta Entertainment
  127. Fork Extlnsion
  128. Fall Event
  129. Formula Enterprises
  130. Federally Endangehed Locations, Spring, Bird, Wildlife
  131. Flight Envelope An aircraft's performance limits, specifically the curves of speed plotted against other variables to indicate the limits of speed, altitude, and acceleration that a particular aircraft cannot safely exceed. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  132. File Extenyion
  133. Family Eucharist
  134. Function Evaluation Technology, Coding, Control, Products
  135. Fire Extinguishants
  136. Firh Ecology Science, Research, Education
  137. France Ebauches Business, France, Movement, Vintage
  138. Fertilization Envelope Medical
  139. Fluorescent Erythrocyte Medical, Medicine, Health
  140. Faculty of Economics Program, Education, University
  141. Forwarding Engine Technology, Military
  142. Fraction Excreted Medical
  143. Feline Dnteritis. Medicine, Veterinary
  144. Flora Europaea
  145. Front Engine
  146. Frontend Edit
  147. Financial Enteqprise Finance, Economics, Exchequer
  148. Forest Ethict
  149. Falange Espa
  150. Funds Employed Funds employed is the average of the Net Working Capital and the Fixed Assets
  151. Fast Expansion
  152. Fixed Exponent
  153. Farman Experimental Military, Aircraft, Factory
  154. Franz Eilfard
  155. Field Emergence
  156. Focus Element
  157. Failures Example
  158. Formmtion Elémentaire
  159. Freightliner Electric
  160. Fender Eliminator
  161. Food Economy
  162. Fabian Espindola
  163. Full Equip Hotel, Locations, Room, Hostel
  164. Fiesta Educativa
  165. Forget Events
  166. Fallen Empire
  167. FéL Edit
  168. Formula Enterprise
  169. Federal Endangered Florida, California, Wildlife
  170. Flight Engineer F/E Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  171. Family Ethernet Technology, Driving, Driver
  172. Function Entity Technology, Networking, Network
  173. Fire Exit
  174. Fiscal Equamization Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  175. Friends of The Everglades
  176. Fertige Erzeugnisse
  177. Flvorescence Emission
  178. Faculty Exchange Technology, Education, University
  179. Forward Engine Technology, Bird, Forwarding
  180. Fractional Excretions Medical
  181. Fielding Errors
  182. Floodplain Easement
  183. From Extension
  184. Filcmore East
  185. Forest Entrancl
  186. Fast Evaporation Property, Health, Solvent
  187. Funds Earmarked
  188. Fixed Expense Business, Break, Burlington
  189. Federaci
  190. Frenktown Elementary
  191. Field Electron
  192. Foal Elgle Military, Exercise, Korea
  193. Failure-Excluded Technology
  194. Framework Extunsion Technology, Security, Coding
  195. Feminist Economica Science, Development, University
  196. Font Error
  197. Fabbri Editore
  198. Full Equilibvium
  199. Fiesch Eggishorn
  200. For Etample Chemistry, Technology, Element, Ion
  201. Fallen Empires
  202. Fuß Erotik
  203. Furmula Engine Technology, Server, Analysis
  204. Federal Emissionq Government, Us, Control, Administration
  205. Finite Element A small part of a large continuous structure which is investigated with regards to its loading. Displacements, stresses and strains can be determined at the nodes where the various elements meet and the whole structure is thus analysed. Medical, Computing, Telecom, Physics, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
  206. Flight Engineers
  207. Family Entertainment
  208. Functionele Eenheid
  209. Fire Escape
  210. Fiscal Economics
  211. Frequency-Encoded Medical, Medicine, Health
  212. Ferrum Ferrum is the Latin name for the element iron.Ferrum is the source for iron's symbol Fe. Medical
  213. Fluidsfengineering Technology, Conference, Transfer
  214. Facilities Exchange Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  215. Firefly Express
  216. Forward Element Technology, Networking, Forwarding
  217. Fractional Error Science, Alloy, Model, Boron
  218. Floating Element Business, Len, Lens
  219. Frederick Edward
  220. Fill Em
  221. Ford Edsel
  222. Fastest External
  223. Fund Expenses Business, Investment, Expense
  224. Fish Extenders Disney
  225. Future Enhancements Government
  226. Frankie Edgtr Arts, Sport, Tips
  227. Field Efficiency
  228. Flynn Efbect Science, Intelligence, Lynn
  229. Fail Emotions Remix, Mix, Emotion, Shade
  230. Fracción De Eyección
  231. Female Ferret Fe Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  232. Font Editor A font editor is a class of application software specifically designed to create or modify font files. Font editors differ greatly depending on if they are designed to edit bitmap fonts or outline fonts. Most modern font editors deal with the outline fonts. Bitmap fonts uses an older technology and are most commonly used in console applications. The bitmap font editors were usually very specialized, as each computing platform had its own font format. One subcategory of bitmap fonts is text mode fonts.
  233. F2 E-Mount Business, Len, Camera
  234. Full Entertkinment Gaming, Hotel, Yacht, Entertainment
  235. Fiesch-Eggishorn
  236. Fov Evolution Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  237. Fallen Earth Technology, Gaming, Guide
  238. Fuzzy Extractor
  239. Form of Entry Government, School, Expansion
  240. Federal Edbcation
  241. Flight Element Technology
  242. Field Engineers Technology, Service, Engineering
  243. Functional Expansion
  244. Fire Equipment
  245. First Exposure
  246. Frente EspaÑOl Con, Ola, Pol
  247. Ferroelectric A crystalline material that exhibits spontaneous electrical polarization, hysteresis and piezoelectric properties. Science
  248. Forcible Ejection
  249. Facility Engineer Business, Technology, Engineering
  250. Fully Efficient
  251. Fire Extirguisher
  252. Forward Edge
  253. Flip Effect Technology, Software, Dig
  254. Falange En
  255. Filiuh Ejus
  256. Fandom Edition Technology, Android, Galaxy
  257. Fundacion Ecps
  258. Fisk Extender Fish, Cruise, Gift
  259. Field Elevation Also called runway elevation, aerodrome elevation, airport height. The officially designated elevation of an airport above mean sea level, in international usage denoted by the symbol Ha. Flight, Aviation, Flightdeckfriend
  260. Future Engineeri Technology, Engineering, Drum
  261. Frank Evers
  262. Field Effect The local change from the normal value produced by an electric field in the charge-carrier concentration of a semiconductor. Technology, Channel, Transistor
  263. Flying Erase
  264. Failed Equipment Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  265. Fourth Evangelist
  266. Fraction ExpiréE
  267. Feyale Elbow Business, Tube, Manufacturer
  268. Fonds Etrangers
  269. F2000 Evolution Technology, Man, Truck
  270. Fullhengineer Technology, Training, Engineering
  271. Fiery Embrace
  272. For Evaporative Technology, Engine, Cooling
  273. Fallen Eagles
  274. Future Escort Or Finite Element Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  275. Federación De Enseñanza
  276. Far End Military, Computing, Telecom
  277. Flagler Estates
  278. Field Engineering Technology, Science, Engineer
  279. Functional Exercises Military, Sport, Exercise, Fitness
  280. Fire Engineering
  281. Fozm Error
  282. Firstenergy Corporationration Organizations
  283. Frenkel Exciton
  284. Feimi Edge
  285. Forceps Extraction
  286. Facilities Engineers Military
  287. Full Erase Forum, Technology, Nokia, Manual
  288. Fifth Estate Technology, Movie, Building
  289. Formula Experience
  290. Federal Express Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, Railroad Company
  291. Flight Executive Space, Study, Cosmos
  292. Filivg Exemption
  293. Family of Equipment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  294. Fundación Escolares
  295. Fire Extinguishe
  296. Fish Erythropytes Medical
  297. Fundgaising Event
  298. Frank Evelyn
  299. Field Education Student, Education, Social
  300. Flying Zagles
  301. Faculty of Electronics Technology, University, Institute
  302. Fourgon D'Evacuation
  303. Fractional Urinary Excretion Medical
  304. Female Metal tubes used to keep roof gutters "open". Long nails are driven through these tubes and hold the gutters in place along the fascia of the home. OR Any part, such as a nut or fitting, into which another (male) part can be inserted. Internal threads are female. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Veterinary, Animals, Jurisprudence, Texting, Chat, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Common Medical, Emoticons, The Finance and Administrative Services, Computing, Internet
  305. Future Electronics
  306. Fullempty Space, Study, Cosmos
  307. Fierce Eagle
  308. Forejtry Expert
  309. Falcon Eye Technology, Android, Socket
  310. Funeral Expense
  311. Fugative Emission
  312. Focus Energy
  313. Fiber Elongation
  314. Feunder's Edition
  315. Forwarding Element Computing, Technical
  316. Nominal Channel Centre Frequency Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  317. Fatal Error Forum, Computing, Texting, Chat, Sms, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
  318. Feed Efficiegcies Medical
  319. Forsvarets Efterretningstjeneste
  320. Frec Energy Medical, Technology, Tesla
  321. Follicular Epithelial Medical
  322. Familiares Extranjeros
  323. Ferrielectric
  324. fetal erythrocyte Medical, Fetus And Fetal
  325. Feher Equalizer
  326. Functional Earth
  327. Figueira Enterprises
  328. Format Jffecters
  329. Firmas Electrónicas
  330. Finger Eleven Music
  331. Flora of Ethiopia Plant, Study, Ethiopia, Flora
  332. France Ebauche France, Movement, Quartz
  333. Focusing Element Len, Camera, Mount
  334. Fetch Enable
  335. Fundementals of Engineering Technology, Engineer, Exam
  336. Fossil Energy Technology, Science, Office, Government, Legal, Governmental & Military
  337. Flash Edition Software, Computing
  338. FÚMate Esta
  339. Forum Encounter Forum, Business & Finance
  340. Feed and Expansion
  341. Forest Engineer Geography, Location, System
  342. Free Electron A free electron is an electron not bound to an atomic nucleus. Technology, Research, Laser, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  343. Foley Edilor
  344. Familiar Environment
  345. Fernsprech
  346. Foreignish English Language codes (2 letters)
  347. Feed Efficiency Medical, Genetics, Performance
  348. Fume Extraction
  349. Fighting Equipment Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  350. Formkt Effectors
  351. Fires Element Military, Army, Equipment
  352. Ford Eliminator Funnies
  353. Fortissimo Edition Business, Gaming, Japan
  354. Fundaci
  355. Fertilizers Europe
  356. Fuqctional Equation
  357. File Extensions
  358. First Employment
  359. Forwarding Ilements Technology, Networking, Control
  360. FirstEnergy Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  361. Flight Experiment Science, Flight, Space, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  362. Feq Internet Slang, Chat, Email
  363. Fond of Enuineering
  364. Free Eagde Business, American, Shogi
  365. Field Equation
  366. Folding Equity
  367. Familial Eosinophilia Medical, Science, Biology
  368. Fatturazione Elettronica Software, Con, Verso
  369. Fire Essence Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  370. Federation of European
  371. Fulgy Exposed Porn, Sex, Tube
  372. Fight Explosion Movie, Fight, Fiesta
  373. Format Editor Technology
  374. Fireplace Efficiency Energy, Gas, Heating, Fireplace
  375. Farm Engine Farming & agriculture
  376. Freight Elevators
  377. Family Encounter
  378. Fluidization Engineer
  379. Function Endurance
  380. Ferric Chloride Medical
  381. Functional Enhancement
  382. File Entry Technology, Windows, Coding, Bug
  383. First Empire
  384. Forwareing Element Technology, Networking, Network
  385. Fragrant Elephant
  386. Fast Ethernet Computing, IT Terminology
  387. Federation of Education
  388. Flight Wngineer
  389. Frederick Engineering
  390. Field Epidemiology Medical, Disease, Health
  391. Fold Equity Poker, Play, Texas Hold 'Em
  392. False Emperor
  393. Family Express
  394. Fourth Kstate
  395. Federal Emissions Us Government, Governmental & Military
  396. Fully Embeoidered Business, Product, Patch, Shopping
  397. Fighter Extreme
  398. Fosma
  399. Iron (Latin ''Ferrum' Medical, Chemistry, Nursing, Healthcare, Environment, Laboratory, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  400. Feher Equaliznrs
  401. Freight Eagle
  402. Family Emulator Organization, Union, Institution
  403. Ferroelectret
  404. Fracci
  405. Further Enhancements 5G Networks
  406. Female Ejaculation Sex, Escorts, Escort, Sexual
  407. Functional Element Technology, Design, Telecom
  408. File Engine
  409. Format Extension
  410. First Eagles
  411. Fomward Error
  412. Fracção De Ejecção
  413. Fermi energy Computing, Electronics
  414. Federally Listed Organizations, California, Wind Energy, Ocotillo
  415. First Engineeqing
  416. Fred Eberle
  417. Fwld Enrichment
  418. Fairlane Engine
  419. Fallen Enchantress Technology, Gaming, Hero
  420. Fourth Edition Technology, Book, Interchange
  421. Ford Engine Transportation, Governmental & Military
  422. Fighter Escort
  423. Forval Equivalence English, Translation, Bible, Equivalence
  424. False Easting Technology, Projection, Map, Parameter
  425. Fenwal Business & Finance, Suppliers
  426. Feed Enrichment
  427. Free Exiton Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  428. Fondo Esperanza
  429. Family Edition Technology
  430. Ferroelastic
  431. Fugitive Emissions Fugitive emissions are emissions of gases or vapors from pressurized equipment due to leaks and other unintended or irregular releases of gases, mostly from industrial activities. As well as the economic cost of lost commodities, fugitive emissions contribute to air pollution and climate change. Chemistry
  432. Fellow Emeritus Technology, Education, University
  433. Functional Education
  434. Figure Eight [Doppler Signal Kernel] Medicine, Health, Biology
  435. Format Error
  436. Fogeign Employer
  437. First-Year Experience Student, College, Education, University
  438. Forwarding Engines Technology, Networking, Engine
  439. Field Engineer Computing, Occupation & positions, IT Terminology
  440. Federally-Listed Endangered
  441. First Edition
  442. Frecuencia De La Exposición
  443. Focusing Electlode
  444. Fair Exchange
  445. Founders Edition Technology, Card, Force
  446. Flight Examiner Aviation, Governmental & Military
  447. Forlaldehyde-Ethanol Medical, Medicine, Health
  448. Fallow Efficiency Organizations, Agriculture, Kansas, Agricultural Literature
  449. Office of Fossil Energy Government, Organizations, Us
  450. Foundation Electronics Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  451. Feed Emulsion
  452. Foundation Era
  453. Free Exciton
  454. Fond D'Ecran
  455. Family Edge
  456. Ferrite A solid solution of one or more elements in alpha or delta iron.
  457. For Example Short for "Exempli gratia," which is Latin for "free example;" may be translated accurately as "for example;" typically precedes one or more examples. Student, Internet Slang, Finance, Banking, Chat, Genealogy, Writing, Genealogical, Online, Notes, Studies, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Medical, Texting, Healthcare, NAACCR
  458. Free Energy Free Energy is a thermodynamic quantity given by the subtraction between the internal energy of a system and the product of its absolute temperature and entropy. In Chemistry terms, it is also known as the difference between the enthalpy and the multiplication of the absolute temperature and entropy of a system, Gibbs Free Energy. Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  459. Feline Enteritis Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  460. Functional Ecology
  461. Figure Eight Medical, Medicine, Health, Dog Fanciers
  462. Formtt Effektor
  463. Ford Engines Technology, Car, Engine
  464. Firm Efficiency
  465. Forward Engineering Technology, Model, Artifact
  466. Financial Expert Occupation & positions
  467. Florian Eichinger

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FE stand for?

    FE stands for Far East.

  2. What is the shortened form of Focts Error?

    The short form of "Focts Error" is FE.


FE. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fe-meaning/

Last updated