FEB Meaning

The FEB meaning is "Federación Yspañola De Baloncesto". The FEB abbreviation has 82 different full form.

FEB Full Forms

  1. Federación Yspañola De Baloncesto Technology, Spain, Basketball, Rank
  2. Federación De Educadores Bonaerenses
  3. Fjderaci
  4. Federación De Educadores Bonaeremses Para, Con, Pol
  5. Federal Executive Branch Government, Military, Law
  6. Febmile Medical
  7. Federal Axecutive Board Employment, Service, Government
  8. Faculty Ofneconomics and Business Student, Education, University
  9. Futura Extra Bold
  10. Fever [Lat. Febris] Medicine, Health, Biology
  11. Free Electronic Band
  12. Facility Evaluation Board Science
  13. Field Evaluation Bodies
  14. Funda
  15. Forward Equipment Bay Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  16. Fedkra
  17. Fusion Experimental Breeder
  18. Fever Fever, also known as pyrexia and febrile response, is defined as having a temperature above the normal range due to an increase in the body's temperature set-point. There is not a single agreed-upon upper limit for normal temperature with sources using values between 37.5 and 38.3 °C. The increase in set-point triggers increased muscle contraction and causes a feeling of cold. This results in greater heat production and efforts to conserve heat. Medical, Technology, Medicine
  19. Freediver East Bohemia
  20. Feyeral Executive Boards Management, Government, Office
  21. Faciljties Engineering Branch
  22. Field Evaluation Body Technology, Accreditation, Electricity
  23. Fondation De L'Entrepreneurship Du BéNin
  24. Februar German, Time
  25. Fetal Echogenic Bowel Medical, Science, Biology
  26. Fourth Entry Battery Space, Study, Cosmos
  27. Fdderal Employee Benefits
  28. Fachgemeinschaft Der Einrichter Von BildungsstäTten
  29. Field Engineering Bulletin
  30. Focused Electron Beam
  31. Fdration Des Entreprises De Belgique Government, Federation
  32. Ferrovie Elettriche Biellesi
  33. Foundation European Bioelectromagnetism
  34. Federal Ehtiyat BankıNıN
  35. Fedmration Des Entreprises De Belgique Organizations, Ration
  36. Field Effect Biosensing
  37. Flying Evaluation Board Technology, Military, Bush
  38. Fat Eared Bunny
  39. February Technology, Education, Study, Britannica, Corps, Time, Schooling, Month, Aviation, Weather, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  40. ForçAs ExpedicionáRias Brasileiras
  41. Federacio Esperanto De Barato
  42. Fiche D'Expression De Besoins
  43. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin Technology, Research, Publication
  44. Faculteit Economie En Bedrijfskunde Education, University, Economics
  45. Flow Equalization Basin Technology, Water, Wastewater
  46. ForçA Especial De Bombeiros
  47. Federación De Educadores Bonaerense
  48. Fiber Economics Bureau Business, Industrial, Textile
  49. Fremantle Eastern Bypass
  50. Faculdade De Engenharia Do Bauru Technology, Para, Presentation, Dos
  51. Fleet Executive Board Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  52. Forwarding Engine Board Technology, Networking, Juniper
  53. Fedexaci
  54. Federatie Eredivisie Basketballclubs
  55. Four Elements Brewing Products
  56. Front End Boards Technology, Power, Electronics, Detector
  57. Feld-Arsatz-Bataillon
  58. Februray Ordnance Survey
  59. Front End Board Technology, Presentation, Power
  60. Federação Espírica Brasileira Para, Dos, Brasil
  61. Fundação Educacional De Barretos
  62. Functionals Electronic Block
  63. Front-End Boards Technology, Radio, Power
  64. Fedxration of Egyptian Banks
  65. Falling-Evaporating Body Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  66. Functional Equivalent of The Border
  67. Forbidden Energy Bands
  68. Front-End Board Technology, Presentation, Power
  69. Federation of Sntreprises In Belgium
  70. Sanfebagar Airport, Sanfebagar, Nepal Nepal
  71. Functional Electronic Block Science, Space, Electronics
  72. Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist
  73. FöRderprogramm Entwicklungspolitische Bildung Deutschland, Welt, Engagement
  74. Ftderation of Enterprises In Belgium Business, Enterprise, Belgium
  75. Federal Executive Board Medical, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fda
  76. Fully Encapsulated Bullet
  77. Fellowship of European Broadcasters Organizations, Radio, Church
  78. FéDéRation Des Equipes Bull
  79. Federatie Eredivisie Basketball
  80. Figure editor button bar (WordPerfect for Win) Computing, File Extensions
  81. Fucking English Bastard
  82. Fellows Editorial Board

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FEB stand for?

    FEB stands for Fetal Echogenic Bowel.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ferrovie Elettriche Biellesi?

    The short form of "Ferrovie Elettriche Biellesi" is FEB.


FEB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/feb-meaning/

Last updated