FEC in Technology Meaning

The FEC meaning in Technology terms is "Forward Error Correction". There are 51 related meanings of the FEC Technology abbreviation.

FEC on Technology Full Forms

  1. Forward Error Correction A technique for detecting and correcting errors from imperfect transmission by adding a small number of extra bits. FEC allows optical transmission over longer distances by correcting errors that can happen as the signal-to-noise ratio decreases with distance.
  2. Fast Etherchannel
  3. Family Entertainment Centers
  4. Forwarding Equivalence Class
  5. Family Entertainment Centres
  6. Field Equipment Controller
  7. Forward Equivalence Class
  8. Forward Error Coding
  9. Forward-Error-Correction
  10. Family Entertainment Centre
  11. Fellowship of Evangelical Churches
  12. Future Energy Challenge
  13. Forward Error-Correcting
  14. Forest Ecosystem Classification
  15. Family Entertainment Center
  16. Fellow of Engineers Canada
  17. Future Ecm Computer
  18. Forward Error Corrector
  19. Florida East Coast Railway Company
  20. Frick Environmental Center
  21. Federated Electrical Contractors
  22. Functional Esuivalence Class
  23. Forward Error Corrections
  24. Foward Error Correction
  25. Front End Covputers
  26. Forward Error Corrected
  27. Failure Effect Code
  28. Forwarding Error Correction
  29. Front Endfclipping
  30. Forward Error Correct
  31. Field Equipment Controllers
  32. Failure Effect Categorization
  33. Forwarding Equivalency Class
  34. Front End Cabinet
  35. Forward Erajure Correction
  36. Flash Exposure Control
  37. Front-End Controllers
  38. Forward Equivalent Class
  39. Front End Cards
  40. Forward Equivalency Class
  41. Fall Electronics Conference
  42. Forward Equipment Compartment
  43. Flight Envelope Computation
  44. Fair Employment Commission
  45. Forwazd Error-Correcting
  46. Federal Equipment Company
  47. Flexible Etched Circuits
  48. Fkrward Error Correct
  49. Federal Energy Commission
  50. Further Educatioa Corporation
  51. Forward-Error Correction

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FEC stand for Technology?

    FEC stands for Forward Error Correct in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Frick Environmental Center in Technology?

    The short form of "Frick Environmental Center" is FEC for Technology.


FEC in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 18). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fec-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated