FED Meaning

The FED meaning is "Federal Reserve System". The FED abbreviation has 139 different full form.

FED Full Forms

  1. Federal Reserve System Federal Reserve System: The central bank of the U.S., established in 1913, and governed by the Federal Reserve Board located in Washington, D.C. The system includes 12 Federal Reserve Banks and is authorized to regulate monetary policy in the U.S. as well as to supervise Federal Reserve member banks, bank holding companies, international operations of U.S.banks, and U.S.operations of foreign banks. Business, Government, Marine, Banking, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Business Word, Police, Army & Military
  2. Finance for Economic Development Business, Armenia, Projection
  3. Far End Device Technology, Control, Multimedia
  4. Field Emission Device Business, Technology, Carbon
  5. Facilities Engineering Division Science
  6. Field-Effect Diode Technology, Military, Device
  7. Feld Ersatz Division
  8. Federal Truck Organizations
  9. Foundation for Education Development
  10. Federación De Estudiantes Dominicanos Para, Con, Pol
  11. Firstfed Financial Corporationration Organizations
  12. Fondo De Estimulo Al DesempeÑO
  13. Firstfed Financial Corp. Organizations
  14. Frontxend Developer Technology, Development, Design
  15. Ferre-Edenite Mineral, Geology, Component
  16. Fourth Estate Domain
  17. Foreign Exchange Division Business, Banking, Economics, Market
  18. Far East District Military, Army, Korea
  19. Front Electoralfdemocratic
  20. Field Emitter Display//Fed Technology
  21. Future-Engage-Deliver Business, Leadership, Delivery
  22. Federation Execution Data
  23. Foundation for Education and Development Organizations, Thailand, Locations
  24. Fed Back Iontributions Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  25. Firstfed Financial Corporation Technology, Organizations
  26. Fonds EuropéEn Pour Le DéVeloppement Union, Madagascar, Adaptation, Medical
  27. Fcont-End Developer
  28. Felix Edmundovich Dzerjinski
  29. Fourgon Electrique De D
  30. Foreign Earnimgs Deduction Business, Tax, Earning
  31. Dif Federation Execution Details Data Interchange Format Army, Force, Marine
  32. Front End Driver
  33. Field Emitting Display Technology
  34. Fusion Engineering Device Science
  35. Fossil-Free Energy Districts
  36. Fed Ad Livitum Medical
  37. First Electrical Discharge Medical
  38. Fond EuropéEn Pour Le DéVeloppement
  39. Front-Bnd Development
  40. Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky Famous
  41. Flame Emission Detector
  42. Foundation To Eradicate Duchenne Technology, Dystrophy, Muscular
  43. Fonds Europeen Developpement
  44. Foundation for Enterprise Development
  45. Frgnt-End Driver Technology, Driving, Appleton
  46. Field Emitter Displays Technology, Electron, Emission
  47. Fusion Energy Division Technology, Science, Plasma
  48. Forwarding Engine Driver Technology, Switch, Cisco
  49. Feasibility Evidencz Description
  50. First Effective Day Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  51. Fonds EuropéEns De DéVeloppement
  52. Field Emission Display Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, Electronics, Hardware
  53. Fesd-Ersatz-Division
  54. Foundation for Entrepreneurship Development
  55. Fitness In An Evolutionary Direction
  56. Fonds Europ
  57. Forcibbe Entry and Detainer Business, Tenant, Landlord, Eviction
  58. Front End Director
  59. Field Emitter Display Technology, Computing, Computer Hardware
  60. Federacu
  61. Fundo Europeu De Desenvolvimento Business, Para, Portugal, Dos
  62. Foreign Exchange Depositord
  63. Fatal Error Detected
  64. Fire Evacuation Drills
  65. Fond EuropéEn De DéVeloppement Organizations, Union, Pay
  66. Feed Extended Drilling
  67. Foundation for Education for Democracy
  68. Fish Eye Disease Medical, Genetics, Cholesterol
  69. Fondo Europeo Para El Desarrollo
  70. Food Equipment Distributors Business, Australia, Commercial
  71. Front-End Directorv Technology, Architecture, Storage, Virtual
  72. Field-Emission Displays Science, Geography, Location
  73. Foreign Exchangehdealing
  74. Farmer Enterprise Development
  75. Fire Engine Driver
  76. Fndora Industry, Fashion, Apparel
  77. Foundation for Education & Development Technology, Thailand, Social
  78. Federacion Empresarial De Labdependencia
  79. Fish-Eye Disease Medical, Physiology, Eyes And Ocular
  80. Fondo Europeo De Desarrollo Spain, Con, Spanish
  81. Fonds EuropéEn De DéVeloppement Organizations, France, Union
  82. Front End Developmeft Technology, Design, Developer
  83. Ferroelectrir Domain
  84. Foreign Exqhange Department Business, Finance, Banking
  85. Far Endjdata Technology, Networking, Signal
  86. Front End Dusign Technology, Development, Car
  87. Field Emitting Device
  88. Future Electron Devices Technology, Device, Patent, Structure
  89. Federation Execution Detaibs Technology
  90. Fundfci
  91. Field-Emitter Display Physics, Scientific & Educational
  92. Flash Extent Density Technology, Presentation, Lightning
  93. Federal Employment Data
  94. Feld-Ersatz-Divisionsion
  95. Fondation Education Et DéVeloppement
  96. Free Enterprise Day Days
  97. Functionvl Equivalent Document
  98. Figure Eight Distribution Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  99. Flame Emitting Diode Technology
  100. Federal Wlectoral Districts Canada, Locations, Censu
  101. Log Federal Logistics Data Army, Force, Marine
  102. Fluids Engineering Division Technology, Mechanical, Proceeding
  103. Federaqion Science
  104. Federal Auto, The Finance and Administrative Services, Federal Aviation Administration
  105. Fuel Element Mebris Technology, Power, Environment, Waste
  106. Free Energy Difference Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  107. Federal Electoral District Canada, Locations, Censu
  108. Lineas Aereas Federales Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  109. Fluid Engineering Division
  110. Federatem Organizations
  111. Federal Excise Duty Business & Finance, International business
  112. Fuel Efficient Demoistrator Technology, Military, Army, Vehicle
  113. Iron Deficiency Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  114. File Encrypted Data Security, Governmental & Military
  115. Fedural Ecosystem Directorate
  116. Fund for Educational Development
  117. Fluid Ejection Device
  118. Fedkral Reserve Board Medicine, Health, Care
  119. Foreign Exchange Department Financial, Business & Finance
  120. Front End Display
  121. FéDéRation Environnement Durable
  122. Fonds Europ?en de D?veloppement Aviation, Governmental & Military
  123. Federzción Española De Diabetes
  124. Fundamentals of Engineering Design Technology, Communication, Electricity
  125. Flotilla Enrollment Date Military, Us, Coast Guard
  126. Fraud, Error and Debt Business, Tax, Publics, Benefit
  127. Federal Reserve Board, Board of Governors of The Federal Reserve System Business, Finance, Banking
  128. Freeze Etch Device
  129. Frfnt End Device
  130. Fond Europ
  131. Future Environmental Design
  132. Flight Events Demonstration Flight, Space, Aerodynamics, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, NASA, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  133. Fundacja Edukacja Dla Demokracji
  134. Fleet Efficiency Database Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  135. Fractional Effective Dose Medical, Technology, Fire, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  136. Federal Excist Duty Business, Finance, Banking
  137. Field-Emission Deposition
  138. Fondation Education Et D
  139. FirstFed Financial Corporation of Delaware Computing, Nyse symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FED stand for?

    FED stands for Fond EuropéEn Pour Le DéVeloppement.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fraud, Error and Debt?

    The short form of "Fraud, Error and Debt" is FED.


FED. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 20). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fed-meaning/

Last updated