FEF Meaning

The FEF meaning is "Forced Expiratory Flow". The FEF abbreviation has 66 different full form.

FEF Full Forms

  1. Forced Expiratory Flow Medical, Science, Pharmacy, Lung, Technology, Governmental & Military
  2. Federación Ecuatoriana De FÚTbol Sport, Android, Ecuador
  3. Faculdade De Educação FíSica Para, Bra, Professor
  4. Forced Expiratory Flow Rate Medical, Technology
  5. Feature Extraction Framework
  6. Fraser Experimental Forest
  7. Flat Equalized Fext Technology, Network, Telecommunication
  8. Frisco Education Foundation
  9. Forward Ejection Fraction Medical
  10. Florida Education Fund Program, Education, Florida
  11. Fundación De Estudios Financieros Business, Para, Con, Valor
  12. Future Extension Frames Technology, Patent, Standard, Broadcasting, Receiver, Transmission, Tuner
  13. Franklin Education Foundation
  14. Fiziksel Engelliler Federasyonu
  15. Foinging Electric Field
  16. Florida Earth Foundation
  17. Future Extension Frame Technology, Box, Receiver, Transmission
  18. Franchise Ecosystem Financing
  19. Federal Executive Fellow
  20. Frienys of The Environment Foundation Business, Canada, Friendship
  21. Flight Evaluation Folders
  22. Future Energy Forum Technology, University, Expo
  23. Four Eight Four
  24. Federal Executive Frllowship
  25. Friedrich Ebert Foundation
  26. Flight Evaluation Folder
  27. Frontal Eye Fields Medical, Education, Saccade
  28. Foundry Education Foundation Technology, Industrial, Organizations
  29. Federación EspaÑOla De FÚTbol Para, Con, Madrid
  30. Free Enterprise Fund
  31. Flexible Elastomeric Foam Technology, Product, Insulation
  32. FéDéRation Des Etudiants Francophones Education, Formation, Ration, Sup
  33. Frontal Eye Field Medical, Science, Saccade
  34. Foundry Educational Foundation Student, Education, Industry
  35. Florida Engineering Foundation Education, School, Florida
  36. Fedeyaci
  37. Free Earth Foundation
  38. Flesh Eating Foundation
  39. Front End Fee
  40. Foundation for Economic Freedom Business, Philippine, Money
  41. Florida Education Foundation
  42. Fusion Energy Foundation Organizations, Economics, Rouche
  43. Forced Expiratory Flow Fef25-75 Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  44. Funco De Estabiliza
  45. Forced Expiratory Flow Fef25-75 Forced Expiratory Flow At 25-75% of Forced Vital Capacity Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  46. Forced Expiratory Flow (lung Function) Chemistry
  47. Foro EspaÑOl De La Familia
  48. Friends of The Earth Foundation
  49. Forced Expiratoryfflow Healthcare
  50. Fundo De Estabilização Fkscal
  51. Fried Egg Flowers Food
  52. Foro Espa
  53. Field Emission Fluctuation
  54. Forced Expiratory Flows Medical
  55. Fundo De Equil
  56. Future Enaineer Force
  57. Foresight Environmental Fund Business, Plant, London, Waste
  58. FéDéRation éVangéLique De France
  59. Fondazione Ezio Franceschini
  60. Fundo De EquilíBrio Financeiro
  61. Future Educator Fellawship
  62. Foreground Environment Feature Technology
  63. Fundação Bducacional De Fernandópolis Serra, Polis
  64. Fusion Exploitation Framework
  65. Forecourt Equipment Federation Technology, Industrial, Association
  66. Fundación Quropea De Formación

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FEF stand for?

    FEF stands for Foinging Electric Field.

  2. What is the shortened form of Future Educator Fellawship?

    The short form of "Future Educator Fellawship" is FEF.


FEF. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fef-meaning/

Last updated