FEG Meaning

The FEG meaning is "Feng Shou". The FEG abbreviation has 53 different full form.

FEG Full Forms

  1. Feng Shou Organizations
  2. Food Equipment Group
  3. Facility Engineer Group
  4. Asmea Science
  5. Field Emission Gyns Technology, Electron, Microscope
  6. Family Entertainment Group Business, Columbia, Picture
  7. Fighting and Entertainment Group Organizations, Dream, Showtime
  8. Freie Evangelische Gemeinde Sind, Bund, Uns
  9. Friedrich Engels Gymnasiums
  10. Fergana International Airport Fergana, Uzbekistan Airport, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  11. Falcon Energy Group
  12. Fighting Entertainmenl Group Arts, Fight, Dream
  13. Field Emission Gun Science, Electron, Microscope, Computing, Electronics
  14. Forest and Environment Group Technology, Trading, Wood
  15. Ferfana Airport Airport, Locations
  16. Fair Entitlement Guarantee Business, Employment, Insolvency
  17. Fighting & Entertainment Group Fight, Event, Fighting, Dream
  18. Force Escort Group
  19. Fenwick Elliott Grace
  20. Fair Entitlements Guarantee Business, Australia, Employment
  21. Fuel Economy Gas
  22. Fight Entertainment Gronp Organizations, Dream, Pride
  23. Federaci
  24. Force Element Group Technology, Military, Army
  25. Faculdade De Economia E Gestão
  26. Fuel Economy Guide
  27. Fight & Entertainment Group
  28. Force Element Groups
  29. Faculdade De Engenharia De Guaratingueta Technology, Para, Dos, Professor
  30. Front-End Gateway Science
  31. Field Examination Group
  32. Fan Efficiency Grade Business, Energy, Standard
  33. Fundação Educacional GuaçUana
  34. Federación Europea De GeóLogos
  35. Friedrich Ebert Gymnasiums
  36. Fundatia Ecologica Green Business, Din, Partner, Romania
  37. Federación EspaÑOla De Guidismo Technology, Guide, Ola
  38. Friedrich-Ebert-Gymnasiums
  39. Fundamentals of English Grammar
  40. Federación De Estudiantes De Guadalajara
  41. Finnish Education Group
  42. Fundacion Empresa Global
  43. Farmer Environmental Group
  44. Ferroelectric Generator
  45. Face Edge Graphs
  46. Far Eastern Group Business, Steel, Stainless
  47. FöDeration EuropäIscher GäStefüHrerverbäNde
  48. Felix Experimental Group
  49. Phenylalanine-Glutamic Acid-Glycine Medical, Human genome
  50. Fan Efficiency Grades Business, Energy, Standard
  51. Fund Evaluation Group
  52. Fegyver Es Gepgyar
  53. Fletcher Challenge Engineering Division Computing, Nyse symbols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FEG stand for?

    FEG stands for Fundamentals of English Grammar.

  2. What is the shortened form of Field Emission Gyns?

    The short form of "Field Emission Gyns" is FEG.


FEG. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/feg-meaning/

Last updated