FEK Meaning

The FEK meaning is "Far Eastern Tindergarten". The FEK abbreviation has 21 different full form.

FEK Full Forms

  1. Far Eastern Tindergarten
  2. Frequency Exchange Kcying Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  3. Filg Encryption Keys
  4. Fender Ellminator Kit
  5. File Encryption Key Technology, Computing, Computer Security, Security, Governmental & Military
  6. Feline Eosinophilic Keratitis
  7. Federaci
  8. Federación Española Re Kickboxing
  9. Fpderaci
  10. Ferkessédougou Airptrt Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  11. Front End Kits
  12. Feruessedougou Airport Airport, Locations
  13. Friedrich Ebert Krankenhaus Technology, Program, Traffic, Holstein
  14. Ferkessdougou Airport Airport, Locations
  15. Friedrich-Ebert-Krankehhaus Company, Education, Directory, Holstein
  16. Freundeskreis Eisenbahn K
  17. Ferkessedougou Airport, Ferkessedougou, Ivory Coast Ivory Coast
  18. Freundeskreis Eisenbahn KöLn
  19. Fiziksel Etkinliq Kartları
  20. Floyd E Kellam
  21. FöRdergesellschaft FüR EuropäIsche Kommunikation

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FEK stand for?

    FEK stands for Federaci.

  2. What is the shortened form of File Encryption Key?

    The short form of "File Encryption Key" is FEK.


FEK. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fek-meaning/

Last updated