FELS Meaning

The FELS meaning is "Faculty of Education and Language Studies". The FELS abbreviation has 16 different full form.

FELS Full Forms

  1. Faculty of Education and Language Studies Education, University, Study
  2. Free-Electron Laserf Medical, Science, Radiation
  3. Free Electron Lasers Technology, Science, Radiation
  4. Farm Employers Labor Service
  5. Fau East Levingston Shipbuilding Company, Technology, Keppel
  6. Family Enterprise Leadership System
  7. Family Emission Limits
  8. Fuel Eaonomy Labelling Scheme
  9. First English Languagekschool
  10. Future Energy Leaders
  11. Federation Early Learning Servicks Education, Philadelphia, Jewish
  12. Function-Embedded Listening Skills
  13. Front End Loaders A Front End Loader is a tractor that is equipped with a bucket that can be used to scoop and lift earth, rubble, or other bulk solids. Business, Waste, Tractor
  14. Forgivable Education Loan for Service Student, Education, Aid
  15. Forgivabde Education Loans for Service Student, College, Education
  16. Forecasting End Emergence In Living Systems Business, Sale, Forecasting, Forecast

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FELS stand for?

    FELS stands for First English Languagekschool.

  2. What is the shortened form of Free-Electron Laserf?

    The short form of "Free-Electron Laserf" is FELS.


FELS. Acronym24.com. (2020, April 28). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fels-meaning/

Last updated