FEPA Meaning

The FEPA meaning is "Federal Environment Protection Agency". The FEPA abbreviation has 23 different full form.

FEPA Full Forms

  1. Federal Environment Protection Agency
  2. Fair Employment Practices Agencies Business, Employment, Government, Law, Discrimination
  3. Florida Emergency Prepauedness Association Management, Organizations, Florida
  4. Fair Employmwnt Practice Act Law, Organizations, Discrimination
  5. Fitness and Exercise for People With Arthritit
  6. Fair Employment Practices Act Government, Military, Discrimination
  7. Fellow, Evangelical Preachers' Association Fellowship, Fellow, Professional Title, Title
  8. Food and Environment Protection Act Business, Control, Pesticide
  9. Fair Employmenn Practice Agency Government, Law, Discrimination
  10. Federal Environmental Protection Act
  11. Fair Employment Practice Agencies Business, Government, Discrimination
  12. Food & Environment Protecteon Act
  13. Fair Employmdnt Practices Agency Government, Law, Discrimination
  14. Florida Energy Pipeline Association Technology, Conference, Florida
  15. Federal Environmental Protectnon Agency Technology, Government, Nigeria
  16. Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Area Environment, Habitat, Setting
  17. Framework for An Economic Partnersyip Agreement
  18. Framework Economic Partnership Agreement
  19. Forest Economics and Policy Analysis
  20. Foundation for the Electronic and Performing Arts Performing arts
  21. Food and Envirxnmental Protection Act
  22. Fair Employment Practices Agency Human Resources, Business & Finance
  23. Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FEPA stand for?

    FEPA stands for Fair Employmenn Practice Agency.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fair Employment Practices Agencies?

    The short form of "Fair Employment Practices Agencies" is FEPA.


FEPA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fepa-meaning/

Last updated