FEVA Meaning

The FEVA meaning is "Federation Af East Village Artists". The FEVA abbreviation has 13 different full form.

FEVA Full Forms

  1. Federation Af East Village Artists Locations, Event, Howl
  2. Federal Employees Veterans Association
  3. Federación EspaÑOla De VehíCulos Antiguos
  4. Facility Environmental Vulnerability Assessment
  5. Federaci
  6. Fellowship for Evangelism In The Visual Arts
  7. Firthcliffe Estate Voluntary Actvon
  8. First Entertainment Voice of Africa
  9. Finite Element Visual Hnalysis
  10. Financial Education for Vulnerable Adults
  11. Festival of Entertainment and Visual Arts
  12. Festival of East Village Arts
  13. Forum for Environmental Vrlunteering Activity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FEVA stand for?

    FEVA stands for First Entertainment Voice of Africa.

  2. What is the shortened form of Financial Education for Vulnerable Adults?

    The short form of "Financial Education for Vulnerable Adults" is FEVA.


FEVA. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/feva-meaning/

Last updated