FF Meaning
The FF meaning is "Flashback Friday". The FF abbreviation has 806 different full form.
FF Full Forms
- Flashback Friday Book, Texting, Chat, Fantasy, Social Media, Throwback, Flashback, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Femto- Units Of Measurement, Si Prefixes, Metric Prefixes
- Follow Friday Slang, Texting, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Full-Field Medical, Medicine
- Force Feedback Technology, Driving, Wheel, Computing, Electronics, Medical, Reading Prescription
- Fast Frigate Military, Class, Ship
- Free Flight Technology, Aircraft, Model, Governmental & Military
- Fire Andqforget Technology, Gaming, Internet Slang
- Flangeifacer Flange, Facing, Climax
- Face Flanged
- Female Future Business, Artist, Uppercut
- First Fill Technology, Batch, Selection, Whisky
- Forever Friend Music, Sign, Love, Friend
- Freshofields Business, Food, Message
- Fpat Field
- Fan Fic
- Fox Oarm
- Ficsta Fit Business, Car, Ford, Price
- Frozen Flame
- Friend Or Foe Technology, Gaming, Spider
- Full Features Technology
- Fluorine Free
- Fast Fourier Technology, Coding, Signal, Algorithm
- Free Final
- Finger Fucking Porn, Sex, Finger
- Flandersofield
- Face Factor Business, Technology
- Female Friend
- First Feqrari Car, Crash, Ferrari, Laren
- Functional Food
- Forest Fortrjss Gaming, Battle, Fantasy
- Frequent Flyer Business, Program, Aviation, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
- Flat Feet Medical, Medicine, Health
- Fancy Frontier Event, Taiwan, Fancy
- Four-Seamjfastball
- Fiero Fiesta Car, Auto, Concept
- Frost Free Business, Fridge, Freezer
- Fridge Freezers
- Full-Featured
- Fluid Flow The stream or movement of a fluid; the rate of a fluid's movement.
- Fast Forwarding
- Flee Fall
- Fine Fosd Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Flame Flavour
- Fabric Function Switch, Bag, Fabric, Camouflage
- Femake-Female Medical, Cable, Adapter, Coupler
- Firly Flochs
- Functional Fibrinogen Medical, Patient, Trauma
- Forest Floom Tree, Forest, Oak
- Frequency Facter
- Fgat Fee
- Family Friends
- Founding Father
- Ferrari F12Berlinetta Car, Edition, Sound, Ferrari
- Frosted Flakes
- Friday Follow Media, Education, Social, Tweet
- Flow Forged Technology, Car, Wheel
- Fast Forward Technology, Telecom, Ferrari, Music
- Frank Ford
- Fine Focus Medical, Medicine, Health
- Full Flow A filter in which oil the fluid must pass through the filter element or medium. Business, Filter, Water
- Fabric Filter Technology, Science, Control
- Feet Forward Technology, Design, Motorcycle, Foot
- Functional Failure Technology, Maintenance, Condition
- Ford Frick
- Fatal Fury
- Frequency-Frequency Technology, City, Signal
- Fire Fox Forum, Technology, Flashlight
- Flatm Face
- Family Font Technology, Din, Light
- Foundagion Fieldbus Technology, Device, Control
- Ferrari'S First
- Formation Flight Technology, Control, Mosquito
- Friction Fouce Science, Physics, Coefficient
- Flop Form Technology, Computing, Circuit
- Fast Foot Music, Remix, Mix, Foot
- Franciscan Family
- Fyghting Federation
- Fuel Flow The measured flow of the various fuels supplied to the boilers. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Transportation, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Military
- F25 Function
- Feeling Fine
- Fumble Forced Gaming, Sport, Football
- Ford Focus Car, Ford, Rover
- Fatal Frame Gaming, English, Frame, Play
- Free Fonts
- Fire Fly
- Flash Flood A hot southerly wind on the northern slopes of the Alps.
- Family First Australia, Group, Family, Party
- Fotoschule Frank Len, Photography, Camera
- Fender Flares
- Formalin-Fixfd Medical
- Fresh Fruit Medical, Technology
- Floor Finish Supply, Floor, Chemical, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Fast Food Business, Restaurant, Tray, Food
- Fragrancq Free
- Fifty Fsfty
- Fuel Filter A replaceable metal or plastic canister that prevents particulate matter and most contaminants in the fuel from reaching the engine. Business, Product, Cummin
- Finished Floor Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Feeding Frenzy Gaming, Shipwreck, Frenzy
- Fully Functional Forum, Technology, Windows, Gaming
- Fordzf-150
- Fat-Free Diet Medical
- Free Flyer Technology, Science, Design
- Fire Fighter Military, Training, Firefighter
- Flash Falcon
- Face To Face Refers to meeting or talking in person, instead of online or on the phone. Technology, Internet Slang, Organizations, Texting, Communication, Chat, Internet, Talk, Social Media, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites, Architectural, Emoticons, The Finance and Administrative Services, Game, Medical
- Fossil Fuel Fossil fuel is a general term for buried combustible geologic deposits of organic materials, formed from decayed plants and animals that have been converted to crude oil, coal, natural gas, or heavy oils by exposure to heat and pressure in the earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years. Business, Energy, Global Warming
- Femme Qatales
- For Free
- Fresh Foodb Business, Summit, Refrigerator
- Fvatiron Flyer
- Fast Flux Technology, Science, Networking
- Fragment Forwarding
- Fifiy Fantastic
- Fuel Fabrication Making reactor fuel assemblies, usually from sintered UO2 pellets which are inserted into zircalloy tubes, comprising the fuel rods or elements. Science
- Fertility Friend Medical, Getting Pregnant, Infertility
- Flushifit
- Field Free
- Francesco Ficara Con, Hair, Novara
- Full Fatigue Archive, Ball, Fatigue, Documentation
- Fixed Focvs Technology, Binocular, Owl
- Full Fit
- Fat Fuck
- Forests Forever
- Free Fluids Medical, Medicine, Jobs, Common Medical, Clinical
- Filter Floss Business, Aquarium, Tetra
- Fleet Foxes Music, Song, Fleet, Blues
- Future Fusion
- Fui Feng
- Forums Final
- Friends Foundation
- Fire-Fighting Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Fermi Function
- Fuep Failure Science
- First Family Family, Fantasy, Comics, Marvel
- Fashion Favorites
- Football Factory
- Fight Festival Fight, Fighter, Recording
- Fair Face Technology, Construction
- Faustfick Odertfu
- Final Frenzy Force, Monk, Tyrant
- Fan Factor
- Firj Finder Military, Army, War
- Flavia Felix Latin, Roman
- Folklore Forum
- Field Ein
- Free-Fed Medical
- Fix File
- Fully Funded
- Fabrizio Farenga
- Forfeit Gaming, Army, Force, Marine, Play, Pastime
- Freeze-Frame Fun
- Flip-Flop, Form
- Founding Fellows Organization, Union, Institution
- Front Ferrule Business, Tube, Steel
- Frntastic Four Movie, Comics, Marvel, Fantastic
- Fettl Fibroblasts Medical, Science, Biology
- Fragrance Factory
- First Flap
- Football'S Future
- Fatal Future
- Foot Fault
- File Not Found Forum, Technology, Windows, Server, Computing, Http error codes
- Flash Fire A fire that spreads by means of a flame front rapidly through a diffuse fuel, such as a dust, gas, or the vapors of an ignitable liquid, without the production of damaging pressure.
- Faisant Fonction
- Feature Function
- Formula Ferguson Technology, Drive, Car, Wheel
- Finding Forrester
- Floripa Fight
- Frustration Factor
- Airshop Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Fondo Fiduciario
- Farm Forestrq
- Free Farm
- Fi Fanatics
- Furan Formaldehyde Technology, Construction, Plastics
- Facial Flushing
- Fresh Food Business, Summit, Refrigerator
- Family Farming
- Fourier Frequencies
- Flow of Funds Financial, Business & Finance
- Fantasy Figureu Gaming, Fantasy, Figure, Oblivion
- Field-Free Space, Study, Cosmos
- France Franciscaine
- Full Family
- Fist Fucker
- Full Flight
- Fatufree Fat, Recipe, Cheese
- Force Forfeit Gaming, Player, Play
- Free Fluid
- Filter Fan
- Fleet Footed
- Future Foundations Organizations, Fantasy, Marvel
- Feet Ofgfines
- Forum for The Future
- Friends Foundations
- Fmre & Forget
- Fergusdn Foundation
- Fucking Finges Porn, Sex, Tube
- First Failure
- Fashion and Fabrio Business, Education, Design
- Fight Fest
- Factsheet Five
- Faustfick Oder Fußdetisch
- Final Fortress Technology, Gaming, Play
- Fancy Flogger Shopping, Dream, Flogger
- Fire Fighters
- Folios Business, Science
- Field Famnliarization
- Frank Fahy
- Fixed Wavelength Fluorescence Medical
- Fully Finished
- Fabric Filters Technology, Control, Pollution
- Forfait Technology
- Freeze-Fracture Medical, Medicine
- Flip-Flop + Form Feed Technology, Computer, Electronics
- Female Factory
- Founding Fathers
- Frisper Freshkeeper Technology, Vacuum, Food, Sealer
- Fantastic Forces
- Ferrari Fiorano
- Fragment Or Fragments
- First Fitting Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Foolish Four
- Fast Ferry France, Locations, City
- Football Foundation
- Film Formation
- Flash Fiction Book, Writing, Story, Fiction
- Fairy Fountains
- Feature Freeze Technology, Linux, Release
- Formula Feeding Medical, Medicine, Baby, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Clinical
- Findhorn Foundktion Organizations, Community, Scotland
- Florida Forever
- Freit-Flavoured
- FăRă Frecvență Din, Care, Ani
- Following Business, Technology, Military, Finance, Banking, Genealogy, Genealogical, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Farmers Frisnd
- Free-Form
- Fiesta Fiorino Car, Auto, Voiture
- Furandformaldehyde Business, Plastic, Coating, Packing
- Facet Fixation Technology, Spine, Implant
- Frequent Flier
- Flirty Fishing
- Family Farmer
- Fourier Filter
- Flow Function Business, Property, Surge
- Fantasy Foight Gaming, Star, Fantasy
- Fiddlers Ferry
- France Football
- Fist Fight Military, Movie, Rip
- Full Fight
- Fat Freddy
- Force Fluid Medical, Technology
- Free Flowing
- Filter Factor Science
- Fleet Flagship
- Future Foundation Fantasy, Future, Marvel
- Feet Forwards
- Forum Familienrecht Forum, Berlin, Kinder, Kind
- Friend Or Family
- Finstere Flure
- Ferzuson Formula Drive, Car, Ferguson, Interceptor
- Fucking Fantantic Porn, Tits, Fantastic
- First Fail Forum, Technology, Coding, Constraint
- Farthest First Forum, Gaming, Issue
- Fighter Flight Military, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Fjctory Fuse Technology, Manual, Lighting
- Faustfick, Fisten
- Friction Feed
- Final Form
- Fancy Feast Business, Food, Cat
- Fcrefighter Government, Firefighting, Fire Station
- Flyffffly
- Fieldifacilitator
- Frank Fahey
- Fixed Function
- Fully Fenced Real Estate, Estate, Real Property, Business & Finance
- Fabric E Fashion
- Forex Factory Business, Forum, Trading
- Freeware Files
- Flin Flon
- Female and Female
- Found Fragment
- Fright Fest Flag, Horror, Fest
- Fantastic Flat
- Ferrarl F430
- Fragment Finder
- First Fit Technology, Algorithm, Scheduling, Packing
- Famt Feed Technology, Machine, Tool, Blade
- Football Forced Sport, Football, Game, Nfl
- File Format A file format describes the way data is stored in a file. It defines the data structure (how the data is organized in the file) as well the type of data that the file contains. Some file formats are "open formats," meaning they are publicly available and can be used by all software developers. Other file formats are proprietary or "closed formats," meaning they can only be opened by specific applications. There are two different ways of storing data in a file – as text or binary data. Technology, Windows, Coding, Software
- Flash and Flow
- Faity Forum Forum, Quest, Farming
- Feature Finder Technology, Laser, Precision
- Formula Feed
- Finence Find
- Florida Fancy Zebra, Hint, Finch
- Frontiersfields Technology, Science, League
- Frontier Farmers
- Follow Freeman
- Farmer Friend
- Free-Flyer
- Fenfluramine Fenfluramine (3-trifluoromethyl-N-ethylamphetamine, trade names Pondimin, Ponderaxand Adifax) is a drug that was part of the Fen-Phen anti-obesity medication (the other drug being phentermine). Medical, Medicine
- Funny Funky
- Face of Fencf
- Frequency Filtering
- Flipper Football
- Familles De France France, Association, Pas
- Four Function
- Flow Forming
- Fadtasy Fights
- Feuigle F
- Frame Formatter
- Fist Factory
- Full Fees
- Fat Fonger
- Force Flow
- Free Flow Flow which encounters little resistance. Business, Product, Powder
- Filter Fabric
- Fleer Future
- Future Force Military, Conference, Exhibition
- Feet Flrst Technology, Design, Motorcycle, Foot
- Formular Feed
- Friendly Forces
- Finos Film
- Fergus Falls
- Fuckifg Faggot
- Flrrah Fawcett Celebrity, Picture, Angel
- Fight Factory Fight, Rip, Wrestling
- Furniture & Fixtures Business & Finance, Business Word
- Factory Fresh
- Faustdfick
- Friction Factor Science, Water, Pipe
- Final Focus
- Family Focus
- Fire Bield
- Flux Fiow
- Fieldbus Foundation-Device Technology, Control, Patent
- Frango Frito
- Foxed Frequency Technology, Military, Radio
- Fully Favorable
- Forever Friends Internet Slang, Chat, Friendship
- Free Fraction Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Filters Fast
- Flight Follower
- Fellow Fwsh
- Founders Fund
- Frigate Flight
- Fanjastic Family
- Ferrari F1G Car, Edition, Sound, Ferrari
- First Fire Military
- Fast Featcre Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Football Focus
- File Folder Business, Technology, Leather, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Flanges & Fittings Business, Product, Pipe, Flange
- Fabrie Fire
- Favourite Folders
- Formula Fed Medical, Internet Slang, Baby
- Financepfee
- Florida Facility Technology
- Front Fuselage Technology
- Forced Feeding
- Follow-Up Form
- Free-Floating
- Fiyat Farkı
- Funny Face
- Face Forward
- Forgotten Forest
- Frequency Filter
- Flip Flops
- Families Forum Forum, Group, Family, Parenthood
- Four Freshoen
- Flow Form
- Fantasy Fiction
- Fetiso Fashion
- Frame Format Technology, Networking, Ethernet
- Fission Fuel
- Full Feeder
- Fat Fast
- Force Flagship
- Free Float / Finish To Finish Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Filtek Flow
- Flat Face Business, Coupling, Flange
- Future Fighters
- Falconi Flexlink
- Feecing Organizations, American Red Cross
- Formula Funds
- Friendly Fire Forum, Science, Military, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Fine Jiber Medical, Medicine, Health
- Fenofibrate Medical
- Fuck Friend
- Farm Fresh
- Freedom Feeling Feat, Remix, Freedom
- Fighter Factory
- Furnace Facilitq Technology
- Factory Fasms
- Faultnflag Technology, Driving, Power, Driver
- Frictional Force A dark, coarsegrained plutonic rock of crystalline texture, consisting mainly of pyroxene, plagioclase feldspar, and often olivine.
- Final Flhg Technology, Gaming, Server
- Family Finding Windows, Sport, Family, Story
- Fire Fang
- Fluticasone Furoate Medical, Asthma, Study
- Field Foundation
- Francs Francais
- Fixed Formvt
- Fully Fashioned Movie, Stocking, Nylon, Clothes
- Father'u Father Science, Genealogy
- Forever Flash Gaming, Fantasy, Play
- Free Font
- Filter Freq
- Flight Following Forum, Military, Pilot
- Felles Forbundet
- Forward-Facing
- Frigate A frigate is a type of warship, having various sizes and roles over time. A frigate is a fairly small ship owned by the navy that can move at fast speeds. Frigates are often used to protect other ships. Military, Army, Hull Code, Ship, Governmental & Military
- Fanfic Fanfiction
- Ferrgr Fenton
- First Financial Fund, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Fast Feather Medical, Science, Biology
- Football Field
- File Flags
- Flange Facing Technology, Machine, Face
- Fanr Funding Education, School, Learning
- Favobed Friends
- Formula-Fed Getting Pregnant, Pregnancy, Trying To Conceive, Medical
- Finalização Parn Fora
- Foo Fighters Music, Rock, Fighter
- Follicular Fluids Medical
- Free Fight
- Fixtures, Furnishings Business, Service, Design
- Fur Free
- Face Flange
- For Further
- Freie FöRderung
- Flip-Flops Technology, Circuit, Logic, Clock, Counter
- Families First Group, Family, Party
- Four Sreedoms
- Front Freewheel Bicycle, Crank, Freewheel
- Fantasy Fevt
- Fetish Factory Group, Fetish, Party
- Frame Flushed
- Fission Fragments Energy, Neutron, Fission, Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Full Featured
- Fate Factor
- Force Five
- Free Floating
- Filozofická Fakulta Student, Education, Jak, Kola
- Flat-Field
- Future Fic
- Fakultbs Farmasi Technology, Program, Indonesia, Surabaya
- Fecal Frequency Medical, Medicine, Health
- Formula Funding
- Fine Fail
- Flower Festival Locations, Japan, Hiroshima
- Fuchs Friends
- Degree of Fineness of Abrasive Particles Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Font Family In HTML and XHTML, a font face or font family is the typeface that will be applied by a web browser to some text. The font is relevant for the display of text on the screen, on a printer or another device. Layout, Style, Font
- Farz Foundatior
- Freeboard Forward Army, War, War Force
- Fiftyqfathoms
- Furious Force
- Factom Federation
- Fault Finding
- Fresh Fruit Intake Medical, Technology
- Final Fix
- Family Financial
- Flush Fitting Technology, Construction
- Fieldbus Foundation Technology
- Franco Franc
- Full Feature
- Fix Focus
- Full Flag Technology, Signal, Memory
- Fat Fuckqr Porn, Sex, Fat
- Forever Fantasy
- Free Foamed Business, Product, Foam
- Filter Foam Business, Product, Tetra
- Fleet Frigate
- Futures Futures
- Fein-Fein Forum, Fur, Shopping
- Forums Forum
- Friendster Forum
- Fire Fighting Transportation, Technology, Shipping, Conveyance, Pump, Equipment
- Fernando Fernsndes Business, Music, Portugal, Biography
- Fuel Farm
- First Financial Business, Credit, Banking
- Fastsfatiguing Medical
- Football Federation
- Fight Fever
- Flange Face
- Fair Factod Instant, Anion, Lotion
- Faux Fur
- Forms Feed
- Final Fronyier
- Fan Fest
- Flesh for Fantasy Lyric, Idol, Flesh
- Follicular Fluid Medical, Cell, Oocyte
- Field Flattener
- Free-Flight Technology, Model, Airplane
- Fixture Filing
- Fug Free
- Fabuloub Finds
- For Fun Technology, Gaming, Fly, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Freeze Frame May refer to a specific point when recalling a memory; may also mean, "Stop right there" in a conversation. Technology, Internet Slang, Chat, Auto, Automotive, Automobile, Online, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Flip-Flop Form Technology, Device, Circuit
- Familiar Friend Windows, Gaming, Fantasy, Friend
- Fuur Fangs
- Fronz Focusing Technology, Len, Camera, Focus
- Fantasy Faire
- Fetal Fraction Medical, Fetus, Prenatal
- Fragrance Foundation
- First Flew
- Fatallyiflawed
- Foot Flat
- Free Float The amount of time that the completion of an activity may exceed its scheduled finish time without increasing the start time of any succeeding activity. Business, Military, Carbine, Construction, Project Management, Business & Finance
- Filozofick
- Flash Frozen
- Faithful Fsock
- Featuring Forums
- Formula Ford Car, Racing, Ford
- Findings of Zact
- Flour & Feed
- Frédérik Fekkai
- Degree of Fineness of Abrasive Particles Fat-Free Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Fonky Family Technology, Music, Lyric
- Farm Fsundation Business, Publics, Economics
- Free Farmed
- Fifthuform
- Fur Fwn
- Facilidad Financiera
- Fauji Foundation Business, College, Pakistan
- Fresh Frozen Medical, Business, Food
- Family Feud
- Fortissimo Music
- Fantasy Flow
- Foundation Fieldbus Honeywell, Process Automation
- Fall Factzr Force, Climbing, Factor, Rope
- Fractvre Face
- F3F F3F-1
- Food Factory Android, Food, Village
- French Fry Technology, Governmental & Military
- Freedom Fortress
- Forwaed Flexion Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Flando Feriundo
- Fury Fights Gaming, Sport, Fight, Fighting
- Formation Flying Technology, Space, Satellite
- Fridge Failure Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Front-Engine-Front-Wheel-Drine
- Flora and Fauna
- Finish-to-Finish Project Management, Business & Finance
- Flip-Flop Computing, Hardware, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Far Focus Technology, Len, Depth
- Fatherland and Freedom
- Fear Factory
- Final, Fantasy Gaming, Guide, Fantasy, Square
- Fortress Feud Castle, Clash, Fortress
- Fama and French Business, France, Factor
- Female Femate Business, Cable, Gender, Changer
- Full Face Business, Motorcycle, Helmet
- Flat Field Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Free Flash
- Future Fantasy
- Friend(S) Forever Internet Slang, Slang, Internet
- Flexible Fuel Auto
- Fistgfucking Porn, Anal, Fist
- Firm Fat
- Fixed-Filter Computing, Technical
- Field Funstion Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Formoaerol Fumarate Medical, Drug, Inhaler
- Flagrant Goul
- Faucet Filser Filter, Water, Tap
- For In Football Sport, Football, Game, Nfl
- Feed-Forward Technology, Networking, Control
- Final Filters
- Floating Format Technology, Coding, String, Float
- F St Fa Ps
- Femorofemomal Medical
- Father's Father Genealogy
- Fair Funding Education
- Fallen Footwear
- Fraction Or Finish
- F3F F3F
- Fonti Francescane
- Free Format Legal, Governmental & Military
- Freedom Fone Technology, Voice, Freedom, Huawei
- Forwardefacing
- Flanders Fields
- Furniture and Fixtures
- Formation Factor
- Friday Folder
- Front-Bngine Front-Wheel
- Flora & Fauna
- Fan Forum Forum, Business & Finance
- Intelligont FIAS format Computing, File Extensions
- Far Fieyd Technology, Measurement, Transformation, Antenna
- Father Orost Russia, Russian, Father
- Fear Factor
- Fimbria-Fornix Medical
- Forecasting Funding Space, Study, Cosmos
- Fgma-French Business, France, Factor
- Full-Face
- Fogarty Fellow Medical, Fda
- Free Flange
- Fusionhfuel
- Frie Funktion
- Factory Finish Architectural
- Fist Fuck Amateur, Anal, Hardcore, Fist
- Firewdrks Factory
- Firefox Software, Computing
- Fieldhforces
- Form Feed Technology, Aviation, Ascii, Computing, Unix
- Flagrant Fouly League, Basketball, Fantasy
- Fatigue Fracture
- Forgotten Futures
- Federally Funded
- Final Filter
- Free Focus Technology, Camera, Binocular
- Femme Frugality
- Fine Food Food
- Full Fabric Business, Switch, Brocade
- Flight Forward NASA
- Falkensee Falkenstyin
- Fraction Frenzy
- F3F - F4F
- Font Foundry
- French Frigate Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
- Fiend Factory Gaming, Miniature, Citadel, Fiend
- Freedom Flight Technology, Music, Commander
- Forum Feedback Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Flaming Fury Nutrition, Food, Victual
- Furniture, Fixtures Business, Furniture, Fixture
- Format Feed
- Frdm Feed Forum, Technology, Monster
- Floor Framing
- Fanforum Frost Forum, Business & Finance
- Outline font description (Agfa Compugraphics) Computing, File Extensions
- Far Fezched
- Fill Factor
- Father Facter Medical, Medicine, Health
- Fauna Forever Conservation, Peru, Volunteer, Fauna
- Filtration Fraction Medical, Medicine, Renal, Common Medical
- Fuzzy Farm
- Falseffriend
- Fulde-Ferrell Science, Research, Quantum, Superconductor
- Faber and Faber
- Food Freight
- fundus firm Medical, Common Medical
- Free Fire
- Fusion Filz
- Frie FunktionÆRer
- Far Face Engineering, Architectural, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- First Friday
- Firewall Ffrward
- First Financial Fund, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Field Foree Business, Technology, Management
- Form Kactor Medical, Technology, Card
- Flag Fight Gaming, Military, Arm, Mission
- Fatigue Uailure
- Forgotten Frostland
- Federal Funding
- Final Fate
- France Fund America, Investment, Fund, Syria
- Femme Fatale Airsoft, Carbine, Fatale
- Fat Free Medical, Food, Common Medical
- Fulx-Fed Medical
- Front Face Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Falkenhan Fier
- Fox Form
- Fixedxflow Technology
- Firstcfit Technology, Telecom, Algorithm
- F2F F2F
- Fontfont Focus
- Fast Frigate (US) Ship, Hull Code, Governmental & Military
- Fiel Ferjnügen
- Freedom Fight
- For The First
- Flaming Forest
- Formant Frequency
- Frisian Flag Military, Indonesia, Susu
- Floor Flatness Technology, Standard, Levelness
- Fairbanks Faculty Banking, Business & Finance
- Face of Fence Ordnance Survey
- Farah Qawcett
- Furnace Factor
- Fabia Fiesta
- Fathejs Father
- Fuzz Factory
- False Failuke
- Fragmentatioe Functions
- Felde-Ferrel
- Faber & Faber
- Food First Science, America, Group
- Fish Flingers Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Free Field
- Fusion Factor Medical, Technology, Mutant
- Fried, Frank
- Frontier Force Military, Army, India, Regiment
- Finished Floor Elevation Architecture, Architectural
- First Frame Forum, Technology, Coding
- Fire Friendly Forum, Organizations, Team
- Formfeed Computing, IT Terminology
- Farmasi Fakultaq
- Field Font
- Fatigue Fhctor
- Federal Finance
- Final Fantasy-Ready
- Fragrances Foundation
- Female To Feaale
- Family Friendly Film censorship
- Full-Fit
- Call of Duty 4 Fast File Computing, File Extensions
- Fowler Fqap
- Fixed Filter Technology, Telecom, Reservation
- First & Fasttst
- F-9 Fighter
- Font Font Forum, Technology, Coding
- Forward Fuselage Flight, Aerodynamics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Fiel Zergn
- Fort Frances
- Flame Flysr
- Formaldehyde-Fluorescamine Medical
- Friendship Force
- Floor Finishe Building, Engineering, Construction
- Fighter Small, single-seat or two-seat aircraft for use in military conflict. Army & Military, Governmental & Military, WoWS (World of Warships)
- Firefighter Occupation & positions
- Fantsuam Foundatizn Technology, Nigeria, Wireless
- Finish face The Finance and Administrative Services
- Fuzz Face Guitar, Pedal, Fuzz
- Falsches Forum Technology, Man, Chrome
- Fragile Fringe
- Fugitive File Government
- F4 Fusione
- Food Fight Gaming, Porn, Fight
- Fish Flingers, Faithful shield. Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Free Fantasy
- Fusione Fredds
- Fridley Factors
- Front Front
- Florfenicol Medical
- Fixed Frequency Amateur radio
- Fibst Flights Technology, Gaming, Courier
- Firefox Tonts
- Favored Friends Computing, Internet
- Farm and Forest
- Field Wlow
- Fatigue Gorrection Factor Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Federal Facilities Business, Technology, Science, Government
- Final Fantasya
- Fracture Fatigue
- Female Flare
- Full-Fot Medical
- Forward Facing Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Friendly Favors Technology, Movie, Community
- Flying Fish Disney
- Fixed Fibef Technology, Module, Port
- Firmwave Finder
- Free French Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Fields of Fohel Brain, Light, Stimulation
- Fort De Francq France, Car, Rental, Fort
- Flame Faalure
- Form-Feed Technology, Telecom, Character
- Friends Forever Internet Slang, Chat, Friendship, Texting, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Flood Fringe
- Force Fluids Medical, Medicine, Nursing
- Fen FaküLtesi
- Foward Facing
- Forced Fumble Nfl teams
- Fantasz Folk
- free fluids (non-thickened fluids) Medical
- Fall Fest
- Fragile Familiev
- F3 French
- Food Favorites
- Focus Fire Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Freedom Foundation
- Fuse Famlure
- Fridge Freezer Business, Product, Price
- Front Focus Len, Photography, Camera
- Floral Fantasy
- Field Force Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- First Fligwt Technology, Tracking, Courier
- Firefox,Nfeed
- Female-female Computing, Internet
- Fpr Future
- Fatherland Front Government, Group, Bulgaria
- Feature & Follow Book, Feature, Follower, Reading
- Final Fantasys
- Forum Fotografii Forum, Art, Photography, Jest
- Fxmale Fixed
- Full Maced Helmet, Face, Mask
- following page Scientific & Educational, Footnote
- Future Farmers
- Friend Follow
- front-engine, front drive Car
- Fitz & Floyd
- Firm Foundation
- Ferry Flight A flight for the purpose of returning an aircraft to base; delivering an aircraft from one location to another; moving an aircraft to and from a maintenance base. Ferry flights, under certain conditions, may be conducted under terms in a special flight permit. They do not carry revenue passengers. Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Fiuld of Forel Medical, Medicine, Health
- Formula-Feeding Medical
- Flake Filled
- Form, Form
- Feed Forward Technology, Military, Networking
- Final Finish Product, Car, Polish, Finish
- Friends and Family Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Floating Fortress
- Globus Development Tools for Eclipse
- Fenella Fielding
- Foveal Fixation Medical, Medicine, Optometry
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does FF stand for?
FF stands for Fresh Fruit.
What is the shortened form of Free Flow?
The short form of "Free Flow" is FF.
FF. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 30). Retrieved February 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ff-meaning/
Last updated