FF in Business Meaning

The FF meaning in Business terms is "Fast Food". There are 44 related meanings of the FF Business abbreviation.

FF on Business Full Forms

  1. Fast Food
  2. Freshofields
  3. Face Factor
  4. Frequent Flyer
  5. Fossil Fuel Fossil fuel is a general term for buried combustible geologic deposits of organic materials, formed from decayed plants and animals that have been converted to crude oil, coal, natural gas, or heavy oils by exposure to heat and pressure in the earth's crust over hundreds of millions of years.
  6. Full Flow A filter in which oil the fluid must pass through the filter element or medium.
  7. Ficsta Fit
  8. Fuel Filter A replaceable metal or plastic canister that prevents particulate matter and most contaminants in the fuel from reaching the engine.
  9. Female Future
  10. Frost Free
  11. Fresh Foodb
  12. Flanges & Fittings
  13. Free Float The amount of time that the completion of an activity may exceed its scheduled finish time without increasing the start time of any succeeding activity.
  14. Fernando Fernsndes
  15. Front Ferrule
  16. Fixtures, Furnishings
  17. Forex Factory
  18. First Financial
  19. Airshop
  20. Following
  21. Fauji Foundation
  22. Fresh Frozen
  23. Filter Foam
  24. Folios
  25. Fashion and Fabrio
  26. Fresh Food
  27. Filter Floss
  28. Furandformaldehyde
  29. Flow Function
  30. Farm Fsundation
  31. Free Foamed
  32. File Folder
  33. Flat Face
  34. Fancy Feast
  35. Free Flow Flow which encounters little resistance.
  36. Fama and French
  37. Fgma-French
  38. Female Femate
  39. Fridge Freezer
  40. Furniture, Fixtures
  41. Full Fabric
  42. Federal Facilities
  43. Field Foree
  44. Full Face

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FF stand for Business?

    FF stands for Filter Floss in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Free Flow in Business?

    The short form of "Free Flow" is FF for Business.


FF in Business. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 30). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ff-meaning-in-business/

Last updated