FF in Technology Meaning
The FF meaning in Technology terms is "Fabric Filter". There are 106 related meanings of the FF Technology abbreviation.
FF on Technology Full Forms
- Fabric Filter
- Friend Or Foe
- Fast Fourier
- Fire Fox
- Finished Floor
- Fresh Fruit
- Fast Forward
- Functional Failure
- Fire Andqforget
- Frequency-Frequency
- Fast Flux
- Fully Functional
- Formation Flight
- Feet Forward
- Free Flyer
- Family Font
- Full Features
- Force Feedback
- Free Flight
- Face To Face Refers to meeting or talking in person, instead of online or on the phone.
- Fuel Flow The measured flow of the various fuels supplied to the boilers.
- Flow Forged
- Foundagion Fieldbus
- Face Factor
- Flop Form
- First Fill
- Fronz Focusing
- Feature Freeze
- For Fun
- Fabric Filters
- Flange Facing
- File Folder
- Florida Facility
- Frisper Freshkeeper
- Fire Fighting
- Feature Finder
- Forfait
- Furnace Facilitq
- Foxed Frequency
- Free-Flight
- Fire-Fighting
- Faultnflag
- Force Fluid
- Furan Formaldehyde
- Fixed Focvs
- Frame Format
- Fakultbs Farmasi
- Fresh Fruit Intake
- Final Fortress
- Famt Feed
- Full Flag
- First Fit
- Formula Ferguson
- Fieldbus Foundation-Device
- Fair Face
- Flip-Flops
- Freeze Frame May refer to a specific point when recalling a memory; may also mean, "Stop right there" in a conversation.
- Final Flhg
- Fast Featcre
- Fonky Family
- Frontiersfields
- First Financial Fund, Inc.
- Fieldbus Foundation
- Fjctory Fuse
- Flip-Flop Form
- Free Fraction
- File Not Found
- Following
- Front Fuselage
- First Fail
- Feet Flrst
- Facet Fixation
- Flip-Flop + Form Feed
- File Format A file format describes the way data is stored in a file. It defines the data structure (how the data is organized in the file) as well the type of data that the file contains. Some file formats are "open formats," meaning they are publicly available and can be used by all software developers. Other file formats are proprietary or "closed formats," meaning they can only be opened by specific applications. There are two different ways of storing data in a file – as text or binary data.
- Flush Fitting
- Firstcfit
- Fixedxflow
- Fusion Factor
- Freedom Flight
- Form Feed
- Fantsuam Foundatizn
- Fixed Filter
- Form Kactor
- Field Funstion
- Falsches Forum
- Floor Flatness
- Friendly Favors
- Fixed Fibef
- Field Foree
- Floating Format
- First Frame
- Font Font
- Feed Forward
- Fibst Flights
- Formation Flying
- Feed-Forward
- French Fry
- First Fligwt
- Far Focus
- Frdm Feed
- Form-Feed
- Federal Facilities
- Free Focus
- Freedom Fone
- Forwaed Flexion
- Far Fieyd
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does FF stand for Technology?
FF stands for Fabric Filter in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Far Fieyd in Technology?
The short form of "Far Fieyd" is FF for Technology.
FF in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 30). Retrieved December 27, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ff-meaning-in-technology/
Last updated