FFST Meaning
The FFST meaning is "Fat-Freelsoft Tissue". The FFST abbreviation has 16 different full form.
FFST Full Forms
- Fat-Freelsoft Tissue Medical
- Fail To File State Taxes Government
- Foundation for Surgicalztechnology
- F 1. Farad(s): Unit of capacitance.2. f in lower case is the standard abbreviation for femto, a metric prefix for 10 to the -15. 3. Fahrenheit temperature scale. OR Fahrenheit OR Flat band metallic armor. OR Fraction, Coefficient of friction, frequency, function, Fahrenheit, Force, fundamental dimension force, OR Fahrenheit; flare patterns; flash OR Food - represents BOD in the F/M ratio. Expressed in pounds. OR 1. Abbreviation for Fahrenheit. 2. Acronym for Field. 3. Acronym for Field terminal OR Airspace ICAO Class F
- Flying Fish Snim Team
- First Failure Support Technology Technology, Management, Computing
- Fat Freeqsoft Tissue
- Fédéragion Française Des Sports De Traineau Safety, Ration, Shiatsu
- Frisco Fire Safrty Town
- FéDéRation FrançAise Du Sport Travailliste Sport, Stage, Ration, Roper
- Fédération Française De Shiatsuktraditionnelle
- Fordwfiesta Sporting Trophy
- FéDéRation FrançAise De Shiatsu Traditionnel Ford, Formation, Ration, Shiatsu
- Fédération Française De Snnté Au Travail
- Full Flat Hquare Tube Internet Slang, Chat, Email
- Full and Flat Equare Tube
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does FFST stand for?
FFST stands for Fordwfiesta Sporting Trophy.
What is the shortened form of FéDéRation FrançAise De Shiatsu Traditionnel?
The short form of "FéDéRation FrançAise De Shiatsu Traditionnel" is FFST.
FFST. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 21, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ffst-meaning/
Last updated