FGF Meaning

The FGF meaning is "Fibroblast Growth Factor". The FGF abbreviation has 58 different full form.

FGF Full Forms

  1. Fibroblast Growth Factor Medical, Biology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biotechnology, Physiology, Scientific & Educational
  2. Fibroblast Growth Factor-2 Medical, Science, Genetics, Cell
  3. Feel Good Farms Spring, Farm, Airsoft, Autumn
  4. FöRderkreis GrüNdungs-Forschung Business, Research, Entrepreneurship
  5. Film Guarantee Fund
  6. Faculdade Gama Filho
  7. Fresh Gas Flow Medical, Anesthesia, Circuit
  8. Feel Good Factor Business, Health, Lymphatic
  9. Full Gospel Fellowship
  10. Field Gun Factory
  11. Factors Include Fibroblast Growth Factor Science, Biology
  12. Free Gladium Fondation
  13. Fisherman'S Guaranty Fund
  14. Feel-Good Factor
  15. Full Gallop Farm
  16. Fibroblasts Growth Factor Medical
  17. Future Generation Fund Business, Investment, Kuwait
  18. Fortune Global Forum Business, China, Chengdu
  19. First Growth Funds
  20. Federação Goiana De Futebol
  21. Frie Grundskolers F
  22. Fibroblastic Growth Factors Medical, Receptor, Fibroblast
  23. Fibroblast Growth Factor Family Medical
  24. For Growth Factors
  25. First Generation Firebird
  26. Farmers Growing Farmers
  27. Frie Grundskolers FÆLlesrÅD
  28. Fibroblast Growth Factors Medical, Science, Medicine, Biology, Cell, Receptor
  29. Fibroblastic Growth Factor Medical, Science, Biology
  30. Fingerless Gloves Fanatics
  31. Family of Growth Factors Medical, Cell, Fibroblast
  32. Fresh Grounded Faith
  33. Feel Good Friday
  34. Fine Guy Friday Communication, Chat, Online
  35. Faculdade Grande Fortaleza
  36. Fresh Gas Flows Medical
  37. Fitzgerald Griffin Foundation
  38. Food Glorious Food Nutrition, Food, Victual
  39. FéDéRation Des GéOmèTres Francophones
  40. Fishing Gene Family
  41. Fundi
  42. Food Gardens Foundation
  43. Future Generations Fund Business, Investment, Kuwait
  44. Flue Gas Fan
  45. Fondation Pour Les G
  46. Future Generation Foundation Business, Egypt, Vector
  47. Fighting Gamecocks Forum Forum, Business & Finance
  48. Fondation Pour Les GéNéRations Futures
  49. Fundição Global Foundry
  50. First Growth Funds Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  51. Focused Games Framework
  52. The Fibroblastic Growth Factor Science, Biology
  53. Forest Guardians Forums Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  54. FéDéRation GéNéRale Des Fonctionnaires Service, Publics, Force
  55. Flash Gallery Factory
  56. Known Fibroblast Growth Factor Science, Biology
  57. Forest Governance Facility
  58. FéDéRation GuinéEnne De Football

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FGF stand for?

    FGF stands for Fundi.

  2. What is the shortened form of FöRderkreis GrüNdungs-Forschung?

    The short form of "FöRderkreis GrüNdungs-Forschung" is FGF.


FGF. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fgf-meaning/

Last updated