FGS Meaning

The FGS meaning is "Fine Guidance Sensor". The FGS abbreviation has 92 different full form.

FGS Full Forms

  1. Fine Guidance Sensor Science, Space, Telescope, NASA
  2. Final Governing Standards Military, Logistics
  3. Female Genital Schistosomiasis Medical, Disease, Health
  4. Federation of Genealogical Societies Organizations, Genealogy, Genealogical
  5. Flight Guidance System Same as FGC Technology, Aviation, Aircraft
  6. Federal Government of Somalia Government, Military
  7. Fine Guidance System Technology, Science, Space, NASA
  8. Federal German Ship Military, Ship Name, Nation Ship Prefix
  9. Fine Guidance Sensors Science, Astronomy, Astronomical Instrument, Scientific & Educational
  10. Function Generators A Function Generator is used to generate electrical waveforms for testing purposes and signaling applications. Technology, Analog, Electronics, Signal, Frequency
  11. Felicity Grounding System Technology, Telecom
  12. Floating Gas Solutions Business, Company, Armada, Keppel
  13. Fundação GonçAlo Da Silveira
  14. Fine Grain Scalability Technology
  15. For Goodness Shakes
  16. Florida Gourd Society
  17. Facchina Global Services
  18. Fine Granularity Scalability Technology, Coding, Rate
  19. Frameless Glass Systems
  20. Feinberg Graduate School
  21. Flint Genealogical Society
  22. Full Genomic Sequence Science, Genetics, Genealogy
  23. Fine Grained Scalability Technology, Coding, Streaming
  24. Female Genital Surgery
  25. Florida Geriatrics Society
  26. Fellow of The Geographical Society
  27. Fine-Granularity-Scalability Technology, Coding, Transmission
  28. Foundation for Global Scholars Program, Education, Study, Scholarship
  29. Federazione Giovanile Socialista
  30. First Gear Switch
  31. Full Genome Sequencing
  32. Fine-Grained Scalable
  33. Fellow of The Geological Society Technology, Science, London
  34. Florida Genealogical Society
  35. Florida Geological Survey Technology, Science, Florida, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  36. Fine-Granular-Scalable Technology, Coding, Frame, Enhancement
  37. Foundation for Global Sustainability
  38. Federation of German Scientists
  39. Fire Ground Survival Military, Training, Firefighter
  40. Full Genome Sequence
  41. Fine-Grain-Scalability
  42. Fellow, Geological Society Research, Education, University
  43. Florida Gastroenterologic Society
  44. Fine-Granularity-Scalable
  45. Forward Guard Shield
  46. Federation of Genealogical Society
  47. Fire and Gas Systems
  48. Freedom Graphic Systems
  49. Fellow of The Geological Society of London Education, Professional Qualification, United Kingdom, Qualification, Computing
  50. Flooding Gateway Selection
  51. Fine-Granular-Scalability Technology, Coding, Streaming
  52. Forschungsgruppe SatellitengeodäSie Science
  53. Focal and Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis Medical
  54. Fachleute Geomatik Schweiz
  55. Fire and Gas System Technology, Safety, Control, Honeywell, Process Automation
  56. Frankfurt Graduate School
  57. Fellow, Geological Society of London Fellowship, Fellow, Professional Title, Title
  58. Flood Guidance Statement
  59. Fine-Granular Scalability Technology, Coding, Streaming
  60. Formal Genesis Syndrome Medical, Medicine, Health, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  61. Focal and Segmental Glomerulosclerosis Medical, Common Medical
  62. Facebook Game Simplifier Technology, Gaming, Chrome
  63. Fire and Gas Safety
  64. Franchise Growth Systems
  65. Fibroid Growth Study
  66. Fondo De GarantíA De Sustentabilidad Para, Argentina, Con
  67. For Goodness Sake Technology, Sms, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  68. Fence and Gate Shop
  69. Elitellina Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  70. Fibrogastroscopy Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  71. Fondo De GarantíA Salarial
  72. For Gods Sake
  73. Fuzzy Gain Scheduling
  74. Fibrogastroscopy Focal Glomerular Sclerosis Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  75. Focus On The Global South
  76. For God Sake
  77. Future Game Simulation
  78. Fiber Guide System
  79. Focus Group Solutions
  80. Forestry Grant Scheme Business, Funding, Scotland
  81. Fusion Goggle System
  82. Fiber Glass Systems
  83. Focal Segmental Glomerular Sclerosis Medical, Disease, Kidney
  84. Financial Graphic Services
  85. Force Generation Service Business, Corps, Services
  86. Fusion Global Services
  87. Ferriman-Gallwey Score Medical
  88. Final Governing Standard Military, Army, Equipment
  89. Food Grade Silicone Business, Shopping, Nozzle
  90. Funding for Growth Scheme Business, Banking, Economics, Hungary
  91. Focal Glomerular Sclerosis Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  92. Ferenbalm-Gurbrü Station

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FGS stand for?

    FGS stands for Facchina Global Services.

  2. What is the shortened form of Full Genome Sequencing?

    The short form of "Full Genome Sequencing" is FGS.


FGS. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 14). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/fgs-meaning/

Last updated