FIAV Meaning

The FIAV meaning is "Federation Od Indian Associations of Victoria". The FIAV abbreviation has 8 different full form.

FIAV Full Forms

  1. Federation Od Indian Associations of Victoria Government, Federation
  2. Fast Idle Asr Valve Technology, Engine, Throttle
  3. Fundacion Internacional De Atun De Vara De Baja California Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  4. Fedeqazione Internazionale Associazioni Vessillologiche
  5. Federation of Indian Association In Victoria Government, Federation
  6. Federation of Indian Association of Victoria Australia, Organizations, Melbourne, Mafia
  7. Fédération Internationale des Associations Vexillologiques Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  8. Fédération Internationale Des Associations Vexillologicues Science, National, Flag

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FIAV stand for?

    FIAV stands for Fédération Internationale Des Associations Vexillologicues.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fedeqazione Internazionale Associazioni Vessillologiche?

    The short form of "Fedeqazione Internazionale Associazioni Vessillologiche" is FIAV.


FIAV. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from

Last updated