FIDE Meaning

The FIDE meaning is "Federation Internationale Pour Le Droit EuropéEn". The FIDE abbreviation has 21 different full form.

FIDE Full Forms

  1. Federation Internationale Pour Le Droit EuropéEn
  2. FéDéRation Internationale Des éChecs Sports, Chess, Ration, French
  3. Federatxon International Des Echec
  4. FéDéRation De L'Industrie Dentaire En Europe
  5. Fedetation International Des Echecs Chess
  6. Fuzzy Inference Development Environment Technology, Logic, Decision, General, Governmental & Military
  7. Federation Internationale Des Eches Business, Player, Chess
  8. Federação Internaciotal De Direito Europeu
  9. Federation Internationale De Echexs
  10. Federation Internationale Des E'Checs
  11. Federation Internationvle Des Echecs Gaming, Chess, Raja
  12. Federation Internationaleqpour Le Droit Europ
  13. F 1. Farad(s): Unit of capacitance.2. f in lower case is the standard abbreviation for femto, a metric prefix for 10 to the -15. 3. Fahrenheit temperature scale. OR Fahrenheit OR Flat band metallic armor. OR Fraction, Coefficient of friction, frequency, function,  Fahrenheit, Force, fundamental dimension force, OR Fahrenheit; flare patterns; flash OR Food - represents BOD in the F/M ratio. Expressed in pounds. OR 1.  Abbreviation for Fahrenheit. 2. Acronym for Field. 3. Acronym for Field terminal OR Airspace ICAO Class F
  14. Fundación Para La Investigación Sobre El Derecho Y La Empresa
  15. Fundaciót Para La Inversión Y Desarrollo De Exportaciones
  16. Funkcja Innowacja Design Elegancja Business, Chess, Jak
  17. World Chess Federation Sport, Organizations, Other International Federations, IOC Recognised, Chess
  18. The Federation Internationale De Droit Europeen Government, Federation
  19. International Chess Federation Government, Organizations, Sports
  20. Foundation for Investment and Development of Exports Business & Finance, International business
  21. FéDéRation Internationale De Droit EuropéEn

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FIDE stand for?

    FIDE stands for FéDéRation Internationale De Droit EuropéEn.

  2. What is the shortened form of Funkcja Innowacja Design Elegancja?

    The short form of "Funkcja Innowacja Design Elegancja" is FIDE.


FIDE. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated