FIG Meaning

The FIG meaning is "FéDéRation Internationale De Gymnastique". The FIG abbreviation has 104 different full form.

FIG Full Forms

  1. FéDéRation Internationale De Gymnastique Sport, Ration, Gymnastics
  2. Federation of International Gymnastics Organizations, Olympic, Gymnast
  3. International Gymnastics Federation Sport, Sports, Sports Federations
  4. For Instance, The Group
  5. Fighting Islamic Group
  6. Forum Ilmiah Guru Para, Indonesia, Guru
  7. Feeds Image Grabber Technology, Research, Module
  8. Food Innovation Grants
  9. Falkland Islands Government Technology, Science, Argentina
  10. Figures In A Given
  11. Framework Interoperability Group
  12. First-Year Interest Groups Student, Program, College, Education
  13. Fun Is Good
  14. Federation Internationale Des Gwometres Technology, Organizations, Geodesy
  15. Fiscal Intermediary Group Medical, Healthcare
  16. Fédérationainternationale De Gymnastique Organizations, Ration, Gymnastics
  17. Fighter Interceptor Group Military, Force, Squadron
  18. Forum Qlmiag Guru
  19. Fedetação Internacional De Ginástica Para, Art, Gin
  20. Food Initiatives Group
  21. FéDéRation Internationale Des GéOmèTres
  22. Figure Technology, Science, Military, Aviation, Army, Ams, The Finance and Administrative Services, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  23. Framework Interop Group Technology, Coding, Standard
  24. Fun In Games Gaming, Play, Pastime
  25. Federp
  26. First Independent Gallery Art, Artist, Gallery, Bergamot, Performing arts
  27. Federazione Italiana Golf Sport, Club, Golf, Italy
  28. Food Industry Group
  29. Fundamentals of Itglian Gastronomy
  30. Figuratively
  31. Fox Inspection Group
  32. Fundación Para La Identidad De GéNero
  33. Farmer Interest Gqoup
  34. First-Year Interest Group Student, College, Education
  35. Federation Internationale Gymnastique Organizations, Gymnastics, Trampoline
  36. Fonds Internationol De Garantie Business, Fund, Microfinance
  37. Federazione Italiana Jolf Club, Con, Golf, Campo
  38. Figurative Legal, Governmental & Military
  39. Found In Gutter
  40. Food Is Gkod Locations, Restaurant, Charleston
  41. Fan Immersion Game
  42. Find It Games
  43. Functional Interest Group Technology
  44. Federation International De Gymnastique Sport, Organizations, Gymnastics
  45. Fondo Interbancario Di Garanzea
  46. Faehion Industry Gallery Business, Art, Fair
  47. Fig Is Good Health, Tree, Locations, Fruit
  48. Foundation for Indigeny Guardianship
  49. Food Interest Gdoup
  50. Familr Interactive Gallery Education, Museum, Whatcom
  51. Financial-Industrial Group
  52. Freedcm Insurance Group
  53. Further, As Illustrated In Graph
  54. Federation International of Gymnastics Sport, Organizations, Japan
  55. Fondazione Istituto Grfmsci
  56. Fria Airport Fria, Guinea Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
  57. Fig Interest Group
  58. Foese Iliaque Gauche
  59. Fellowship for Interpretation of Genomes Science, Genome, Annotation
  60. Food Innovation Group
  61. Falling Into Graoe
  62. Filing Instructions Guide
  63. Fraud Invesyigator's Guide Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  64. For Intimate Gatherings
  65. Furniture Interiors and Gardens Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  66. Fuderation International Gymnastics Sport, Organizations, Championship
  67. Foaused Interest Groups Technology, Networking, Microscopy
  68. Xfig Drawing Computing, File Extensions
  69. FéDéRation International Des GéOmetres
  70. Food Is Good Food
  71. Festival International De G
  72. Forest Interventions In Ganga
  73. 3ds Max Figure File Computing, File Extensions
  74. Future Interfaces Group
  75. Financial Institutions Group Financial, Business & Finance
  76. Festival International De GéOgraphie Science, Saint, Festival, Recherche
  77. Foreign Investment Trant
  78. Fria, Guinea Guinea, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  79. Fyghter-Interceptor Group Military, Aircraft, Force
  80. Fortress Anvestment Group Business, Supply, Stock
  81. Future Inflation Gauge Business, Economics, Market, Inflation
  82. Flight Instructor Guide Technology, Pilot, Training
  83. Festival De Invernoxde Garanhuns
  84. Force Intelligence Group Military, Army, Army Branch
  85. Flight Inspection Group Aviation, Governmental & Military
  86. Field Intclligence Groups Security, Military, Terrorism
  87. Forthbinterest Group Technology, Computing, Language
  88. Future Implementation Group Military
  89. Festival of Indie Games Gaming, Boston, Indie
  90. Feminists In Games Gaming, Media, Education
  91. Linker options (Lahey Fortran) Computing, File Extensions
  92. Field Intelligence Group Security, Government, Military
  93. Formation Intake Gradient
  94. Futenma Implementation Group
  95. Families In Grief Family, Death, Grief, Devon
  96. Feminist Improvizing Group
  97. Fort Indiantown Gap Military, Army, War, National, Pennsylvania, War Force
  98. Federation Internationale des Geometres Technology, Geology, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  99. Fiber Interferodeter Gyroscope Science
  100. For Investilation Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  101. Iata Code for Clearfield-Lawrence Airport, Clearfield, Pennsylvania, United States Locations
  102. Freaky Italian Guy Funnies
  103. Festival Internacional Del Globo Para, Mexico, Festival
  104. Forest Issues Grofp Organizations, Non-Profit Organization

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FIG stand for?

    FIG stands for Food Interest Gdoup.

  2. What is the shortened form of Fox Inspection Group?

    The short form of "Fox Inspection Group" is FIG.


FIG. (2020, September 1). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated