FIL in Technology Meaning

The FIL meaning in Technology terms is "Filament". There are 7 related meanings of the FIL Technology abbreviation.

FIL on Technology Full Forms

  1. Filament The coil that is present inside a bulb which leads to illumination when current is passed through it. A thin thread. A wire of high melting point heated by the passage of current inside a vacuum tube, incandescent lamp or other similar device. 1) Fiber characterized by extreme length. 2) The resistance wire through which filament current is sent in a thermionic tube to produce the heat required for electron emissions.
  2. Feria Internacional Del Libro
  3. Filipino
  4. Fiber In The Loop
  5. Farnborough International Ltd
  6. Fillet A concave corner piece used on foundry patterns, a radius joint replacing sharp inside corners. OR A narrow band with a vertical face. Fillets are often interposed between curved mouldings. OR A curved face where a rib meets a wall, intended to improve the flow of material and eliminate mechanical stress concentrations on the finished part.
  7. Fil Log

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FIL stand for Technology?

    FIL stands for Fiber In The Loop in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Feria Internacional Del Libro in Technology?

    The short form of "Feria Internacional Del Libro" is FIL for Technology.


FIL in Technology. (2021, October 26). Retrieved January 22, 2025 from

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