FIMI Meaning

The FIMI meaning is "Federation of Indian Mineral Industry". The FIMI abbreviation has 21 different full form.

FIMI Full Forms

  1. Federation of Indian Mineral Industry Business, India, Ore
  2. Federation of Indian Mineral Industries Business, India, Mining, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  3. Faculdades Integradas Maria Imaculada
  4. First Israel Mezzanine Investors
  5. Federazione Industria Musicale Italiana Technology, Music, Italy
  6. Financial Information Management, Inc. Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  7. Fabbrica Impianti Macchine Industriali
  8. Faderation of Indian Mining Industries
  9. Fabbrica Impianti Macchine Industrijli
  10. Federation of Indian Minerals Industries
  11. Federation of The Italian Music Industry Business, Italy, Album, Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  12. Fellow of the Institute of the Motor Industry Awards & medals
  13. Foro Internacional De Mujeres Ind
  14. Financial Information Management Pncorporated
  15. Foro Internacional De Mujeres IndíGenas
  16. Financial Informatlon Management, Inc
  17. Film In Malaysia Incentive Business, Production, Malaysia
  18. Fetal and Infant Morhality Information Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  19. Feria Internacional Mcda Infantil
  20. Free Indeed Ministries International Religion
  21. Frequent Itemset Mining Implementations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FIMI stand for?

    FIMI stands for Foro Internacional De Mujeres IndíGenas.

  2. What is the shortened form of Frequent Itemset Mining Implementations?

    The short form of "Frequent Itemset Mining Implementations" is FIMI.


FIMI. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from

Last updated