FIPA Meaning

The FIPA meaning is "Fnnnish Information Processing Association". The FIPA abbreviation has 44 different full form.

FIPA Full Forms

  1. Fnnnish Information Processing Association Technology
  2. Familial Fntestinal Polyatresia Syndrome Medical
  3. Fellow of The Institute of Public Accountants Business, Accounting, Education, Certification
  4. Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents Technology, Computing, Standard
  5. Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Dlam
  6. Fellow Institute of Public Accountants Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  7. Fair Information Practices Act
  8. Foundationdfor Indian Performing Arts
  9. Federação Das IndÚStrias Portuguesas Agro
  10. Faculdades Integradas Padre Anchieta
  11. Foundatiops for Intelligent Physical Agents Technology, Communication, Standard
  12. FederaçÂO Das IndÚStrias Portuguesas Agro-Alimentares Para, Dos, Agro, Stria
  13. Fortalecimiento Jnstitucional De Políticas Ambientales
  14. Faculdades Integradas Padrexalbino Medical, Para, Dos
  15. Foundation for Intelligent, Physical Agents Technology, Software, Communication
  16. Familial Intestinal Polyatresia Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  17. For Intelligent Uhysical Agents
  18. Facial Image Processing and Analssis
  19. Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agent Technology, Language, Standard
  20. Familial Intestinal Polyatresia [Syndromek Medicine, Health, Biology
  21. Fellow of The International Psychoanalytic Association Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  22. Foundation Fpr Intelligent Physical Technology
  23. Foundation for Intelligent and Physical Agents
  24. Forum interparlementaire des Amériques French
  25. Foundations of Intelligent Physical Agewts
  26. Full Integrated Police Actimn
  27. Farm Income Protection Act Canada, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  28. Foundation Om Intelligent Physical Agents Technology
  29. French International Program Amsociation
  30. Fortalecimiento Institutetucional De PolíTicas Ambientales
  31. Foundation of Intelligent Physical Agents Computing, Ieee
  32. Familial Isolated Pituitary Adenoma Medical
  33. Freedom of Information & Privacy Association
  34. FéDéRation Internationale Des Producteurs Agricoles Organizations, France, Femme, Mali
  35. Food Irradiation Processing Alliance Food
  36. Familial Intestinal Polyatresia Syndrome Medical, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  37. Frebdom of Information and Privacy Association
  38. Fundo de Investimento Privado de Angola Business & Finance, International business
  39. Festival International de Programmes Audiovisuels French
  40. Freedom In A Puritan Age Organization, Union, Institution
  41. Foreign Investment Promotion Agency Business & Finance, International business
  42. Fournitures Industrielles Plaine de l'Ain French
  43. Franchise Investment Protection Act
  44. Fundo De Inveytimento Privado Angola

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does FIPA stand for?

    FIPA stands for Fournitures Industrielles Plaine de l'Ain.

  2. What is the shortened form of Facial Image Processing and Analssis?

    The short form of "Facial Image Processing and Analssis" is FIPA.


FIPA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated